Delayed_Job: Job Failed to Load: Uninitialized Constant Syck::Syck

DelayedJob: Job failed to load: uninitialized constant Syck::Syck

I wrote a post about it.

Job failed to load: uninitialized constant Syck::Syck

Include the following lines of code in boot.rb (config\boot.rb)

require 'yaml'
YAML::ENGINE.yamler= 'syck'

uninitialized constant Delayed::Job

Did you follow the installation instructions on the README file?

Add this to your gemfile:

gem 'delayed_job_active_record'

and then run this at the console:

$ rails generate delayed_job:active_record
$ rake db:migrate

You need to create the delayed jobs table in the database (this assumes you're using active record).

For Rails 3, all you need to do is include it in the gemfile, run that code above to create the table and migrate the database, then restart your server and go!

DelayedJob: How to solve the problem Job failed to load?

I found a solution that works for me. You can redefine the 'Object#to_yaml_properties' method within your Contact class to only include the properties you need. And thus exclude the 'errors' variable.

def to_yaml_properties
['@full_name', '@email', '@subject', '@message']

Hope this helps.

Rails 4 Delayed_job error - Job failed to load: undefined class/module CustomJob

I always feel like the answer is obvious...AFTER I figure it out.

The problem was that I was using a shared database and there were existing workers accessing this DB. Though I was restarting and refreshing my local instance of the server, the other instances were trying to run my jobs and the OTHER workers were causing the error, not my local instance.

Solution: Ensure that other instances of delayed_job are using the same table as the code you're testing/building/using. If so, use another DB if possible.

DelayedJob sometimes cannot load job class with a namespace

Solved. Delayed job or autoloader are not to blame.

A week before adding these new jobs (like Notifiers::MessageNotifierJob) I've increased number of delayed job workers (using capistrano3-delayed-job gem) from 1 to 4. But, capistrano3-delayed-job haven't killed old delayed job process, and only started new 4. So I ended up with 1 old job without any knowledge about my new job classes. Whenever this old process picked the job it failed. Then one of the new processes picked this job and succeeded.

Delayed_job (2.1.4) error: Job failed to load: instance of IO needed. Handler nil

Found the solution: my problem was caused by mass-assignment protection. I have an initializer to protect against mass-assignment:

# SECURITY: protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities
# enforces explicitly setting attributes accessible in models (whitelisting)
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:attr_accessible, nil)

This prevented delayed_job to access the handler field! Not sure if this can be considered a bug in DJ. Here is the initializer code that solved my problem:

# Imortant: delayed job requires some attributes to be accessible - make sure they are
Delayed::Job.attr_accessible :priority, :payload_object, :handler, :run_at, :failed_at

Rails 5 with DelayedJob resulting in an error

It looks to me like Delayed Job does not support Rails 5 yet:

Rails help clockwork error: Exception NameError - uninitialized constant Delayed::Job

I'm not actually familiar with ClockWork, but don't you need to add a "require 'delayed_job'" at the top of clock.rb? You may also need to install the delayed_job gem.

That said, if you're running with 'bundle exec', you ought to be using a Gemfile to manage this, and you shouldn't be requiring rubygems in clock.rb.

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