How to Work with Large Numbers in R

Preserving large numbers

It's not in a "1.67E+12 format", it just won't print entirely using the defaults. R is reading it in just fine and the whole number is there.

x <- 1665535004661
> x
[1] 1.665535e+12
> print(x, digits = 16)
[1] 1665535004661

See, the numbers were there all along. They don't get lost unless you have a really large number of digits. Sorting on what you brought in will work fine and you can just explicitly call print() with the digits option to see your data.frame instead of implicitly by typing the name.

Why does R display wrong number with large numbers?

As @Roland says, this is a floating point issue (the Wikipedia page on floating point numbers is as good as anything). Unpacking it a bit though, R has specific integer format but it is limited to 32 bit integers:

> str(-2147483647L)
int -2147483647
> str(2147483647L)
int 2147483647
> str(21474836470L)
num 21474836470
Warning message:
non-integer value 21474836470L qualified with L; using numeric value

So, when R gets your number it is storing it as a floating point number not an integer. Floating point numbers are limited in how much precision they can store and typically only have about 17 significant digits. Because your number has more significant digits than that there is loss of precision. Losing precision in the smallest digits doesn't usually matter for computer arithmetic, but if your big number is a key of some kind (or a date stamp) then you are in more trouble. The bit64 package is designed with this kind of use case in mind, or you could import it as a string, depending on what you want to do.

Dealing with large numbers in R [Inf] and Python

In answer to your questions:

a) They use different representations for numbers. Most numbers in R are represented as double precision floating point values. These are all 64 bits long, and give about 15 digit precision throughout the range, which goes from -double.xmax to double.xmax, then switches to signed infinite values. R also uses 32 bit integer values sometimes. These cover the range of roughly +/- 2 billion. R chooses these types because it is geared towards statistical and numerical methods, and those rarely need more precision than double precision gives. (They often need a bigger range, but usually taking logs solves that problem.)

Python is more of a general purpose platform, and it has types discussed in MichaelChirico's comment.

b) Besides Brobdingnag, the gmp package can handle arbitrarily large integers. For example,

> as.bigz(2)^1500
Big Integer ('bigz') :
[1] 35074662110434038747627587960280857993524015880330828824075798024790963850563322203657080886584969261653150406795437517399294548941469959754171038918004700847889956485329097264486802711583462946536682184340138629451355458264946342525383619389314960644665052551751442335509249173361130355796109709885580674313954210217657847432626760733004753275317192133674703563372783297041993227052663333668509952000175053355529058880434182538386715523683713208549376
> nchar(as.character(as.bigz(2)^1500))
[1] 452

I imagine the as.character() call would also be needed with Brobdingnag.

work with large numbers and decimals using R

Is this what you are looking for?

d <-  c('4,013,054,922','5,208,913,410',

#> [1] "character"
as.numeric(str_remove_all(d, ','))
#> [1] 4013054922 5208913410 5514995512 5148498611

Created on 2020-06-14 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Dealing with large integers in R

You are passing a floating point number to as.integer64. The loss of precision is already in your input to as.integer64:

#[1] TRUE

sprintf("%20.5f", 18495608239531729)
#[1] "18495608239531728.00000"

Pass a character string to avoid that:

#[1] 18495608239531729

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