How to Use a Variable as Object Attribute in Rails

How to use a variable as object attribute in rails?

  • Reading AR attribute



  • Writing AR attribute

    @payment_detail.send("#{address_type}_address_country=", value)


    @payment_detail.write_attribute("#{address_type}_address_country", value)
  • Setting instance variable

    @payment_detail.instance_variable_set("@#{address_type}_address_country", value)
  • Getting instance variable



  • send method documentation
  • read_attribute method documentation
  • write_attribute method documentation
  • instance_variable_get method documentation
  • instance_variable_set method documentation

Using variable to access object values like Javascripts object[var] in Ruby

Ruby has more classical heritage, so objects are not extensible in the same way as in JavaScript. Depending on your use case, you would use a hash object or an open struct.

person = {
"name": "John Smith"

puts person["name"]

Most of the time you'll see symbols be used instead of string literals.

person = {
:name => "John Smith",

puts person[:name]

Finally you could use a struct or open struct if you really want to the same type of semantics as in JavaScript.

person = = "John Smith"
person.age = 70
person.pension = 300

Using a Variable Name as Attribute in Rails

If you want to assign to an attribute, you need the method name with the equal sign:

f.send("#{percent_field}=", 5)

Also, this:

rank_class = (

is equivalent to this:

rank_class = klass

Ruby on Rails variables, object attributes, and methods that use a : before or after them


{key: value}

When the colon is before the variable / object, it denotes a "symbol", meaning a piece of data to be placed there. The symbol can typically be used in the likes of calling an attribute (key) or in part of a hash: @user.comment[:created_at]

When the colon is after the variable / object, it means you're setting or getting some sort of value in a key: value pair. {key: value} pairs are used mostly in hashes, kind of like an array except you can call the specific keys. This is how the attributes of models are invoked in Rails. EG:

@user = {name: "joe", email: ""} #-> "joe"

Referencing an object attribute by a string

picture: Picture,
picture_for_x: PictureForX,
picture_for_y: PictureForY
}.each do |name,klass|
if !@item.send(name).blank?
copy =!

Remember that in Ruby there are no properties or attributes available externally, just methods (which you may choose to call without parentheses so that it looks like you're accessing a property, and which sometimes might be just returning the value of an instance variable).

Object#send is the magic method that lets you invoke a method based on a name stored in a variable.

Ruby add variables to an existing object?

To create temporary custom Objects without add new attributes to database Struct solve my problem.

I can create a Struct with chat room info and total users

chat_info =, :total_users, :messages)
chat_temp = []
chats = ChatRoom.where(condition)
chats.each do |chat|
chat_temp <<"nome", 100, messages)

How do I add an attribute to an instance variable in rails 4?

The type of @foo_users is ActiveRecord::Relation. Trying to add age_sum as a new attribute to an ActiveRecord::Relation object doesn't make sense because semantically age_sum is not an attribute of ActiveRecord::Relation objects. It's better to store the sum of ages in a new instance variable, for example @user_age_sum.

Try the following

class HotelStatistic < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :hotel

class Hotel < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :hotel_statistics

def last_30_days_check_ins
self.hotel_statistics.where("date >= ?", 30.days.ago).sum(:check_ins)


Keep the existing code for building @recent_stats in the controller

In the view

<% @recent_stats.each do |statistic| %>
Hotel Id: <%= statistic.hotel_id %>
Daily check-ins: <%= statistic.check_ins %>
Last 30 days check-ins: <%= statistic.hotel.last_30_days_check_ins %>
<% end %>

More elegant way of setting an object attribute dynamically from string in Ruby

You can do

[:@web, :@mobile, :@accessible].each do |stylesheet|
@theme.instance_variable_set(stylesheet, "some dynamic value"))

This saves the string concatenation and string->symbole conversion, so theoretically it's should be a bit faster.

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