Bundler Not Working with Rbenv, Could Not Find [Gem]

Bundle not working with rbenv and cannot gem install bundler

However I did find a very manual solution to this.

I noticed how rbenv whence bundle specified that bundle was active in some ruby versions, but not others. I tracked down the portion of rbenv whence command to find out where it was looking and saw that it looked under the following path for each ruby version installed under rbenv: ~/.rbenv/versions/$VERSION/bin/

If you look under the path for the gem without bundler (for me this was ~/.rbenv/versions/2.5.1/bin/) you will notice that it is not there. However under other versions that whence can recognise you will see the executable is there (for me it was there under ~/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/bin/bundle and ~/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/bin/bundle).

So I copied the executable over from the working ruby version to the one that was broken. Then at the top of the file you will notice sha-bang is set to the other ruby version (for me this was #!/Users/myuser/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/bin/ruby). Change the version path to the ruby version you want to fix and then it will all magically start working.

Bundle not working with rbenv

Your installation is caught in a loop.

Change to a directory that is not your app, and that doesn't have a Gemfile.

Then do the usual gem install bundle (and use sudo if you need it)

Then change to your app directory, and do the usual bundle install.

Does that solve your issue?

If you need more help, can run these commands then paste the results in your question?

 $ command -v ruby
$ command -v bundle
$ ruby -v
$ bundle -v

Look for any mismatch between the results and what you expect. This will help you track down what's happening. You may need to update your Gemfile Ruby version.

(Also, you may want to consider changing from rbenv to chruby because it's better IMHO with these kinds of path issues)

rbenv — 'find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem bundler ( = 0.a) with executable bundle (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

This is how I finally solved this problem:

$ cd /path/to/my/project/
$ gem install bundler -v 1.17.3
$ bundle install

Problem installing bundler, Says it installs, but then doesn't actually install

rbenv works by inserting a directory of shims at the front of your PATH:


Through a process called rehashing, rbenv maintains shims in that directory to match every Ruby command across every installed version of Ruby—irb, gem, rake, rails, ruby, and so on.

Shims are lightweight executables that simply pass your command along to rbenv. So with rbenv installed, when you run, say, rake, your operating system will do the following:

  • Search your PATH for an executable file named rake
  • Find the rbenv shim named rake at the beginning of your PATH
  • Run the shim named rake, which in turn passes the command along to rbenv

You messed up your rbenv installation.

1) Remove ruby installation outside rbenv

2) rvm implode

3) Clean up your $PATH env variable from ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc

Remove any $PATH reference pointing to ruby, irb, gem or any folder including those bin executable. Consider commenting any $PATH statement from your bash_profile

# export PATH="$HOME/etc/bin:$PATH"
# leave the statement below
# export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH

The $PATH variable includes a list of folders:

echo $PATH

if you run gem in your terminal

any .bin executable file included in home/fabrizio/.rbenv/shims or /opt/android-studio/bin is executable from any location in the terminal. When you run gem, the ruby gem command is executed instead of being intercepted from rbenv, because you installed ruby outside of rbenv.


You must have followed this step when installing ruby 2.5.0 without rbenv so remove from your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc the following line

PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin"

or any other line which is adding /Users/brianp/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin to your $PATH, then uninstall ruby with apt.

Read the following information, additionally always check the location where gems are being installed with gem env:

$ gem env home
# => ~/.rbenv/versions/<ruby-version>/lib/ruby/gems/...

if the location from anywhere in the terminal is not under ~/.rbenv/ then you are installing the gems in the wrong locations.


Delete the gem folder with rm -rf ~/.gem, a similar approach to this post if you can not remove /Users/brianp/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin from your $PATH


This error is caused from installing bundler 2.0

  can't find gem bundler (>= 0.a) with executable bundle (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

you need to remove bundler 2.0 and install 1.9.0

Bundler can't find a gem even though gem install works

I had a look at the Gemfile of some github projects using the same gem.

Try to add the engine and engine_version after the ruby version as follows:

# Gemfile

ruby '2.3.1', engine: 'jruby', engine_version: ''
source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'jrubyfx', '~> 1.2'

According to bundler documentation:

Both :engine and :engine_version are optional. When these options are
omitted, this means the app is compatible with a particular Ruby ABI
but the engine is irrelevant. When :engine is used, :engine_version
must also be specified. Using the platform command with the --ruby
flag, you can see what ruby directive is specified in the Gemfile.

Gem list doesn't show bundler after Successfully installed bundler

The PATH of the root user is likely not the same as the PATH of your current user. Therefore the gem command that root loads will not be the same as the gem command you load as a normal user. This makes sudo gem install save the gems into a different location (the location of the Ruby installation found in the PATH of the root user).

To fix this issue, the most straightforward solution is to force root to use the same gem command by giving it the full path:

sudo `which gem` install ...

Note the use of backticks. Using backticks this way, the command will essentially expand to something like:

sudo /some/path/to/the/user/ruby/installation/bin/gem install ...

To figure out if the gem command of root is different from your default gem command, you can do this:

# As normal user check output of this command
which gem

# ..and compare it to the output of this command
sudo which gem

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