Ruby Strftime: Month Without Leading Zero

Ruby strftime: Month without leading zero?

Some versions of strftime do allow prefixing with minus to format out leading zeros, for eg:

strftime "%-d/%-m/%y"

However this will depend on strftime on your system. So for consistency I would do something like this instead:

dt = Time.local(2010, 'Sep', 1)
printf "%d/%d/%d",, dt.month, dt.year

Ruby strftime: Day without leading zero, %e not working

I've had problems before with strftime on Windows not supporting the exact same codes as on unix.

Also, I ran the following on mac os x:

> date_time.strftime("%e/%m/%y")
" 3/03/11"

As you can see, there is a space where the zero was. You still have to process the string after calling strftime.

I'd say, go with the safest bet, in this case %d, and call gsub/trim on it.

How do I write the hour of the time without a leading zero or leading space? '%a %-l:%M %p' #=> "Thu 1:51 PM"

Write %-l instead of %l. The - strips leading spaces and zeroes.

You can use - with the other format codes, too. The Ruby strftime documentation even mentions %-m and %-d, though it fails to mention that you can use - with any code. Thus, %-I would give the same result as %-l. But I recommend %-l, because using l instead of I signifies to me that that you don’t want anything at the beginning – the space it writes looks more accidental.

You can also see an exhaustive list of Ruby 1.8 strftime format codes, including ones with - and the similar syntaxes _ and 0. It says that Ruby 1.8 on Mac OS X doesn’t support those extended syntaxes, but don’t worry: they work in Ruby 1.9 on my OS X machine.

ruby Date.month with a leading zero

There is the possibility of using a formated string output


puts sprintf('%02i', 8)
puts '%02i' % 8

%02i is the format for 2 digits width integer (number) with leading zeros.
Details can be found in the documentation for sprintf

In your specific case with a date, you can just use the Time#strftime od Date#strftime method:

require 'time'

How do I eliminate leading zeroes from my time conversion function?

say you have

time = "00:37:25"

You can use regex to remove the leading zeroes

regex = /^(0*:?)*/

Then you can run sub!

str.sub!(regex, '') #=> 35:25

Format a ruby decimal to string without leading zero (.123)


You can use :

format('%.3f', value).sub(/^0/, '')

It removes the first character if it is a 0 followed by a dot.


values = [

values.each do |value|
p format('%.3f', value).sub(/^0/, '')

# ".725"
# "1.500"
# ".125"
# "2.457"
# ".000"
# "10.000"

How do I insert leading zeros in Ruby dateTime minute



which will convert it to a Time(which has the date) and then you can use strftime to get the format you want

How can I print a date/time from time::strftime without leading zeros?

Looking the code we can confirm that time crate does not support the flag -. Also note that time crate is on rust-lang-deprecated user, so it is being deprecated.

That said, I recommend you use the chrono crate. In addition to supporting the format specifiers you want, the chrono crate also has support for timezones and much more.

let now = chrono::Utc::now();
println!("{}", now.format("%b %-d, %-I:%M").to_string());

No leading zeros for months R

A solution with sub:

x <- as.Date("2005-09-02")
sub("..0?(.+)-0?(.+)-0?(.+)", "\\3/\\2/\\1", x)
# [1] "2/9/5"

Rails: How to make Date strftime aware of the default locale?

Use the l (alias for localize) method instead of raw strftime, like this:

l(date, format: '%B %d, in the year %Y')

See here for more information.

You can also define 'named' formats, a couple of them (short, long) are already predefined.

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