Importing Data into R (Rdata) from Github

Directly loading .RData from github

The problem is not in your code, it should work fine.
This, for example, loads an Rdata file from github normally


Your problem comes from the files you are trying to open, they are saved with the serialization format 3 that was introduced in R version 3.5, using save(version = 3)

R has new serialization format (version 3) which supports custom serialization of ALTREP framework objects. These objects can still be serialized in format 2, but less efficiently. Serialization format 3 also records the current native encoding of unflagged strings and converts them when de-serialized in R running under different native encoding. Format 3 comes with new serialization magic numbers (RDA3, RDB3, RDX3). Format 3 can be selected by version = 3 in save(), serialize() and saveRDS(), but format 2 remains the default for all serialization and saving of the workspace. Serialized data in format 3 cannot be read by versions of R prior to version 3.5.0.


After some more research I think it is a bug (or a feature ?).
For files saved with compression argument equal to FALSE, TRUE or gz the code works as expected in R version >= 3.5. But for compression equal to xz which seems to be your case it does not work.

There are two options: either save the files with gz compression, or use the workaround from @user113156's answer.

Read a CSV from github into R

Try this:

x <- getURL("")
y <- read.csv(text = x)

You have two problems:

  1. You're not linking to the "raw" text file, but Github's display version (visit the URL for https:\ to see the difference between the raw version and the display version).
  2. https is a problem for R in many cases, so you need to use a package like RCurl to get around it. In some cases (not with Github, though) you can simply replace https with http and things work out, so you can always try that out first, but I find using RCurl reliable and not too much extra typing.

Import RDS file from github into R Windows

In 2nd method you just need to add method="curl" and also change the url to point to raw (Download link on the page)

githubURL <- ("")
download.file(githubURL,"best2.My.Lu2.rds", method="curl")
BestMyyu <- readRDS("best2.My.Lu2.rds")

If you don't have curl installed, you can get it from here

Loading SPSS files from github


As @DavidKlotz commented in the OP, you need to copy the URL of the file of interest; not the URL of the page that hosts the file of interest on GitHub.

Copy the URL from either the Download button, as shown below, or from the View Raw hyperlink and paste it into the file argument within the haven::read_sav() function in r.

SS of GitHub

# load necessary package
library( haven )

# transform GitHub url
# from 'Download' button
# into data frame
df <- read_sav( file = "" )

# view the dimensions
dim( df ) # [1] 4202 454

# transform GitHub url
# from 'View Raw' hyperlink
# into data frame
df <- read_sav( file = "" )

# view the dimensions
dim( df ) # [1] 4202 454

# end of script #

How to read RData file with R

This worked for me:


I get a dataframe overs from the RData-file.

The url is taken from the Download-button of the github-page to get the raw file.

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