How to Validate Associated Model Id

how to validate associated model id?

You should look into creating a custom validation method:

class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :course_id, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true }
validate :validate_course_id


def validate_course_id
errors.add(:course_id, "is invalid") unless Course.exists?(self.course_id)

First, your model will make sure that the course_id is a valid integer, and then your custom validation will make sure that the course exists in the database.

Validating associated models in Rails


validates :measurement, inclusion: { in: ->(record) { } }

validates is a method defined on a class, and is being evaluated when a class is declared. Normally, when inclusion values are known before program starts (and are static), passing value is sufficient - validator (which is being created when validates is called) simply saves the passed object and uses it when validating.

In your case the inclusion values are unknown at the point when validator is created (and they also depends on the validating object). Hence, you need to pass a lambda, so validator can use it to get inclusion values during a runtime.

Note also, that validator object is attached to a class, not to a particular instance, so lambda needs to have record param.

How do I validate an association value is present in Rails?

Please try using custom validation

class User < ApplicationRecord
validate :company_aum_id_present, if: :provider?

private def company_aum_id_present
self.errors[:aum_id] << 'Assets Under Management is required.' if company && company.aum_id.blank?

Also When usin custom validator you dont need to include ActiveModel::Validations as it is already included by ApplicationRecord

Ruby on Rails - Validate attribute with Associated Model attribute

You will need to add custom validation

class ModelA < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many: :model_b

class ModelB < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to : model_a
validates :is_between_parent_period


def is_between_parent_period
unless start_date.between?(self.model_a.start_date, self.model_a.end_date) && end_date.between?(self.model_a.start_date, self.model_a.end_date)
errors.add(:base, 'Must be between parent start date and end date')

Rails 4: Difference between validates presence on id or association

Investigating further, I found that the 'presence' validator resolves to 'add_on_blank':

def add_on_blank(attributes, options = {})
Array(attributes).each do |attribute|
value = @base.send(:read_attribute_for_validation, attribute)
add(attribute, :blank, options) if value.blank?

This does what it says: adds a validation error if the property in question is blank?

This means it's simply an existence check. So if I validate an id, that id has to exist. That means:

topping.pancake =

would return false. However:

topping.pancake_id = -12

would return true. On the other hand, if I validate the object the exact opposite would be true. Unless -12 is a valid index, in which case ActiveRecord would automatically load it from the database on receipt of the 'pancake' message.

Moving on to my issue, further investigation showed that blank? delegates to empty?, and indeed someone had defined empty? on the pancake, returning true if there are no toppings.

Culprit found, and something about Rails learned.

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