R Lpsolve Binary Find All Possible Solutions

How to get lpsolveAPI to return all possible solutions?

Discovered that this was dupe with:
Get multiple solutions for 0/1-Knapsack MILP with lpSolveAPI

Here is the code I used to solve this adapted from the link:

# find first solution
sols<-list() # create list for more solutions
obj0<-get.objective(lpmodel) # Find values of best solution (in this case four)
counter <- 0 #construct a counter so you wont get more than 100 solutions

# find more solutions
while(counter < 100) {
sol <- get.variables(lpmodel)
sols <- rbind(sols,sol)
add.constraint(lpmodel,2*sol-1,"<=", sum(sol)-1)
if (status!=0) break;
if (get.objective(lpmodel)<obj0) break;
counter <- counter + 1

This finds all six solutions:

> sols
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
sol 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
sol 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
sol 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
sol 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
sol 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
sol 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1

Sorry for the dupe everyone. If anyone knows another way built into the 'lpSolveAPI' package I'd still love to know.

All feasible solutions using lpSolveAPI in R

There are two different approaches to enumerate all feasible integer solutions.

The first is to add a cut to the constraints that forbids the previously found solution. I.e.

 1. solve problem
2. if infeasible: done
3. record optimal solution x[i] into a[i]
4. add cut of the form
sum(i, (2*a[i]-1)*x[i]) <= sum(i,a[i])-1
5. go to step 1.

I assumed here the binary variables are x[i].

The second approach is to use the Cplex solution pool. This is much faster if there are many solutions.

PS: LpSolveApi documents things like get.solutioncount and select.solution. I don't think that actually works.

Get multiple solutions for 0/1-Knapsack MILP with lpSolveAPI

Looks like that is broken. Here is a DIY approach for your specific model:

# first problem
# find more solutions
while(TRUE) {
sol <- round(get.variables(lp_model))
sols <- c(sols,list(sol))
add.constraint(lp_model,2*sol-1,"<=", sum(sol)-1)
if (rc!=0) break;
if (get.objective(lp_model)<obj0-1e-6) break;

The idea is to cut off the current integer solution by adding a constraint. Then resolve. Stop when no longer optimal or when the objective starts to deteriorate. Here is some math background.

You should see now:

> sols
[1] 1 0 1

[1] 0 1 1


Below in the comments it was asked why coefficients of the cut have the form 2*sol-1. Again have a look at the derivation. Here is a counter example:

           C1   C2        
Maximize 0 10
R1 1 1 <= 10
Kind Std Std
Type Int Int
Upper 1 1
Lower 0 0

With "my" cuts this will yield:

> sols
[1] 0 1

[1] 1 1

while using the suggested "wrong" cuts will give just:

> sols
[1] 0 1

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