How to Configure an Extra/Different Migrations Folder

How to configure an extra/different migrations folder

Update for Rails 5/6;

Rails 5 recommends setting additional migration paths in your config/database.yml file. It's very easy, see this example;

- "db/migrate/other_db"
- "db/migrate/something_else"

ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_path= will be deprecated in Rails 6.

How to change the output folder for migrations with Core?

dotnet ef migrations add Initial --context EsportshubApi.Models.ApplicationDbContext -o YourFolderPath

dotnet ef migrations add

Adds a new migration.


<NAME>The name of the migration.

Enable-migration change location of migration folder

If anyone is interested in how I actually managed to change the migrations folder via the package manager console, I added an extra line to the command:

enable-migrations -ContextProjectName DAL -ContextTypeName Context -ProjectName DAL

I found the solution by looking at the command references found here

How is the location of the migrations folder determined?

The migrations folder of the add migration commands is determined by the respective output directory argument of the command (--output-dir or -o for CLI dotnet ef migrations add and -OutputDir for PMC Add-Migration). And as explained in the documentation of the both commands:

The directory use to output the files. Paths are relative to the target project directory. Defaults to "Migrations".

So you have to provide that parameter, for instance

Add-Migration SomeMigration -OutputDir Data\Migrations

Note that this would also change the migrations classes namespace.

Now, the cool thing not mentioned in the documentation is that you have to do that only once, because the next add migration commands actually default to the last migration folder.

With that being said, the best is to specify this for the very first migration you are adding.

In case you want to modify the existing project with already added migrations like shown in the question, then manually move the whole root "Migrations" folder to "Data", then optionally change the namespace of all .cs files inside (including the .designer.cs) to namespace {RootNamespace}.Data.Migrations, and you are done. The next migrations will be added there without the need of specifying the folder.

How to specify folder for laravel migrations?

When creating new migrations and executing your migrations, you can pass in a path parameter through the command line interface to specify the directory it will use to create and run the migrations respectively.

php artisan make:migration create_users_table --path=/path/to/your/migration/directory

php artisan migrate --path=/path/to/your/migration/directory

How do I enable EF migrations for multiple contexts to separate databases?

The 2nd call to Enable-Migrations is failing because the Configuration.cs file already exists. If you rename that class and file, you should be able to run that 2nd Enable-Migrations, which will create another Configuration.cs.

You will then need to specify which configuration you want to use when updating the databases.

Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName MyRenamedConfiguration

How to add Extra properties to migration in .net core razor pages without deleting the previous migration or database in EF core

Updating with Code First Approach takes little extra care w.r.t Database First Approach.

Initially, you must enable migrations for the project

Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName DBNAME.StoreContext

This will create a migration folder with the Configuration.cs file.
Next, we need to make our migration run. This is where you need to add an extra step to an existing database. If we create a migration now, it will attempt to add all our entities to the database. This will not work because other tables already exist in the database, so we need to create an initial blank migration and then later we will be able to add a migration for any new changes. To create blank migration execute this command

Add-Migration InitialCreate -IgnoreChanges

The key part of this command is the -IgnoreChanges flag, which ensures that migration is created that effectively does nothing. Running it will add an entry to the migrations table in the database, thus creating a snapshot of its original schema.

Next, run the update-database command to update the existing database with the initial migration. A new migrations table will now have been created in the DBNAME database.

Following this, you can add your properties, and after that execute this statement
Add-Migration add_classname_propertyname

After that run, the update-database command and you are good to go.

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