Can't Convert Fixnum to String During Rake Db:Create

Can't convert fixnum to string during rake db:create

The YAML parser has to guess what data type each value in your database.yml file is, without any other contextual information.

As such, it probably considers your password value of 123 to be an integer.

Trying forcing the string interpretation:

password: "123"

Can't convert from Fixnum into String

Almost every object, going all the way up to Object, contains a to_s method on it. #=> "#<Object:0x1668fa8>"

This means that your problem isn't in the to_s method that is getting called by <%= ... %>.

Looking at the event.rb file in the rmeetup gem, you'll notice:

self.time = DateTime.parse(event['time'])

This means that the instance variable you are calling with result.time is of the type DateTime. Also note that it is getting set by using DateTime.parse which takes a string. So what happens when you pass a Fixnum to DateTime.parse?

DateTime.parse(42) #=> 'no implicit conversation of Fixnum into String'

According to the MeetUp API, the time is returned as:

UTC start time of the event, in milliseconds since the epoch

The original RMeetup gem was last updated 5 years ago. Are you using a more recent fork? If not, it could be that the gem has simply broken as new APIs are released by MeetUp. I would suggest either finding a more up-to-date gem for accessing the MeetUp API or fork the gem and make your own alterations.

Can't convert Fixnum into String - Devise/sessions Controller issue

Ok so I finally found the answer. The db got corrupt. Once I dumped the entire db, deleted the db file and re-created everything - I was good to go.


I just hope I can figure out a way to prevent that from happening in production.

Getting error Can't convert FixNum into Array

The following line should return a ActiveRecord::Relation into qty:

qty = =>, :product_id =>

You should use qty.count instead: qty.count == 0

Also, you can't add a ActiveRecord::Relation with 1 like this: qty+1. It will give you the error message you had.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but I suggest you use the debugger gem to help you troubleshoot your problem. Follow the guide here to setup, it's very simple to setup:

Then, place debugger in your code:

    product = Product.find(params[:product_id])
kart = initialize_cart
qty = =>, :product_id =>
debugger # <---- here

if qty == 0
@item = =>, :product_id =>, :quantity => qty+1)

Then you can find out more while you stopped at the debugger breakpoint, you can do stuff like:

# etc

Also, you can run rails console for testing.

TypeError: no implicit conversion of Fixnum into Hash - Ruby

Why is the error happening?

You are getting the error because when you run:

data[:requests] = dates_init_hash.merge(requests.count)

dates_init_hash is a hash, and requests.count is a number. So you are trying to merge a number into a hash, what is not allowed.

How can I fix it?

If what you want is to have the dates_init_hash with a mapping date => number of requests that date, you can do the following:

# initializes dates_init_hash with desired dates
dates_init_hash = {}
(start_time.to_date..end_time.to_date).each do |date|
dates_init_hash[date.iso8601] = 0

# iterates over reuests and add 1 to the date in dates_init_hash for each request in the desired date
requests.each do |request|
date = Date.parse(request[:request_time]).iso8601
next if dates_init_hash[date].nil?

dates_init_hash[date] += 1

Then, dates_init_hash will be something like

{"2022-04-04"=>1, "2022-04-05"=>0, "2022-04-06"=>1, "2022-04-07"=>0}

TypeError (String can't be coerced into Fixnum)?

Ruby uses + as a combination tool for strings AND mathematical situations.

Simple fix:

def rep_score(user)
rep = 0
user.badges.each do |b|
rep = rep + b.rep_bonus.to_i
return rep

to_i is changing rep_bonus, which is probably from the database model, from a string result into an integer. There are a few different typecasts you can set. To name a few conversions:

  • Array: to_a
  • Float: to_f
  • Integer: to_i
  • String: to_s

Mysql2 0.3.15 TypeError: can't convert nil into String

I turns out I had hardcoded my GEM_PATH and GEM_HOME rather than letting the gems install in the appropriate rbenv folder. Since I had both ruby 1.9 and 2.1.1 installed, when I installed the new mysql2 gem, the C extensions were compiled against 2.1.1 and caused the above type errors when I tried to connect to the DB. Removing GEM_PATH and GEM_HOME and reinstalling my gems under the .rbenv folder fixed the issue.

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