R Programming: Cache the Inverse of a Matrix

R programming: cache the inverse of a matrix

I don't know your exact assignment, but I would change your function slightly:

makeCacheMatrix <- function(x = matrix()) {
inv <- NULL
set <- function(y) {
x <<- y
inv <<- NULL
get <- function() x
setInverse <- function() inv <<- solve(x) #calculate the inverse
getInverse <- function() inv
list(set = set,
get = get,
setInverse = setInverse,
getInverse = getInverse)

You can then use it like this:

funs <- makeCacheMatrix()
funs$set(matrix(1:4, 2))
# [,1] [,2]
#[1,] 1 3
#[2,] 2 4
# [,1] [,2]
#[1,] -2 1.5
#[2,] 1 -0.5

The exercise is probably intended to teach you closures. The point is that x and inv are stored in the enclosing environment of the set, get, setInverse, getInverse functions. That means the environment within which they were defined, i.e., the environment created by the makeCacheMatrix() call. See this:

#[1] "get" "getInverse" "inv" "set" "setInverse" "x"

As you see not only are the four functions in this environment, but also the x and inv objects (a consequence of using <<-). And the get and getInverse functions only fetch these from their enclosing environment.

Caching the Inverse of a Matrix

Given the code in the OP, x$getinverse() should return NULL because one must execute cacheSolve() in order to populate the cache. I explain the details of how the sample code for this assignment works, including the need for the second function to populate the cache, in the stackoverflow answer Caching the Mean of a Vector.

That said, the program has three defects that prevent it from operating correctly.

  1. In cacheSolve(), m<-x$getinverse sets the value of m to a function, not the result of executing the getinverse() function

  2. In cacheSolve(), data<-x$get returns the address of the function get() instead of its contents.

  3. In cacheSolve(), x$setinverse(m) fails because the function setinverse() in makeCacheMatrix does not include an input argument.

Note that since I am a Community Mentor for the Hopkins R Programming course, I'm not allowed to post a complete solution because it would violate the Coursera Honor Code.

Once the errors are corrected, the code works like this:

> x <-makeCacheMatrix(matrix(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2),ncol=3,nrow=3))
> cacheSolve(x)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 0 0.0
[2,] 0 1 0.0
[3,] 0 0 0.5
> x$get()
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 0 0
[2,] 0 1 0
[3,] 0 0 2
> x$getinverse()
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 0 0.0
[2,] 0 1 0.0
[3,] 0 0 0.5

Returning the inverse matrix from a cached object in R

Error in as.vector(x, mode) : cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'any'

Means that you try to coerce a function to a vector/matrix. Indeed in this line:

matrix <- x$get
m <- solve(matrix, ...)

matrix is a function , or solve need a matrix.

You just need to change this line :

matrix <- x$get


matrix <- x$get() 

On coursera R-programming course Assignment 2 Lexical Scoping

x <<- y creates x, which is then retrieved by get(). Note that get is also a base function and is being overwritten here. I would advocate in avoiding this, even though it's confined to a function. An ad hoc solution would be to reach base get function through base::get.

Line get <- function() x is a "short" version of

get <- function() {

Short version will work if you have only one line or separate statements using ;. The biggest beef I have with this piece of code is no use of argument. This may be fine with Java or some other language, but I don't consider that an R way. Modifying objects like this can lead to unintended behavior which could lead to painstaking debugging.

setInverse and getInverse are not the same. What they do is set inverse or get it.

Caching the mean of a Vector in R

m <- NULL begins by setting the mean to NULL as a placeholder for a future value

set <- function(y) {x <<- y; m <<- NULL} defines a function to set the vector, x, to a new
vector, y, and resets the mean, m, to NULL

get <- function() x returns the vector, x

setmean <- function(mean) m <<- mean sets the mean, m, to mean

getmean <- function() m returns the mean, m

list(set = set, get = get,setmean = setmean,getmean = getmean) returns the 'special
vector' containing all of the functions just defined

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