Apply Function to Elements Over a List

Apply function to each element of a list

Using the built-in standard library map:

>>> mylis = ['this is test', 'another test']
>>> list(map(str.upper, mylis))

In Python 2.x, map constructed the desired new list by applying a given function to every element in a list.

In Python 3.x, map constructs an iterator instead of a list, so the call to list is necessary. If you are using Python 3.x and require a list the list comprehension approach would be better suited.

Apply function to all items in a list Python

You can use map approach:

list(map(myCoolFunction, my_list))

This applies defined function on each value of my_list and creates a map object (3.x). Calling a list() on it creates a new list.

Apply function to all the elements (lists of strings) of a column to convert into floats

I think the error is due to the presence of NaN values in the column c, one way to fix this is to remove the NaN values before applying the map function:

df['c'] = df['c'].dropna().apply(lambda x: list(map(float, x)))

Apply function to a list of lists

you don't need for loops to do so. You can directly work with lapply:

lapply(dati_fault, \(x) colMeans(, x)))

This does the following: for each entry of dati_fault (i.e. each sublist of 31 matrices) these matrices are bound together (using rbind) into one single matrix with 310 rows and 5 columns. Then, colMeans is applied to this matrix.

If you are not familiar with the shorthand notation for anonymous functions (i.e. \(x)) you can read about it here.

apply a function over each element of an iterable with sublists

Sounds like recursion should be able to solve that:

a = [1,2,3]
b = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]
c = [[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]], [[7,8,9], [10,11,12]]]

f = lambda x : x+1

def apply(iterable, f):
# suggestion by Jérôme:
# from import Iterable and use
# isinstance(iterable, so it works for tuples etc.
if isinstance(iterable, list):
# apply function to each element
return [apply(w, f) for w in iterable]
return f(iterable)

print(apply(a, f)) # [2,3,4]
print(apply(b, f)) # [[2,3,4],[5,6,7]]
print(apply(c, f)) # [[[2,3,4],[5,6,7]],[[8,9,10],[11,12,13]]]

How to apply function to elements of a list?

And what's wrong with

for i in my_things:
i.size = "big"

You don't want to use neither map nor list comprehansion because they actually create new lists. And you don't need that overhead, do you?

apply function to elements over a list

In this case, maybe you're better off with your data in an array rather than a list?

#Recreate data
A <- list(a=matrix(1,5,10),b=matrix(2,5,10))

#Convert to array
A1 <- array(,A),dim = c(5,10,2))

#Better way to convert to array
A1 <- abind(A,along = 3)

#Now we can simply use apply

Apply function on all elements of list and return a new list based on function's return type

Three problems:

  1. You want \ x -> instead of \ list x ->.
  2. map will give you a list of Bools. If you want to know if they're all true, then you need to either use all instead, or wrap the result in and.
  3. Unless Vector is an alias for some weird function type, you probably meant distance x y or distance (x,y) instead of distance (x y).

Apply function in matrix elements of a list in R

We may use lapply to loop over the list and apply the function, extract the eigen values and then do the conversion to data.frame at the end

eigenvalues <-,
lapply(DATA, function(x) round(eigen(x)$values, 2))))


> eigenvalues
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
1 1.77+3.73i 5.33+0.00i 5.11+0.00i -2.52+3.53i -1.87+4.42i
2 1.77-3.73i 1.72+4.13i -5.08+0.00i -2.52-3.53i -1.87-4.42i
3 -0.50+3.97i 1.72-4.13i 2.41+3.87i 2.12+3.32i 2.96+3.44i
4 -0.50-3.97i -4.02+1.85i 2.41-3.87i 2.12-3.32i 2.96-3.44i
5 -3.38+2.06i -4.02-1.85i -2.60+3.46i 3.72+0.00i -4.15+0.00i
6 -3.38-2.06i -3.27+0.00i -2.60-3.46i -3.16+0.30i 1.67+3.35i
7 3.89+0.00i 1.48+2.89i 0.10+3.78i -3.16-0.30i 1.67-3.35i
8 -2.47+3.00i 1.48-2.89i 0.10-3.78i 2.50+1.89i 3.28+1.47i
9 -2.47-3.00i 3.05+0.00i 3.74+0.00i 2.50-1.89i 3.28-1.47i
10 3.51+0.00i -0.97+2.79i 2.38+2.10i -2.69+1.46i -2.88+1.40i
11 2.04+2.29i -0.97-2.79i 2.38-2.10i -2.69-1.46i -2.88-1.40i
12 2.04-2.29i -1.86+2.07i -2.44+0.01i -1.04+2.51i -1.32+2.89i
13 -3.03+0.00i -1.86-2.07i -2.44-0.01i -1.04-2.51i -1.32-2.89i
14 -1.97+1.67i -2.18+0.00i -1.52+1.78i 0.69+2.32i -0.77+2.12i
15 -1.97-1.67i 2.14+0.00i -1.52-1.78i 0.69-2.32i -0.77-2.12i
16 0.81+1.91i 1.61+0.77i 1.93+0.86i 2.23+0.85i 1.40+1.09i
17 0.81-1.91i 1.61-0.77i 1.93-0.86i 2.23-0.85i 1.40-1.09i
18 1.02+0.00i 0.14+1.55i -0.04+1.88i -0.77+0.57i 0.65+0.35i
19 -0.57+0.47i 0.14-1.55i -0.04-1.88i -0.77-0.57i 0.65-0.35i
20 -0.57-0.47i -0.99+0.00i 0.26+0.00i 0.67+0.00i 0.58+0.00i

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