R Matrix to Rownames Colnames Values

R matrix to rownames colnames values

You could use the reshape2-package:

# load package
> require(reshape2)
# create an example matrix
> mdat <- matrix(c(1,2,3, 11,12,13), nrow = 2, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE,
+ dimnames = list(c("row1", "row2"),
+ c("C.1", "C.2", "C.3")))
> mdat
C.1 C.2 C.3
row1 1 2 3
row2 11 12 13
# bring matrix to long format using melt()
> melt(mdat)
Var1 Var2 value
1 row1 C.1 1
2 row2 C.1 11
3 row1 C.2 2
4 row2 C.2 12
5 row1 C.3 3
6 row2 C.3 13

How to create a matrix with specified row and col names, from a dataframe containing the data and the names

First set the row names and then convert it to matrix:

as.matrix(data.frame(dataframe[-1], row.names = dataframe$Date))

Another possibility is to use a zoo or xts object. This will create a matrix for the data and define an index attribute for the dates. The resulting object is of class zoo and can be manipulated by the functions of the zoo package.

z <- read.zoo(dataframe)

Subsetting a matrix by row names and column names in R

Try to filter rows and columns in this way:


Only rows and columns contained in list_individuals will be mantained in the output.

colnames and rownames with pairwise distance matrix outputs

Just stick the rownames and colnames in a dataframe alongside the data itself. "Unraveling" the matrix as a vector (and vector recycling for the names) will take care of the rest:

# example data
mat <- matrix(1:100, 10, 10)
rownames(mat) <- paste0("row",1:10)
colnames(mat) <- paste0("col",1:10)

# what you want
df <- data.frame(row = rownames(mat),
col = colnames(mat),
value = as.vector(mat) )

# take a look at the result
# row col value
# row1 col1 1
# row2 col2 2
# row3 col3 3
# row4 col4 4
# row5 col5 5
# row6 col6 6

Renaming Rownames/Colnames of matrix `x` by matching column 1 in dataframe `y` and inserting column 3

Something like this using match ?

colnames(mat) <- metadata$Name[match(colnames(mat), metadata$Accession)]
rownames(mat) <- metadata$Name[match(rownames(mat), metadata$Accession)]

# Horse Tiger Elephant Monkey
#Horse 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.1
#Tiger 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.1
#Elephant 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.1
#Monkey 0.10 0.25 0.50 1.0

Transform Names Matrix into Dataframe rows

You can use melt:

head(setNames(melt(mat), c("ROWNAME", "COLNAME", "VALUE")))
# 1 A F 1
# 2 B F 2
# 3 C F 3
# 4 D F 4
# 5 E F 5
# 6 A G 6

Extracting col/row names from a matrix based on value condition in R

If we are interested in the row/column names, then convert to table, and coerce it to a data.frame and subset

subset(as.data.frame(as.table(m)), Freq > 5, select = c(Var1, Var2))


m <-structure(c(0, 1.6898, 7.55815, 4.18765, 4.4806, 4.41775, 3.9795, 
4.1283, 4.255, 4.4811, 1.6898, 0, 7.67225, 4.113, 4.48225, 4.62525,
3.9288, 4.02495, 4.19675, 4.4686, 7.55815, 7.67225, 0, 7.3129,
7.23675, 7.46935, 7.29925, 7.41055, 7.4329, 7.28585, 4.18765,
4.113, 7.3129, 0, 3.8151, 3.35225, 2.886, 3.29, 3.0194, 3.949,
4.4806, 4.48225, 7.23675, 3.8151, 0, 4.2949, 3.66205, 4.0022,
3.70005, 2.34825, 4.41775, 4.62525, 7.46935, 3.35225, 4.2949,
0, 3.42355, 3.6388, 2.27245, 4.23745, 3.9795, 3.9288, 7.29925,
2.886, 3.66205, 3.42355, 0, 2.48115, 2.97045, 3.6137, 4.1283,
4.02495, 7.41055, 3.29, 4.0022, 3.6388, 2.48115, 0, 2.9763, 3.92015,
4.255, 4.19675, 7.4329, 3.0194, 3.70005, 2.27245, 2.97045, 2.9763,
0, 3.80345, 4.4811, 4.4686, 7.28585, 3.949, 2.34825, 4.23745,
3.6137, 3.92015, 3.80345, 0), .Dim = c(10L, 10L), .Dimnames = list(
c("0", "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"), c("0",
"1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10")))

create a matrix and row/col names in loop, in R

There are several problems with the code in the question:

  1. It is trying to insert names into the names vectors but no names have been set on the matrix.
  2. colnames(mat)[cc]<-... should be colnames(mat)[cc-3]<-
  3. Using byrow=TRUE is not an error but it is pointless since every element is 0 so it doesn't matter what order 0 is inserted.

1) Suggest doing it this way instead:

rr <- 2:8
cc <- 4:20
mat <- outer(rr, cc)
dimnames(mat) <- list(paste0("class.", rr), paste0("count.", cc))

2) Alternately, this could be done via list comprehensions using the listcompr package. For each value of r in rr the gen.named.vector call creates a named vector forming one row and then gen.named.matrix creates a matrix from the rows.

gen.named.matrix("class.{r}", gen.named.vector("count.{c}", c*r, c = cc), r = rr)

3) If you want to fix up the code in the question then do it like this:

mat <- matrix(0, nrow = 7, ncol = 17 ,
dimnames = list(character(7), character(17)))
for (rr in 2:8) {
rownames(mat)[rr-1] <- paste('class', rr, sep='.')
for(cc in 4:20) {
mat[rr-1, cc-3] <- rr * cc
colnames(mat)[cc-3] <- paste('count', cc, sep='.')

Extracting rows and columns of a matrix if row names and column names have a partial match

An easier option is to reshape to 'long' by converting to data.frame from table, and then subset the rows based on the values of 'Var1' and 'Var2'

out <- subset(as.data.frame.table(a), Var1 == sub("\\d+", "", Var2),
select =c(Var2, Freq))
with(out, setNames(Freq, Var2))
aaa1 aaa2 aaa3 bbb1 bbb2 bbb3 ccc1 ccc2 ccc3
0.01495641 1.57504185 2.32762287 0.42652979 0.41329383 0.07119408 0.64530516 1.39629918 0.17042160

Or with row/column indexing

i1 <- match( sub("\\d+", "", colnames(a)), rownames(a))
a[cbind(i1, seq_along(i1))]
[1] 0.01495641 1.57504185 2.32762287 0.42652979 0.41329383 0.07119408 0.64530516 1.39629918 0.17042160

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