New R-Studio Version 0.98.932 Deletes .Md File - How to Prevent

New R-Studio version 0.98.932 deletes .md file - how to prevent?

The question is answered here. Three ways to do this:

  1. use the argument keep_md = TRUE in html_document()

  2. call rmarkdown::render() with clean = FALSE

  3. Use md_document as one of your output formats

How to convert .Rmd into .md in R studio?

Since you're using RStudio, I'll refer to the documents they provide. Specifically, Markdown Documents, accessible by clicking on the question mark pull-down next to "Knit", select "Using R Markdown" which takes you to their webpage. From there, select "Formats > Markdown".

That page shows you that if you include the following in the YAML (first lines of the document, different kind of meta/markup as markdown), the output will be a .md file:

title: "Habits"
author: John Doe
date: March 22, 2005
output: md_document

(The only relevant part is the output: portion.) In fact, since you mentioned gh-pages, you may (though not necessarily) want to choose the github-flavor of markdown with this instead:

title: "Habits"
author: John Doe
date: March 22, 2005
variant: markdown_github

From here, click on the "Knit" button and you will get your conversion.

How can I create an .md file from a .Rmd file in order to create a TOC in hugo-Apero theme?

To generate .md from .Rmd posts, you need to set

options(blogdown.method = 'markdown')

in your .Rprofile. See Section 1.4 of the blogdown book for more info.

And don't forget to delete the .html output files.

Alternatively, use the extension .Rmarkdown instead of .Rmd, which also gives you Markdown output instead of HTML.

generate .Rmd file to .md instead of html with hugo/blogdown

Please read Section 1.5 of the blogdown book. The short answer is to use the filename extension .Rmarkdown instead of .Rmd.

Rnotebook not showing code output for data frames

The newest version of markdown is no longer compatible with pandocv2.
You can check your version of pandoc using

library(rmarkdown); pandoc_version()

If it's pandoc version you need the development version of markdown that you can download there

library(devtools); install_github("rstudio/rmarkdown")

To narrow down the issue of whether this is a problem with the newest version of pandoc, try checking wether the .md produced is correct by adding

keep_md: true

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