Loop Through Activerecord::Associations::Collectionproxy with Each

Loop through ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy with each

You probably want to use map instead:

page.content.map do |item|

map (aka collect) will iterate through an array and run whatever code you ask it to on the members of the array, one by one. It will return a new array containing the return values for those method calls.

Can't loop through an ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy object on controller's destroy action?

my understanding you can use callback in your models

open your role model app/models/role.rb

class Role < ApplicationRecord
# callback
before_destroy :check_rules

# here is the callback method that will run automatically before destroy
def check_rules
puts self # in model your @role is equal to self
self.rules.map do |rule|
puts rule
# other action

Rails loop through ActiveRecord::Associations:CollectionProxy

You can do this completely in SQL/ActiveRecord. The query you want to run ultimately is

SELECT article_id, min(date), sum(views)
FROM daily_value_metrics -- Or whatever your table is called
GROUP BY article_id

You can run this with ActiveRecord with the following:

table = DailyValueMetric.arel_table
results = DailyValueMetric.select(table[:article_id],
# Calling to_a so I can call first for the example
results.first.date #=> date
results.first.views #=> views
results.first.article_id #=> Id

The records will look like

[#<DailyViewMetric id: nil, article_id: 1089536>, ...]

Because the SQL query does not return an id column in the result set. This is because of the way that ActiveRecord::Base#inspect shows the columns defined on the table, and not the returned values outside of the table columns. Views and Date will not necessarily be shown, unless there is a column with the same name, but if you call those attributes on the model instance, you will be able to get the value

Rails 4: Looping through association

According to your code there are no multiple instances of academic related to the given member (it's defined using has_one relation).

The answer is: you cannot loop them.

The correct code for your view should be:

<% if @member.academic.present? %>
<% fields_academic = [:major, :second_major, :minor, :second_minor] %>
<%= render 'database/shared/display', model_obj: @memeber.academic, data: academic, fields: fields_academic %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

If your intention was to have many academics for a memeber, then use has_many instead.

class Member
has_many :academics

Querying an Associations::CollectionProxy

ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy.find method uses the same rules as ActiveRecord::Base.find which is used to retrieve a database row by ID.

So, my_association_collection.find_by(id: 2) or my_association_collection.find(2) will always execute a SELECT query on the database, not reference the existing result.

See doc

Rails method on ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy

I found out how. Using a self method then all:

def self.format
all.each do |item|
# Manipulate items here

However, I ended up having a method like this:

def format
id: id,
note: 'Contact Note',
# Etc

Then just used:

customer.notes.map {|i| i.format }

RSpec has_many through #ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy on after_save

The problem is that the aliases are not yet persisted and pluck does a database query (see when you inspect address_aliases, the record does not have an ID yet, it's on memory, it's not on the database yet).

Replace that pluck with map(&:alias_for_city) so it doesn't do a database query and uses the already loaded collection.

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