Converting an Empty String into Nil in Ruby

Converting an empty string to nil in place?

The clean way is using presence.

Let's test it.

'    '.presence
# => nil

# => nil

# => "text"

# => nil

# => nil

# => nil

# => true

# => nil

Please note this method is from Ruby on Rails v4.2.7

Converting an empty string into nil in Ruby

If you're not ashamed of monkeypatching and abusing syntax, this would work:

class String
def | x
if empty? then x else self end

Then you can say word.infinitive | word, which actually scans fairly naturally, if you ask me.

However, I think a better idea would be to modify the infinitive method, or add a version of it that returns the word unchanged.

Edit: Here's a possibly more elegant solution:

[word.infinitive, word].find {|x| not x.empty?}

Convert an empty array to nil inplace

I wasn't able to find the answer using a search engine, but StackOverflow gave me the answer with a similar question, but then about strings:

Converting an empty string to nil in place?

The solution is to use presence

Only available within Rails.

Rails ||= for empty strings

you can try like this:

@my_var = ''
@my_var = @my_var.presence || 'This is a non-empty string'

Thanks :-)

Converting empty string to nil via split()

If you're doing this in rails, you can use the Object#presence method:

foo, bar, baz, etc = str.split(',').map(&:presence)

Ruby/Rails using || to determine value, using an empty string instead of a nil value

Rails adds presence method to all object that does exactly what you want

input = ''
value = input.presence || "default"
=> "default"

input = 'value'
value = input.presence || "default"
=> "value"

input = nil
value = input.presence || "default"
=> "default"

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