How to Take Pairwise Parallel Maximum Between Two Vectors

How can I take pairwise parallel maximum between two vectors?

Pairwise maximum, pmax(a, b), will give c(3,4,6).

a <- c(3,3,5,NA,1)
b <- c(2,4,6,0,NA)

pmax(a, b)
# [1] 3 4 6 NA NA

pmax(a, b, na.rm = TRUE)
# [1] 3 4 6 0 1

There is also a pairwise minimum

pmin(a, b)
# [1] 2 3 5 NA NA

pmin(a, b, na.rm = TRUE)
# [1] 2 3 5 0 1

And a pairwise sum, which I pulled from this question/answer has been very useful to me at times:

psum(a, b) # == a + b
# [1] 5 7 11 NA NA

psum(a, b, na.rm = TRUE)
# [1] 5 7 11 0 1

psum(c(-1, NA, 4), c(0, NA, NA))
# [1] -1 NA NA

psum(c(-1, NA, 4), c(0, NA, NA), na.rm = TRUE)
# [1] -1 NA 4

psum <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
dat <-, list(...))
res <- rowSums(dat, na.rm = na.rm)
idx_na <- !rowSums(!
res[idx_na] <- NA

How to find the max of 2 vectors element-wise?

We can use pmax in base R

pmax(a, b, na.rm = TRUE)
#[1] 0 2 9 3

Finding maximum from variables in r

You can use Map. Map applies a function to the corresponding elements of given vectors.

probsA <- c(2.634872e-02, 6.709075e-03, 1.107573e-04, 1.708307e-03, 2.820171e-05)
probsB <- c(0.0013311712, 0.0012295459, 0.0009688963, 0.0011356790, 0.0008949280)

Map(max, probsA, probsB)

[1] 0.02634872

[1] 0.006709075

[1] 0.0009688963

[1] 0.001708307

[1] 0.000894928

R: Parallel second largest value from multiple vectors

Here's another option:

R> apply(tbl[,2:4], 1, function(x) x[rank(1/x) == 2])
#[1] 20000 15000 NA NA

which can then be assigned to your object normally, e.g. as in @akrun's answer.

tbl <- read.table(
text = " Name Fund-A Fund-B Fund-C SecondLargest(Desired)
John 30000 20000 10000 20000
Tom NA 40000 15000 15000
Sarah 5000 NA NA NA
Kate NA NA NA NA",

Return maximum of conditionally selected pairs from a vector in R

We could create a function to split the vector by 'n' elements, loop over the list, create a matrix with nrow specified as 2, use pmax to do elementwise max after converting to data.frame, return the output by unlisting the list

f1 <- function(vec, n) {
lst1 <- split(vec, as.integer(gl(length(vec), n, length(vec))))
unname(unlist(lapply(lst1, function(x),, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)))))))


> f1(A, 6)
[1] 4 3 4 3 4 5

If the length is not a multiple of 3 or 6, another option is to do a group by operation with tapply after splitting

unname(unlist(lapply(split(A, as.integer(gl(length(A), 6, 
length(A)))), function(x) tapply(x, (seq_along(x)-1) %% 3 + 1, FUN = max))))
[1] 4 3 4 3 4 5


A <- c(1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5)

Combine vectors in R using vectorization where values only sum if they are not equal

Looks like you are trying to implement the OR gate .You can use pmax :

pmax(aa, bb)
#[1] 1 1 1 1 0

How to perform pairwise operation like `%in%` and set operations for a list of vectors

We could use outer(x, y, FUN). x and y need not be a "numeric" input like numerical vector / matrix; a vector input like "list" / "matrix list" is also allowed.

