Gem Install Nokogiri -V '' Fails

gem install nokogiri -v '' fails

I tried @the_basterd's recommendation. That didn't work, but the reference was good—thank you the_basterd. What worked from that reference was:

brew install libxml2

bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries --with-xml2-include=/usr/local/opt/libxml2/include/libxml2


Later postings at that ref said that what I posted above "is strongly recommended against by the Nokogiri."

brew unlink xz; bundle install; brew link xz is preferred.

Nokogiri error install

Delete your path folder(if it shows) and your Gemfile.lock .
Then place this in your gem file

 gem 'nokogiri', '~> 1.6', '>='

After that run bundle install .Remove the nokogiri from your gemfile

Nokogiri 1.6.8 is installed but gives error for previous Nokogiri when running bundle install

I could not fix this issue. It was looping through upgrades and downgrades, so after much frustration I tried Ruby 2.6 that Redmine 4.2 claimed to be compatible, which still had issues. I downgraded to Ruby 2.3 and it worked, then I migrated my database according to the documentation and almost everything is functional, and I got a feedback that it is much faster.

According to my experience, you will have your Redmine database still working so don't worry that it s the same version.

Failing to install Nokogiri gem

This works like a charm!

gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries=true --with-xml2-include=/Applications/

nokogiri gem installation error

Finally, the problem was caused by nokogiri itself by shipping it's own libxml2 that's incompatible with some systems.

So to install nokogiri I had to tell it that it should use the system libraries.

I installed it manually by:

gem install nokogiri -v -- --use-system-libraries

And it worked well. Other answers didn't solve it.

Error while installing Nokogiri (1.6.7) on El Capitan

You should install xcode-select packages first, then try installing nokogiri again. Try these commands,

xcode-select --install

then try

gem install nokogiri

with whatever Nokogiri version you want.

Nokogiri depends on multiple libraries like libxslt, libxml and zlib. Dev versions (including source) of these should be installed before installing Nokogiri in any Linux distribution. For OS X, the above command should work I guess.

The actual solution is in the comments below.

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