Join Datasets Using a Quosure as the by Argument

join datasets using a quosure as the by argument

The c() function doesn't support the rlang bangs so you'll have to take a more traditional approach to building your parameter. You can do

join_by_quosure <- function(data, left_index, var_to_impute, right_index){

left_index <- enquo(left_index)
right_index <- enquo(right_index)
var_to_impute <- enquo(var_to_impute)

by = set_names(quo_name(right_index), quo_name(left_index))

data %>% select(!!right_index, !!var_to_impute),
by = by)

Joining two data sets using as_label / as_name instead of quo_name within dplyr's left_join

An option would to convert to symbol and then to string with as_string

clean_and_join <-
col_nums_two) {

clean_data_one <- filter(data_one, {{col_nums_one}} %% 2 == 0)
clean_data_two <- filter(data_two, {{col_nums_two}} %% 2 != 0)

by_cols <- set_names(rlang::as_string(rlang::ensym(column_id_one)),

x = clean_data_one,
y = clean_data_two,
by = by_cols


clean_and_join(data_one = data_a, data_two = data_b, column_id_one = col_ltr,
column_id_two = col_ltr, col_nums_one = col_nums,
col_nums_two = col_nums)
# A tibble: 13 x 3
col_ltr col_nums.x col_nums.y
# <chr> <int> <dbl>
# 1 b 2 NA
# 2 d 4 NA
# 3 f 6 NA
# 4 h 8 NA
# 5 j 10 NA
# 6 l 12 NA
# 7 n 14 NA
# 8 p 16 NA
# 9 r 18 NA
#10 t 20 NA
#11 v 22 NA
#12 x 24 NA
#13 z 26 NA

Using by argument programmatically in join functions dplyr

The naming should be reversed in setNames i.e. whatever is the name of the variable, it should match the first dataset by variable

by=setNames(xtemp, names_vars[1]))


 sex st  xs
1 b f x_1
2 c f x_2
3 b g x_1
4 c g x_2

It is also TRUE for right_join

> right_join(int_terms_df,terms_df[,c("terms","xs")],
by=setNames(xtemp, names_vars[1]))
sex st xs
1 b f x_1
2 c f x_2
3 b g x_1
4 c g x_2
5 f <NA> x_3
6 g <NA> x_4

R - dplyr merge in user-defined function

This should work:

merge_tables <- function(inputdata1, inputdata2, byvar1, byvar2) {

byvar1 <- enquo(byvar1)
byvar2 <- enquo(byvar2)

by <- setNames(quo_name(byvar2), quo_name(byvar1))

outputdata <- full_join(inputdata1, inputdata2, by = by)




testing_merge <- merge_tables(data1, data2, ID, PatID)


ID letter1 letter2
1 1 o r
2 2 x q
3 3 <NA> b

How do I pipe into or include an additional argument within a list of quosures?

One approach is to use quosure arithmetic:

purrr::map( my_q_list, ~quo( mtcars %>% !!.x ) ) %>%       # Construct desired quosures
purrr::map( quo_squash ) %>% # Simplify them
purrr::map( eval_tidy ) # Evaluate them

Executing dplyr::left_join within a function using by=c(x=y) error

This has something to do with evaluation, i think (see here: Maybe not...

I found a kind of hacky way, but it works for me:

test_function <- function(df1, df2, col1, col2){

helper <- col2
names(helper) <- col1

output_dataframe <- dplyr::left_join(df1, df2, by=helper)



concatenate quosures and string

Without a function, this is how you do it using dplyr:

df %>%

You can also create a function and pass in a string for the variable name like this:

get_var= function(df, var){
df %>%
select(starts_with(paste0(var, "_")))

get_var(df, "z")

Now, the tricky part comes when you are trying to pass in the variable name without quoting it into a function (the R code, not the value it contains). One way of doing it would be deparse + substitute in Base R. This converts the symbol supplied to var to a string, which is convenient for later use within the function:

get_var = function(df, var){
var_quo = deparse(substitute(var))
df %>%
select(starts_with(paste0(var_quo, "_")))

Finally, here is how to do the same with enquo and quo_name in rlang/tidyverse package:

get_var = function(df, var){
var_quo = quo_name(enquo(var))
df %>%
select(starts_with(paste0(var_quo, "_")))

get_var(df, z)
get_var(df, y)


# A tibble: 1 x 2
z_1 z_2
<dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2

# A tibble: 1 × 2
y_1 y_2
<dbl> <dbl>
1 10 20


  1. quosures are quoted expressions that keep track of an environment.
  2. enquo takes a symbol referring to a function's argument, quotes the R code and bundles it with the function's environment in a quosure.
  3. quo_name formats a quosure into a string, which can be used later in the function.
  4. quo_text is similar to quo_name but does not check for whether the input is a symbol.

Check these:

  1. rlang documentation
  2. Non-Standard Evaluation in R
  3. ?enquo
  4. ?quo_name

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