Lib Unspecified & Error in Loadnamespace

Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : there is no package called ‘Rcpp’

Thanks for the help. I got the fix!
Manually extracted the Rcpp zip file to path mentioned in .libPaths()

Error in loadNamespace Rstudio

So I ended up re-installing windows after hours of trying to modify/fix the permissions issue I was having with all folders on the local disk.

Since re-installing I have installed Rstudio as per before and I am back in business, no messing around with library locations, just plain vanilla for me please...

R package DT cannot be installed

htmlwidgets it not available for your R version.

Please use:

install.packages("htmlwidgets", type = "binary")

And if needed:

install.packages("DT", type = "binary")

Error installing R devtools: `Error in loadNamespace`

You cannot mix


which is for OS X / Macintosh with the Linux you have:


Your best bet is probably to start with

install.packages("devtools", repos="")

and to look very carefully and any error messages you may get in order to resolve missing build dependencies.

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