How to Name the "Row Names" Column in R

How do I name the row names column in r

It sounds like you want to convert the rownames to a proper column of the data.frame. eg:

# add the rownames as a proper column
myDF <- cbind(Row.Names = rownames(myDF), myDF)

# Row.Names id val vr2
# row_one row_one A 1 23
# row_two row_two A 2 24
# row_three row_three B 3 25
# row_four row_four C 4 26

If you want to then remove the original rownames:

rownames(myDF) <- NULL
# Row.Names id val vr2
# 1 row_one A 1 23
# 2 row_two A 2 24
# 3 row_three B 3 25
# 4 row_four C 4 26

Alternatively, if all of your data is of the same class (ie, all numeric, or all string), you can convert to Matrix and name the dimnames

myMat <- as.matrix(myDF)
names(dimnames(myMat)) <- c("Names.of.Rows", "")

# Names.of.Rows id val vr2
# row_one "A" "1" "23"
# row_two "A" "2" "24"
# row_three "B" "3" "25"
# row_four "C" "4" "26"

Putting row names and column names when converting from list to data frame

In LWfunction return a 1-row dataframe with all the required values in it.


LWfunction <- function(x) {
fits <- lm(log(weight) ~ log(length), data = x)
a <- hoCoef(fits, 2,3)
b <- confint(fits)
output <- cbind(a, data.frame(intercept_2.5 = b[1, 1],
intercept_97.5 = b[1, 2],
log_length_2.5 = b[2, 1],
log_length_97.5 = b[2, 2]))

apply it for each year and month :

result <- data %>%
group_by(month, year) %>%
summarise(output = list(LWfunction(cur_data()))) %>%
ungroup %>%

# A tibble: 7 x 13
# month year term `Ho Value` Estimate `Std. Error` T df
# <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 4 1992 2 3 3.00 0.0396 0.0216 58
#2 5 1992 2 3 2.88 0.0315 -3.78 64
#3 6 1992 2 3 2.86 0.0317 -4.43 152
#4 7 1992 2 3 2.87 0.0189 -7.11 147
#5 8 1992 2 3 2.89 0.0312 -3.40 67
#6 9 1992 2 3 3.02 0.0326 0.680 114
#7 10 1992 2 3 3.00 0.0314 -0.113 64
# … with 5 more variables: `p value` <dbl>, intercept_2.5 <dbl>,
# intercept_97.5 <dbl>, log_length_2.5 <dbl>,
# log_length_97.5 <dbl>

Is there a way to name column names or rownames?

To construct an array with named dimnames, pass a named list as the dimnames argument of matrix or array:

x <- array(seq_len(18L), dim = c(3L, 3L, 2L),
dimnames = list(D1 = letters[1:3], D2 = letters[4:6], D3 = letters[7:8]))
## , , D3 = g
## D2
## D1 d e f
## a 1 4 7
## b 2 5 8
## c 3 6 9
## , , D3 = h
## D2
## D1 d e f
## a 10 13 16
## b 11 14 17
## c 12 15 18

To modify an existing array so that it has named dimnames, set the names attribute of the dimnames attribute:

y <- array(seq_len(18L), dim = c(3L, 3L, 2L),
dimnames = list(letters[1:3], letters[4:6], letters[7:8]))
names(dimnames(y)) <- c("D1", "D2", "D3")

identical(x, y)
## [1] TRUE

However, note that names(dimnames(y)) <- value will not work if dimnames(y) is NULL:

z <- array(seq_len(18L), dim = c(3L, 3L, 2L))
names(dimnames(z)) <- c("D1", "D2", "D3")
## Error in names(dimnames(z)) <- c("D1", "D2", "D3") :
## attempt to set an attribute on NULL

To get named but "empty" dimnames in the above case, you would have to do something like

dimnames(z) <- list(D1 = NULL, D2 = NULL, D3 = NULL)

or equivalently

dimnames(z) <- setNames(vector("list", 3L), c("D1", "D2", "D3"))


## , , 1
## D2
## D1 [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 1 4 7
## [2,] 2 5 8
## [3,] 3 6 9
## , , 2
## D2
## D1 [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 10 13 16
## [2,] 11 14 17
## [3,] 12 15 18

It is interesting that we don't see D3 = 1 and D3 = 2 in the print output. That might be a bug - I'd have to ask the people upstairs.

Convert row names into first column

Or you can use tibble's rownames_to_column which does the same thing as David's answer:

df <- tibble::rownames_to_column(df, "VALUE")

Note: The earlier function called add_rownames() has been deprecated and is being replaced by tibble::rownames_to_column()

Get the column name and row name of a specific value in a dataframe

You may use which with arr.ind = TRUE to get row and column number where 5 is present. This can be changed to row and column names.

mat <- which(df == 5, arr.ind = TRUE)
paste('row : ', rownames(df)[mat[, 1]], 'column :', colnames(df)[mat[, 2]])
#[1] "row : 200 column : b"

get value using rowname and column name in R?

It is not a row name attribute, but a column 'A' So, create a logical index with the 'A' column, use that as row index, while specifying the column as the 'columnName'

df[df$A == 'row Name 1', 'columnName']

R: count times per column a condition is met and row names appear in a list

We may do this with rowwise

df2 %>%
rowwise %>%
mutate(x = +(sum(df1[[rownames]][df1$rownames %in% x]) >= 5),
y = +(sum(df1[[rownames]][df1$rownames %in% y]) >= 5)) %>%


# A tibble: 3 × 5
rownames batch totalcount x y
<chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int>
1 sample1 a 10 1 0
2 sample2 b 15 1 1
3 sample3 a 6 0 1

Or based on the data, a base R option would be

out <- aggregate(. ~ grp, FUN = sum, 
transform(df1, grp = c('x', 'y')[1 + (rownames %in% y)] )[-1])
df2[out$grp] <- +(t(out[-1]) >= 5)


> df2
rownames batch totalcount x y
1 sample1 a 10 1 0
2 sample2 b 15 1 1
3 sample3 a 6 0 1


df1 <- structure(list(rownames = c("m1", "m2", "m3", "m4"), sample1 = c(0L, 
1L, 6L, 3L), sample2 = c(5L, 7L, 2L, 1L), sample3 = c(1L, 5L,
0L, 0L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))

df2 <- structure(list(rownames = c("sample1", "sample2", "sample3"),
batch = c("a", "b", "a"), totalcount = c(10L, 15L, 6L)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

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