How to Reset Row Names

How to reset row names?


rownames(Ordersample2) <- 1:10

or more generally

rownames(Ordersample2) <- NULL

How can I reset rownames?

if your data frame is called df, just do rownames(df)=NULL

R - How to re-order row index number

You can use

 row.names(yourdf) <- NULL

to reset the row names

Resetting row names after a reorder of data


Reset rownames to particular format - make code more efficient

You can keep the words that occur more than once and for each id create a row name.


token %>%
add_count(word) %>%
filter(n > 1) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(n = paste(id, row_number() - 1, sep = '.'),
n = sub('\\.0$', '', n)) %>%
column_to_rownames('n') -> result


# id word
#1 1 month
#1.1 1 open
#1.2 1 #postdoc
#4 4 month
#4.1 4 open
#4.2 4 #postdoc

How to start a data frame with a row name of 1 in r

Reset the rownames.

row.names(df) <- NULL

Removing display of row names from data frame

You have successfully removed the row names. The method just shows the row numbers if no row names are present.

df1 <- data.frame(values = rnorm(3), group = letters[1:3],
row.names = paste0("RowName", 1:3))
# values group
#RowName1 -1.469809 a
#RowName2 -1.164943 b
#RowName3 0.899430 c

rownames(df1) <- NULL
# values group
#1 -1.469809 a
#2 -1.164943 b
#3 0.899430 c

You can suppress printing the row names and numbers in with the argument row.names as FALSE.

print(df1, row.names = FALSE)
# values group
# -1.4345829 d
# 0.2182768 e
# -0.2855440 f

Edit: As written in the comments, you want to convert this to HTML. From the xtable and print.xtable documentation, you can see that the argument include.rownames will do the trick.

print(xtable(df1), type="html", include.rownames = FALSE)
#<!-- html table generated in R 3.1.0 by xtable 1.7-3 package -->
#<!-- Thu Jun 26 12:50:17 2014 -->
#<TABLE border=1>
#<TR> <TH> values </TH> <TH> group </TH> </TR>
#<TR> <TD align="right"> -0.34 </TD> <TD> a </TD> </TR>
#<TR> <TD align="right"> -1.04 </TD> <TD> b </TD> </TR>
#<TR> <TD align="right"> -0.48 </TD> <TD> c </TD> </TR>

R lapply on list of dataframes resetting rownames

This is a job for the base function lapply; you don't need to load plyr. You also need to make sure that your anonymous function returns something.

df1 <- data.frame(a=1:10)
rownames(df1) <- letters[1:10]

df2 <- data.frame(b=1:10)
rownames(df2) <- LETTERS[1:10]

mylist <- list(df1,df2)

mylist <- lapply(mylist,function(DF) {rownames(DF) <- NULL; DF})

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