Command Not Found/Install Missing Gem Binaries with 'Bundle Install' Using Autotest

running bundle install command is failure

system creates a subprocess and then exits. The subprocess changed directory and then finished, but your script still thinks it's in whatever working directory the process thinks it's in.

If you want to change the working directory of the process running the script, use Dir.chdir().

Execute Fastlane Command missing Gem when operating cron job

According to the last 3 rows of your logs which are:

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/feature/sprint_7'.
bundler: command not found: fastlane
Install missing gem executables with `bundle install`

and your script has cd, and 4 git commands at the beginning. I will assume $1 is master. It is basically like this:

cd ~/myProject/src 
git stash clear
git fetch --all
git pull
git checkout master # or $1
bundle exec fastlane ios build build_type:adhoc build_env:dev

Bundler says command not found: fastlane and then it shows the solution which is that you need to run bundle install.

Probably when you add bundle install before bundle exec you will resolve your problem:

cd ~/myProject/src 
git stash clear
git fetch --all
git pull
git checkout master # or $1
bundle install
bundle exec fastlane ios build build_type:adhoc build_env:dev

Autotest with Rspec2 in Rails 3 Can't Find Binaries

This is how I remedied the issue:

I uninstalled all testing gems (rspec, factory_girl, webrat, etc). I then upgraded to rspec 2.0.1, uninstalled ZenTest (in favor of straight autotest). All of these installations were done outside of the bundler.

I have the following gem setup:

autotest (4.4.1)
autotest-growl (0.2.6)
factory_girl (1.3.2)
factory_girl_rails (1.0)
rspec (2.0.1)
rspec-core (2.0.1)
rspec-expectations (2.0.1)
rspec-mocks (2.0.1)
rspec-rails (2.0.1)
webrat (0.7.1)

I used the following in the Gemfile.

group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec', '>=2.0.1'
gem 'rspec-rails', '>=2.0.1'
gem 'webrat'
gem 'factory_girl_rails', '1.0'

Bundler installing gem that's already installed

Try running bundle env to verify that the install location is what you expect.

If not, check whether there is a .bundle/config or ~/.bundle/config file overriding the install path. The output of bundle env will tell you what configuration it is using and how it was determined (i.e., which file it was in or whether it was picked up from an environment variable).

bundler incorrectly trying to install development and test group gems in production

After a lot of digging I found the fix for this issue. All I had to do was run bundle install --without development test before starting the server. This adds a .bundle/config file in the rails root with the line BUNDLE_WITHOUT: test:development . Now whenever you run bundle install or start the server it'll ignore those groups.

From the documentation

The Bundler CLI allows you to specify
a list of groups whose gems bundle
install should not install with the
--without option. To specify multiple groups to ignore, specify a list of
groups separated by spaces.

bundle install --without test bundle
install --without development test
After running bundle install --without
test, bundler will remember that you
excluded the test group in the last
installation. The next time you run
bundle install, without any --without
option, bundler will recall it.

Also, calling Bundler.setup with no
parameters, or calling require
"bundler/setup" will setup all groups
except for the ones you excluded via
--without (since they are obviously not available).

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