How to Target a Specific Commit Sha with Capistrano Deploy

How do I target a specific commit SHA with capistrano deploy

For Capistrano 2.9 until 3.0:

cap -S revision=80655da8d80aaaf92ce5357e7828dc09adb00993 deploy

For older versions of Capistrano, you can deploy a particular git commit/tree/branch/tag by doing this:

cap -s branch=80655da8d80aaaf92ce5357e7828dc09adb00993 deploy

In some cases there may be a need of specifying the Environment as an argument as well. production is just an example.

cap production -S revision=80655da8d80aaaf92ce5357e7828dc09adb00993 deploy

How to deploy a specific revision with capistrano 3

The parameter seems to be gone in Capistrano 3. You have to set the env variable REVISION="revision" and include it in your deploy.rb

set :branch, ENV["REVISION"] || ENV["BRANCH_NAME"]

How to deploy LAMP app with capistrano?

I am able to resolve this issue. It was due to SSH account. I used following command "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" to resolve it.

Different actions for different environments

You can always use if..elseif..end as follows:

if fetch(:stage) == :production
elsif fetch(:stage) == :staging

Or, if you have staging and production only:

task :upload_config do
on roles(:all) do |host|
within fetch(:shared_path) do
upload! "#{fetch(:stage).to_s}-config.php", "#{fetch :shared_path}/#{fetch(:stage).to_s}-config.php"

What is your preferred php deployment strategy?

For PHP, SVN with Phing build scripts are the way to go. Phing is similar to ANT but is written in PHP, which makes it much easier for PHP developers to modify for their needs.

Our deployment routine is as follows:

  • Everyone develops on the same local server at work, every developer has a checkout on his machine back home as well.
  • Commits trigger a post-commit hook which updates a staging server.
  • Tests are ran on staging server, if they pass - continue.
  • Phing build script is ran:
  • Takes down production server, switching the domain to an "Under construction" page
  • Runs SVN update on production checkout
  • Runs schema deltas script
  • Runs tests
  • If tests fail - run rollback script
  • If tests pass, server routes back to production checkout

There's also phpUnderControl, which is a Continuous Integration server. I didn't find it very useful for web projects to be honest.

Atomic website update with Git

You can do what you're imagining using symlinks. Moving one symlink over another is an atomic operation, so you should be able to avoid any 404 errors.

Your hook would deploy your site to a directory, perhaps named after the commit hash. Then it would make a symlink to that, perhaps called staging. Then it would move that symlink over the production symlink.

hash=`git rev-parse HEAD`
git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=/srv/www/$hash/
ln -s /srv/www/$hash /srv/www/staging
mv -T /srv/www/staging /srv/www/production

The -T argument is the short form for --no-target-directory, which is a part of GNU mv and prevents it from moving the source into the destination. Read more about target directories.

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