For example, to apply pairwise "%in%" operation, we use

z <- outer(lst, lst, FUN = Vectorize("%in%", SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
# vec1 vec2 vec3 vec4
#vec1 Logical,2 Logical,2 Logical,2 Logical,2
#vec2 Logical,3 Logical,3 Logical,3 Logical,3
#vec3 Logical,4 Logical,4 Logical,4 Logical,4
#vec4 Logical,5 Logical,5 Logical,5 Logical,5

Since "%in%" itself is not vectorized, we use Vectorized("%in%"). We also need SIMPLIFY = FALSE, so that FUN returns a length-1 list for each pair (x[[i]], y[[j]]). This is important, as outer works like:

y[[4]] | FUN(x[[1]], y[[4]])  FUN(x[[2]], y[[4]])  FUN(x[[1]], y[[4]])  FUN(x[[2]], y[[4]])
y[[3]] | FUN(x[[1]], y[[3]]) FUN(x[[2]], y[[3]]) FUN(x[[1]], y[[3]]) FUN(x[[2]], y[[4]])
y[[2]] | FUN(x[[1]], y[[2]]) FUN(x[[2]], y[[2]]) FUN(x[[1]], y[[2]]) FUN(x[[2]], y[[4]])
y[[1]] | FUN(x[[1]], y[[1]]) FUN(x[[2]], y[[1]]) FUN(x[[1]], y[[1]]) FUN(x[[2]], y[[4]])
------------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
x[[1]] x[[2]] x[[3]] x[[4]]

It must be satisfied that length(FUN(x, y)) == length(x) * length(y). While if SIMPLIFY = FALSE, this does not necessarily hold.

The result z above is a "matrix list", with class(z) being "matrix", but typeof(z) being "list". Read Why is this matrix not numeric? for more.

If we want to further apply some summary function to each element of z, we could use lapply. Here I would offer two examples.

Example 1: Apply any()

Since any(a %in% b) is as same as any(b %in% a), i.e., the operation is symmetric, we only need to work with the lower triangular of z:

lz <- z[lower.tri(z)]

lapply returns an unnamed list, but for readability we want a named list. We may use matrix index (i, j) as name:

ind <- which(lower.tri(z), arr.ind = TRUE)
NAME <- paste(ind[,1], ind[,2], sep = ":")
any_lz <- setNames(lapply(lz, any), NAME)

#List of 6
# $ 2:1: logi FALSE
# $ 3:1: logi TRUE
# $ 4:1: logi TRUE
# $ 3:2: logi TRUE
# $ 4:2: logi FALSE
# $ 4:3: logi TRUE

Set operations like intersect, union and setequal are also symmetric operations which we can work with similarly.

Example 2: Apply which()

which(a %in% b) is not a symmetric operation, so we have to work with the full matrix.

NAME <- paste(1:nrow(z), rep(1:nrow(z), each = ncol(z)), sep = ":")
which_z <- setNames(lapply(z, which), NAME)

# List of 16
# $ 1:1: int [1:2] 1 2
# $ 2:1: int(0)
# $ 3:1: int [1:2] 1 2
# $ 4:1: int 3
# $ 1:2: int(0)
# $ 2:2: int [1:3] 1 2 3
# ...

Set operations like setdiff is also asymmetric and can be dealt with similarly.


Apart from using outer(), we could also use R expressions to obtain the z above. Again, I take binary operation "%in%" as an example:

op <- "'%in%'"    ## operator

lst_name <- names(lst)
op_call <- paste0(op, "(", lst_name, ", ", rep(lst_name, each = length(lst)), ")")
# [1] "'%in%'(vec1, vec1)" "'%in%'(vec2, vec1)" "'%in%'(vec3, vec1)"
# [4] "'%in%'(vec4, vec1)" "'%in%'(vec1, vec2)" "'%in%'(vec2, vec2)"
# ...

Then we can parse and evaluate these expressions within lst. We may use combination index for names of the resulting list:

NAME <- paste(1:length(lst), rep(1:length(lst), each = length(lst)), sep = ":")
z <- setNames(lapply(parse(text = op_call), eval, lst), NAME)

# List of 16
# $ 1:1: logi [1:2] TRUE TRUE
# $ 2:1: logi [1:3] FALSE FALSE FALSE
# $ 3:1: logi [1:4] TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE
# $ 4:1: logi [1:5] FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE
# $ 1:2: logi [1:2] FALSE FALSE
# ...

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