Having Trouble Installing Libxml-Ruby on Windows

Issues installing libxml gem for ruby on windows

I was unsuccessful with installing libxml version 2.9.0 but 2.7.0 worked just fine. I should specify I'm running windows 7 and Ruby 2.0 32 bit. Here is what I had to do:

-I followed Wik's response here, grabbing all the missing libraries from them mingw64. Admittedly, I'm not sure if I needed all of them, but I sort of took a shotgun approach here.

Added the following to my system path:


Executed the following in command line:

gem install libxml-ruby -v2.7.0 -- with-xml2-include:=C/Ruby200/include/libxml2 --with-iconv-include:=C:/Ruby200/include

After that, I the gem, at long last, installed and was actually usable.

Issue installing libxml-ruby for Windows Ruby version 2.3.3. Missing xmlParseDoc() in -lxml2

I finally found a solution. What worked for me is I first followed the instructions in this solution. After I had to go find some of the missing pieces from libiconv; I got those from here. I extracted its lib and include contents, into like the above solution (lib into Ruby lib, include into Ruby include). After I had to change #include <iconv.h> in encoding.h. This needed to be changed to #include <path-to-/iconv.h>, which was extracted into Ruby's include directory earlier. I was able to run gem install libxml-ruby -- with-xml2-include=C:/Ruby23/include/libxml2 --with-iconv-include=C:/Ruby23/include.

can't install libxml-ruby for rails 2.3.14

Try install/reinstalled libxslt with a default ./configure run

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