Disable Saving History

Disable saving history

Just start up R with --no-save. See R --help.

Add this to your shortcuts (in Windows for example this is under "Target" when you right-click on the shortcut and choose properties).

Sample Image

How to disable python history saving?

This modification to the startup file does the job. It does not disable writing to ~/.python_history but ignores its content on startup.

import atexit
import os
import readline

historyFile = ".pyhistory"
startFile = ".pystart"
cwd = os.getcwd()

historyPath = cwd + "/" + historyFile
startPath = cwd + "/" + startFile

def save_history(historyPath=historyPath):
import readline

# ignore history loaded from the standard file

# load history from the custom file
if os.path.exists(historyPath):

# register handler

Purposefully disable history for a particular file in Git while keeping most recent version

The source code is stored in large binaries, and I use a code export utility to save my source code in plain text

How can I make git keep only the latest version of this particular binary file

To keep only one original-binary version in the repository, not tied to any version of your exported-to-text source, the simplest will be to talk directly to Git's content tracker core for that file:

git tag latest-binary $(git hash-object -w that.file)

which bypasses almost all of Git and everything else, and makes a reference directly to the bits. You won't be able to check it out normally, instead, use

git show latest-binary >any.name.you.like

How to disable browser history saving or cashing option from ASP.net MVC

Cache has nothing to do with history. These are two different functions. Disabling cacheing does not instruct the browser to avoid saving history. There is no supported way to "disable the back button" or disable history.

This is a client feature. There may or may not be certain browser specific hacks you could do, but these are unsupported and will likely break with newer versions of browsers, mobile browsers, etc...

Instead of trying to force the browser to do something it wasn't designed to do, design your site so the back button doesn't cause problems.

For instance, use the Post Redirect Get pattern to help mitigate reposting data.

I refuse to use any site that messes with my browser in this manner (I may have other history that I want to keep, and if you go deleting it on me without my permission, I will be very angry). I know many other people that feel the same. So unless you want to alienate your users, don't do it.

Prevent Browser from saving an URL

Your page has code:

 if (_timer) clearInterval(_timer);
window.history.pushState('', 'MineLight', "Loaded!/" + Url);
setTimeout(Back, 2000);


HTML5 introduced the history.pushState() and history.replaceState()
methods, which allow you to add and modify history entries,
respectively. These methods work in conjunction with the
window.onpopstate event.

You must delete it.

Adding and modifying history entries

How to disable input field history using html

Simply set autocomplete="off" on your input element.

<input name="yourname" type="text" autocomplete="off"/>

Disable history in etcd key value store

Event history is part of etcd.

It was acknowledged, as far back as 2015 in issue 4432 ("Consider moving events out of etcd") that:

Events account for the overwhelming majority of our etcd write volume, which is causing a variety of performance and stability problems.

We could consider a different delivery mechanism for the events.

But for now, this is still managed by etcd.

There are other Key-Value referential which might prove simpler to manage than etcd in your case. I use prologic/bitcask.

Htmx - Disable saving snapshot of the DOM with hx-push-url=true

HTMX does not provide an official way to prevent this behavior, yet. However with a little manual work we can force HTMX to make a full page refresh. HTMX stores the page in the localStorage under htmx-history-cache key. So we can use the htmx:pushedIntoHistory event (~ the page has been saved to the history) to delete this key completely, forcing HTMX to make a new request to the server.

document.body.addEventListener('htmx:pushedIntoHistory', (evt) => {

However, by default HTMX will make an AJAX request instead a full page reload. To force a full reload, we also need to set refreshOnHistoryMiss to true:

<meta name="htmx-config" content='{"refreshOnHistoryMiss":"true"}' />

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