Why am I Getting X. in My Column Names When Reading a Data Frame

Why am I getting X. in my column names when reading a data frame?

read.csv() is a wrapper around the more general read.table() function. That latter function has argument check.names which is documented as:

check.names: logical.  If ‘TRUE’ then the names of the variables in the
data frame are checked to ensure that they are syntactically
valid variable names. If necessary they are adjusted (by
‘make.names’) so that they are, and also to ensure that there
are no duplicates.

If your header contains labels that are not syntactically valid then make.names() will replace them with a valid name, based upon the invalid name, removing invalid characters and possibly prepending X:

R> make.names("$Foo")
[1] "X.Foo"

This is documented in ?make.names:


A syntactically valid name consists of letters, numbers and the
dot or underline characters and starts with a letter or the dot
not followed by a number. Names such as ‘".2way"’ are not valid,
and neither are the reserved words.

The definition of a _letter_ depends on the current locale, but
only ASCII digits are considered to be digits.

The character ‘"X"’ is prepended if necessary. All invalid
characters are translated to ‘"."’. A missing value is translated
to ‘"NA"’. Names which match R keywords have a dot appended to
them. Duplicated values are altered by ‘make.unique’.

The behaviour you are seeing is entirely consistent with the documented way read.table() loads in your data. That would suggest that you have syntactically invalid labels in the header row of your CSV file. Note the point above from ?make.names that what is a letter depends on the locale of your system; The CSV file might include a valid character that your text editor will display but if R is not running in the same locale that character may not be valid there, for example?

I would look at the CSV file and identify any non-ASCII characters in the header line; there are possibly non-visible characters (or escape sequences; \t?) in the header row also. A lot may be going on between reading in the file with the non-valid names and displaying it in the console which might be masking the non-valid characters, so don't take the fact that it doesn't show anything wrong without check.names as indicating that the file is OK.

Posting the output of sessionInfo() would also be useful.

Remove the X letter from the column names of a new dataframe

While not really advisable, what you want is check.names = FALSE in the data.frame call:

data.frame(YG %>% group_by(year) %>%
summarise(n = round(sum(weight)), g = n()) %>%
select(-g) %>% spread(year, n, fill = 0),
check.names = FALSE)
# 2000 2001 2002
# 1 2 1 2

R: Why am I getting an extra column titled X.1 in my dataframe after reading my .txt file?

If all other column names are correct, you have probably a trailing \t in the text file. R tries to include it and gives it the generic column name X.1.

You could try and read the file first as 'plain text' and remove the trailing \t and only then use read.csv:

file_connection <- file("Objects_Population - AllCells.txt")
content <- readLines(file_connection )

Now we try to get rid of these trailing \t (this might need some testing to fit your needs)

sanitized <- gsub("\\t$", "", content)

And then we read this sanitized string as if it was a file (using the argument text)

df <- read.csv(text=paste0(sanitized, collapse="\n"), sep="\t", skip = 9,header=TRUE, fill = T)

How to Drop X in Column names after Merge

It is better to have column names not start with numbers. By default, the make.names or make.unique adds the X prefix when it starts with numbers. To remove it, one option is sub

names(z) <- sub("^X", "", names(z))
# ID x y V1 198101 198102 198103 198104 198105 198106
#1 410320 -122.5417 37.75 NA 119.45 33.15 104.23 5.61 4.85 0
#2 410321 -122.5000 37.75 NA 129.49 37.76 114.94 5.28 5.24 0
#3 410322 -122.4583 37.75 NA 163.68 42.80 131.22 7.25 6.94 0
#4 410323 -122.4167 37.75 NA 141.14 32.26 110.45 7.77 4.62 0
#5 410324 -122.3750 37.75 NA 130.87 25.87 102.15 8.38 4.13 0
#6 410325 -122.3333 37.75 NA 129.03 25.21 102.37 9.42 4.35 0

If we apply make.names

#[1] "ID" "x" "y" "V1" "X198101" "X198102"
#[7] "X198103" "X198104" "X198105" "X198106"

The 'X' prefix is returned. So, in general, it is safe to have column names with 'character' prefix instead of just numbers. Also, if we wanted to extract say '198101' column, we need a backtick

#Error: unexpected numeric constant in "z$198104"
#[1] 5.61 5.28 7.25 7.77 8.38 9.42

Why are Xs added to data frame variable names when using read.csv?

read.table and read.csv have a check.names= argument that you can set to FALSE.

For example, try it with this input consisting of just a header:

> read.csv(text = "a,1,b")
[1] a X1 b
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)


> read.csv(text = "a,1,b", check.names = FALSE)
[1] a 1 b
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

Join dataframes, retaining column names

You need to include drop = FALSE in the indexing step so that the things you're binding together retain all of their dimensions. I couldn't figure out a way to do this by passing drop = FALSE as an extra argument to [, so I resorted to using an anonymous function instead.

NEW <- do.call(cbind, lapply(list_datf, function(x) x[n_r, , drop = FALSE]))

Alternatively, you could convert your components to tibbles, which (unlike data frames) never drop "unneeded" dimensions:

NEW <- do.call(cbind, lapply(list_datf, function(x) tibble::as_tibble(x)[n_r, ]))

If you want to go full tidyverse:

list_datf %>% purrr::map(~ tibble::as_tibble(.)[n_r, ]) %>% bind_cols()

Select specific columns, where the column names are in another df in r

The problem is that Y.variable.names is a data.frame which you cannot use to subset another data.frame.

You can check by typing class(Y.variable.names).

So the solution to your problem is subsetting Y.variable.names:

Y.Data = data %>% select(Y.variable.names[,1])

How do I keep the column names in a data frame when I am trying to drop all of the rows that don't start with specific names?

list = ['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'AMZN', 'NFLX']
first = True

for tickers in list:
df1 = df[df.ticker == tickers]
if first:
df1.to_csv("20CompanyAnalysisData1.csv", mode='a', header=True)
first = False
df1.to_csv("20CompanyAnalysisData1.csv", mode='a', header=False)

or more compactly

list = ['GOOG', 'AAPL', 'AMZN', 'NFLX']
needheader = True

for tickers in list:
df1 = df[df.ticker == tickers]
df1.to_csv("20CompanyAnalysisData1.csv", mode='a', header=neadheader)
needheader = False

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