How to Prevent Rails Controller Generator to Modify Config/Routes.Rb

How to prevent Rails controller generator to modify config/routes.rb

As of Rails 4.2, it's possible to disable route generation with the following code in your application.rb:

config.generators do |g|
g.skip_routes true


Syntax to skip creating tests, assets & helpers for `rails generate controller`?

Try using --no- followed by optionname:

rails generate controller home index  --no-helper --no-assets --no-controller-specs --no-view-specs

If you want to change the default behavior every time you run the generator command, you can configure the defaults you would like in the application.rb file - see How can I make sure Rails doesn't generate spec tests for views and helpers?.

Rails: Some index routes are showing /controller_name/index others are just showing /controller_name

When you create an action at the command line a route is automatically generated for it.

$ rails g controller ones index

create app/controllers/ones_controller.rb
route get 'ones/index' # route helper is ones_index

The behavior is totally agnostic of the action you're creating. It could be any action name and Rails will do the same thing

$ rails g controller twos smorgas

create app/controllers/twos_controller.rb
route get 'twos/smorgas' # route helper is twos_smorgas

When you add resources to your routes

resources :ones

you automatically get all of the default REST route helpers and routes, no matter how you create any of the REST actions.

$ rake routes

ones GET /ones(.:format) ones#index
POST /ones(.:format) ones#create
new_one GET /ones/new(.:format) ones#new
edit_one GET /ones/:id/edit(.:format) ones#edit
one GET /ones/:id(.:format) ones#show
PATCH /ones/:id(.:format) ones#update
PUT /ones/:id(.:format) ones#update
DELETE /ones/:id(.:format) ones#destroy

It's best to stick with Rails convention and use the default route helpers


# not ones_index_url

See this SO question if you want to disable the automatic route generation

What's the use of get routes rails generate controllers created in routes.rb in rails?

The 'get' is the HTTP verb supported by the routing engine. It's possible to route GET and POST (and the rest) to different methods, even if they hit the same URL. It's also possible to only support certain verbs for certain URLs (as is happening here).

Regarding their necessity - we'd have to see the rest of your routes.rb file to know. If you have a default match rule, that likely will take effect if these are removed.

Modify existing files with a rails generator?

Rather than modifying environment.rb, check out what you can do with Rails initializers. Basically, you're just going to create a new Ruby .rb file within config/initializers and keep your configuration loading code in there. If you need per-environment configuration, it's best to create another (usually YAML) file within config/ that will store the per-environment configuration variables and load that YAML in your initializer.

Can 'rails g controller' generate restful routes?

Try using rails generate scaffold_controller Foos

change routes of update rails

You can simply use <%= form_for @supply do |f| %> for edit.html.erb file. Reason is: When you instantiate @supply in edit method in SuppliesController, Rails will automatically post the form to update method, you do not need to tell it explicitly. Same way, in new.html.erb, you will also use the same: <%= form_for @supply do |f| %>, but now in your new method, you will do @supply =, Rails will post this form to create method.

You do need to define routes, but as far as correct path is concerned, Rails will take care of it as long as you provide correct @supply variable in form_for.


In your routes file:

resources :supplies

Stop Rails generating spec tests for views and helpers?

edit: short answer on top

If you want to do this for every time you run the generators, you do indeed customize it within your application.rb file. Put this code in the file inside the Application class definition.

config.generators do |g|
g.view_specs false
g.helper_specs false

You can also accomplish this by passing some options into the generator command. This Railscast goes over the process in more detail, but the basic idea is pretty simple.

Rails generators can take several options. You can see the options for the controller generator by running rails g controller -h. Assuming you have Rspec set up already, if you look at the output, you notice a section that says "Rspec options". It looks like this:

Rspec options:
[--controller-specs] # Indicates when to generate controller specs
# Default: true
[--view-specs] # Indicates when to generate view specs
# Default: true

To negate these boolean values, just pass them in with a "no" in front of the name. So if you wanted a controller with no specs for your view, you would call it like this:

rails g controller Foobar index show new create --no-view-specs

And you would get a controller with the correct views and actions created for you, but no specs for your views.

The same thing applies if you are using the scaffold generator. There is a --helper-specs option, so if you wanted no view or helper specs you would run:

rails g scaffold Foobar name:string --no-helper-specs --no-view-specs

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