One-Liner to Recursively List Directories in Ruby

One-liner to recursively list directories in Ruby?

Dir.glob("**/*/") # for directories
Dir.glob("**/*") # for all files

Instead of Dir.glob(foo) you can also write Dir[foo] (however Dir.glob can also take a block, in which case it will yield each path instead of creating an array).

Ruby Glob Docs

Find directory path up in hierarchy recursively on Ruby


See Dir.glob. Be warned though - this can take quite a bit of time depending on the size of your file system.

Iterate over directories and subdirectories recursively showing 'path/file' in ruby

Basically the reason is that you are running File.basename which gives you the 'basename' of the File and not the relative path.

Additionally the .glob("**/*") also includes directories and as such you need to take that into account.

This is how I would do it...

Dir.glob("**/*").each do |file|
next if # skip the loop if the file is a directory
puts file
output = `git log -1 -r -n 1 --pretty=format:"%cd [%h]" -- #{file}`
puts output

Let me know if you want me to explain any line in the above code...

ruby: copy directories recursively with link dereferencing

Here's my implementation of find -follow in ruby:

I could have isolated it into a class or monkey patch Find but I decided to do it as a self-contained method. There might be room for improvement because it doesn't work with jruby. If anybody has an idea, it will be welcome.

Update: found out why not working with jruby -
I'll try to workaround. I implemented a workaround.

Update 2: now cp_r_dereference method ready -

find a file in a nested directory structure

You can use Dir.glob, for example:


It will recursively look for "*.rb" files in your current directory.

Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby

You also have the shortcut option of


and if you want to find all Ruby files in any folder or sub-folder:


How to recursively change file permissions only in a ruby script

You could do something like below - this will change permissions of the list of files matched by Dir.glob.

FileUtils.chmod 0400, Dir.glob('/path/to/dir/**/*')

As mentioned in this thread,

Dir.glob("**/*/") # will return list of all directories
Dir.glob("**/*") # will return list of all files

Ruby: how do I recursively find and remove empty directories?

In ruby:

Dir['**/*']                                            \
.select { |d| d } \
.select { |d| (Dir.entries(d) - %w[ . .. ]).empty? } \
.each { |d| Dir.rmdir d }

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