R Lubridate Converting Seconds to Date

R lubridate converting seconds to date

Dirk is correct. However, if you are intent on using lubridate functions:

paste( year(dt), month(dt), mday(dt), hour(dt) sep="-")

If on the other hand you want to handle the POSIXct objects the way they were supposed to be used then this should satisfy:

format(x, format="%Y-%m-%d-%H")

how to convert seconds to a date in R

Convert to POSIXct and add the number of seconds. seconds can be a vector of seconds.

seconds <- 2
as.POSIXct("09/01/2017 01:37:33", format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") + seconds
## [1] "2017-09-01 01:37:35 EDT"

Converting seconds from specific time on a specific date in R

Have a look at lubridate...

ymd_hm("2017-05-21 22:00") + seconds(1.01)

So in your case it would be something like

file$date <- ymd_hm("2017-05-21 22:00") + seconds(file$Time) 

Convert seconds to days: hours:minutes:seconds

You may try

#[1] "1d 0H 0M 0S"

#[1] "13H 20M 0S"

If you need to format

td <- seconds_to_period(86400)
sprintf('%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', day(td), td@hour, minute(td), second(td))
#[1] "01 00:00:00"

If it spans for >99 days,

td <- seconds_to_period(1e7)
sprintf('%03d %02d:%02d:%02d', day(td), td@hour, minute(td), second(td))
#[1] "115 17:46:40"

Convert numeric time in milliseconds to datetime with seconds with decimal value

With lubridate, using as_datetime

[1] "2021-10-08 16:01:17 UTC"

Note that the milliseconds are not printed in the console. If we need to print, then format with strftime or format (but it will not be a datetime object anymore)

strftime(as_datetime(time/1000), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS3') 
#[1] "2021-10-08 11:01:17.772"

Or without using any package, just specify it in as.POSIXct

as.POSIXct(time/1000, origin = '1970-01-01')
[1] "2021-10-08 11:01:17 CDT"

Convert UNIX epoch to Date object

Go via POSIXct and you want to set a TZ there -- here you see my (Chicago) default:

R> val <- 1352068320
R> as.POSIXct(val, origin="1970-01-01")
[1] "2012-11-04 22:32:00 CST"
R> as.Date(as.POSIXct(val, origin="1970-01-01"))
[1] "2012-11-05"

Edit: A few years later, we can now use the anytime package:

R> library(anytime)
R> anytime(1352068320)
[1] "2012-11-04 16:32:00 CST"
R> anydate(1352068320)
[1] "2012-11-04"

Note how all this works without any format or origin arguments.

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