Passing Command Line Arguments to R Cmd Batch

Passing Parameters to an R Script via CMD or Batch

You can do all of this in R using one of these packages to parse command-line options:

  • docopt (my favourite)
  • optparse
  • argparse
  • getopt

or doing it manually -- not recommended.

You also do not want the older R CMD BATCH -- use Rscript (or littler, but littler does not work on Windows).

Code Example



doc <- "Usage: foo.R [-h] [-x] [--src REPODIR] [--out OUTDIR] [FILES...]

-s --src REPODIR source root directory [default: ~/git]
-o --out OUTDIR output directory [default: /tmp]
-h --help show this help text"

opt <- docopt(doc) # docopt parsing


Use with -h

You get a nice message, automatically, with not formatting need:

edd@rob:/tmp$ Rscript so50256138.R -h
Usage: foo.R [-h] [-x] [--src REPODIR] [--out OUTDIR] [FILES...]

-s --src REPODIR source root directory [default: ~/git]
-o --out OUTDIR output directory [default: /tmp]
-h --help show this help text

Use with argument

Note how one default argument is used, and the other from the command-line:

edd@rob:/tmp$ Rscript so50256138.R -s A 
List of 9
$ --src : chr "A"
$ --out : chr "/tmp"
$ --help: logi FALSE
$ -x : logi FALSE
$ FILES : list()
$ src : chr "A"
$ out : chr "/tmp"
$ help : logi FALSE
$ x : logi FALSE

You can access them in opt by name or by option flag.

The docopt site has more; this is actually a portable specification and the CRAN package implements it for R.

Passing arguments to an R script from command lines when the argument is a string

Here is a simple R script which would take string inputs:

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
cat(args, sep = "\n")

I save the file as "test.R" in my home directory. In the command line I can then use:

Rscript test.R "file.txt"

The " are optional if your string does not have whitespace. But this would be recognised as two inputs:

Rscript test.R file 1.txt

There is a nice little tutorial from which I took this here.

how to pass command line argument that is a matrix to R CMD BATCH

I don't think matlab can pass data to the stdin of a command called with system. Your options then are:

  1. Write the data out to a file in a way that can be read in within the Rscript process (e.g. csv). This could potentially be a temporary file, and the filename could be passed as the argument to the R script.
  2. Encode the data in a cross-program way that can be passed as a command-line argument (e.g. JSON). However, this is likely to be much harder to implement successfully, and you may run into issues of maximum line length for commands.
  3. Encode the data as an R expression that can be evaluated within R (e.g. matrix(c(1, 4, 5, 2, 9, 7), nrow = 3) along the lines of the question you yourself linked to .

Unless there's a very good reason, I'd go with option 1.

How to pass string as command line arguments while using R CMD BATCH

The code R CMD BATCH --no-save --no-restore '--args a=0 mydir="/home/test"' test.R works.
Remember add args <- commandArgs(trailingonly=TRUE) to the program at the beginning. That's why my program reported an error, I forgot to add it to my program.

Passing SLURM batch command line arguments to R

The export parameter has to be passed to sbatch not to the script.

It should be like this:

sbatch --export=basePath=‘a’

Is it possible to pass an entire list as a command line argument in R

I think optparse accepts only one argument for each "flag". I would use a comma-separated list:

R -f myscript.R --people James,John,Emily,Anna

And in your script you get the character string "James,John,Emily,Anna" that you can split with strsplit to get the vector of names.

How can I pass arguments to an Rscript i have in my desktop?

You have your R script (test.R), for example:

#commandArgs picks up the variables you pass from the command line
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)

Then you run your script from the command line using:

#here the arguments are 5 and 6 that will be picked from args in the script
PS C:\Users\TB\Documents> Rscript .\test.R 5 6
[1] "5" "6"

Then what you get back is a vector containing 2 elements, i.e. 5 and 6. trailingOnly = TRUE makes sure you just get back 5 and 6 as the arguments. If you omit it then the variable args will also contain some details about the call:

Check this for example. My R script is:

args <- commandArgs()

And the call returns:

PS C:\Users\TB\Documents> Rscript .\test.R 5 6
[1] "C:\\Users\\TB\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda3\\current\\lib\\R\\bin\\x64\\Rterm.exe"
[2] "--slave"
[3] "--no-restore"
[4] "--file=.\\test.R"
[5] "--args"
[6] "5"
[7] "6"

I didn't include the trailingOnly = TRUE here and I got some call details returned as well.

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