Convert a Numeric Month to a Month Abbreviation

Convert month's number to Month name

We can just use to change the index of months to its corresponding name[v1]

and there is also a 3 character abbreviation for month[v1]


v1 <- sample(1:12, 24, replace = TRUE)

Convert a month abbreviation to a numeric month, in R

Since is a system constant, why not use:

 match("jan", tolower(
# [1] 1

mo2Num <- function(x) match(tolower(x), tolower(
mo2Num(c("jan", "JAN", "Feb", "junk") )
#[1] 1 1 2 NA

If you want to see the rest of the relatively small number of "system constants", go to


The example text implies these should be in the language associated with your locale (although I'm not able to say with authority which of locales that would be. An alternate approach might have been to extract the month numbera after conversion to a POSIXlt-object. This approach requires remembering that the month number os 0-based, so you would need to add 1 in this instance.

How to map month name to month number and vice versa?

Create a reverse dictionary using the calendar module (which, like any module, you will need to import):

{month: index for index, month in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr) if month}

In Python versions before 2.7, due to dict comprehension syntax not being supported in the language, you would have to do

dict((month, index) for index, month in enumerate(calendar.month_abbr) if month)

How to replace numeric month with a month's full name

R comes with a vector which should be ok as long as you only need English names.

mydata %>% mutate(MonthName =[Month])


# A tibble: 4 x 5
camp Acct Balance Month MonthName
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 Platinum 2018-03 1 222 1 January
2 Reboarding 2018 33 7744 4 April
3 New Acct Auto Jul18 6 949 6 June
4 Loan2019-4 43 123 8 August

Other Languages

If you need other languages use this code (or omit as.character to get ordered factor output):

Sys.setlocale(locale = "French")
mydata %>% mutate(MonthName = as.character(month(Month, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE)))


# A tibble: 4 x 5
camp Acct Balance Month MonthName
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 Platinum 2018-03 1 222 1 janvier
2 Reboarding 2018 33 7744 4 avril
3 New Acct Auto Jul18 6 949 6 juin
4 Loan2019-4 43 123 8 août

Replace month abbreviation with numbers

This should do it.

Date = c("12Oct2020","13Oct2020","14Oct2020")
format(strptime(Date, format="%d%b%Y"), format="%d/%m/%Y")

The inner part (strptime()) converts from your particular date format to a Date object: the outer part (format()) prints your date in the requested output format.

Note that this will only work if your computer/R session is using an English locale, because the %b format specifier looks for the abbreviated month name in the current locale. In French it would still be OK, but in a German locale it would be looking for "Okt" instead ...

What is the easiest or most effective way to convert month's abbreviation to a number in Perl? (ie jan to 1)

borrowed from here

%mon2num = qw(
jan 1 feb 2 mar 3 apr 4 may 5 jun 6
jul 7 aug 8 sep 9 oct 10 nov 11 dec 12

and to retrieve


MySQL convert month number to month name

  • We can convert the given input number to MySQL date format (focusing on month only), using Str_To_Date() function.
  • Now, we simply need to use Monthname() function to extract the month name from the date.
  • This will work only when NO_ZERO_DATE mode is disabled.


SET sql_mode = ''; -- disable NO_ZERO_DATE mode

As @Felk suggested in comments, if we need to get shortened month name, we can use Date_Format() function instead:

SET sql_mode = ''; -- disable NO_ZERO_DATE mode

If you don't want to disable the NO_ZERO_DATE mode, then you can create any random date using the month and call Monthname():

SELECT MONTHNAME(CONCAT('2018-',3,'-1')); -- 3 is the input number

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