Filter Activeadmin with Hstore

Filter by multiple hstore keys in active admin

What I ended up doing was using a custom scope like so:

# Ransackable Scopes
def self.ransackable_scopes(_auth_object = nil)

# My scopes
scope :by_title, ->(search_term) { by_field(search_term, :title) }

scope :by_field, lambda { |search_term, field|
where("#{field}_translations -> :key ILIKE :value", key: :en, value: "%#{search_term}%")
.or(where("#{field}_translations -> :key ILIKE :value", key: :fr, value: "%#{search_term}%"))
.or(where("#{field}_translations -> :key ILIKE :value", key: :de, value: "%#{search_term}%"))

It doesn't exactly answer the question, but was a solution that worked for me needs.

Activeadmin and Formtastic with HStore column

For anyone who happens to stumble across this, I was able to use the activeadmin_hstore_editor gem for this purpose, which gives a way to input arbitrary json into an input field.

ActiveAdmin Custom Scope with hstore

So I was able to find out a solution for my question. Found this from:

Heres what I did for the fix:


filter :upload_eq, label: 'User Upload Ability', as: :select, collection: { 'On' => 'false', 'Off' => 'true' }


ransacker :upload do |parent|'->', parent.table[:properties], Arel::Nodes.build_quoted('upload'))

Turns out I didn't need to use the ransackable_scopes method in order to achieve this. And because I am using Rails 4.2 I had to wrap build_quoted around the upload property because I was getting a unsupported: String error (

ActiveAdmin filters- find all with a blank field

filter by itself doesn't allow you to search for blanks, I think you have to workaround by adding a ransacker to your User model:

ransacker :by_supervisor, formatter: proc{ |v|
v=nil if v==0
data = User.where(supervisor: v).ids
data = data.present? ? data : nil
} do |parent|

and in the ActiveAdmin module instead of the normal filter

filter :supervisor, collection: [ 0, name: 'None'), Supervisor.all].flatten

This provides a Supervisor with id=0 to allow searching for "no supervisors", id=0 is turned into nil by the ransacker

ActiveAdmin custom filter . Order Issue

No point in putting different groups (scopes) into an array and then sort it - just operate on AdminUser:

filter :admin_user,
as: :select,
collection: -> AdminUser.order('name asc').pluck(:name)

If, though, you only need to have specific groups/scopes of AdminUser (not all of them), create a new scope:

scope :for_filtering, -> { 

And then use it:

filter :admin_user,
as: :select,
collection: -> AdminUser.for_filtering.order('name asc').pluck(:name)

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