General Guide for Creating Publication Quality Tables Using R, Sweave, and Latex

General guide for creating publication quality tables using R, Sweave, and LaTeX

Just to tie this up with a nice little bow at the time of current writing, the best existant tutorials on publication-quality tables and usage scenarios appear to be an amalgamation of these documents:

  • A Sweave example (source)
  • The Joy of Sweave: A Beginner's Guide to Reproducible Research with Sweave (source)
  • Latex and R via Sweave: An example document how to use Sweave (source)
  • Sweave = R · LaTeX2 (source)
  • The xtable gallery (source)
  • The Sweave Homepage
  • LaTeX documentation

Going beyond the scope of what currently exists, you may want to ask the author of The Joy of Sweave for a document on publication-quality tables specifically. It seems like he's gone above and beyond this problem in his research. In addition to the questions you've raised, this space specifically could use a style guide that, flatly, does not currently exist.

And, as mentioned in the question errata, this is a perfect example of a question for I encourage you to continue to ask specific questions there when you run into any difficulties in your current projects.

Making publication quality tables in R from excel spreadsheet

Ok, I got it! I read the document in as a csv and then used the kable code below to save it to a document. Quite effective. Thank you all for your help.

# save table ---------
rawCSV <- read.csv("/Users/admin/Desktop/table2.csv")

kable(rawCSV, "latex", booktabs = T) %>%
kable_styling(latex_options = c("solid", "scale_down")) %>%

Programming a publication-grade table in R

You could use the Publish package (not quite yet on CRAN but can be gotten from GitHub).


Then you can use the univariateTable function to get exactly what you are asking for (Q requests median and IQR)

univariateTable(gender ~ Q(value) + genotype, data=df)
Variable Level gender = M (n=50) gender = F (n=150)
1 value median [iqr] 647.0 [488.4, 829.0] 615.4 [493.5, 797.4]
2 genotype A 25 (50.0) 75 (50.0)
3 B 25 (50.0) 75 (50.0)
Total (n=200) p-value
1 617.9 [491.0, 812.4] 0.666
2 100 (50.0)
3 100 (50.0) 1.000

The function returns a data frame which can easily be saved to a text file using, say, write.table or something similar.

Dynamic Sweave document

Does this help:



library( xtable )
df <- structure(list(ID = 2:6, home_pc = structure(c(2L, 6L, 1L, 3L,
5L), .Label = c("BY5 8IB", "CB4 2DT", "DH4 6PB", "KN4 5GH", "MP9 7GH",
"NE5 7TH", "VB2 4RF"), class = "factor"), start_pc = structure(c(4L,
3L, 4L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("BV6 5PB", "CB3 5TH", "FC5 7YH",
"Home", "NA"), class = "factor"), end_pc = structure(c(1L, 3L,
3L, 3L, 2L), .Label = c("CB5 4FG", "GH6 8HG", "Home", "NA"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("ID",
"home_pc", "start_pc", "end_pc"), row.names = 2:6, class = "data.frame")
count = 1
end = 3

print( xtable( df ) )

for( i in 1:end )
print( xtable( df ) )
i <- i + 1
cat( "\\newpage" )

if( count < end )
count = count + 1
cat( "\\newpage" )

if( count < end )
count = count + 1
cat( "\\newpage" )

if( count < end )
count = count + 1
cat( "\\newpage" )


Happy to go into more details if this is the right track!

How can I produce report quality tables from R?

I would use xtable. I usually use it with Sweave.

d <- data.frame(letter=LETTERS, index=rnorm(52))
d.table <- xtable(d[1:5,])

If you want to use it in a Sweave document, you would use it like so:

xtable(d, caption = "Here is my caption", label = "tab:one",caption.placement = "top")

How to include multiple tables programmatically into a Sweave document using R

This is being caused by the underscore in this statement:


If you change it to

cat(paste("Table ",i,sep=""))



It runs. Did you want those numbers as subscripts?

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