How to Fit a Very Wide Grid.Table or Tablegrob to Fit on a PDF Page

How do I fit a very wide grid.table or tableGrob to fit on a pdf page?

I got this done using font sizes. Not the best solution (requires manual intervention) but maybe someone can contribute something more elegant.

termTable = tableGrob(terms, h.even.alpha=1, h.odd.alpha=1,  v.even.alpha=0.5, v.odd.alpha=1, core.just='left', rows=c(),
gpar.coretext =gpar(fontsize=8),
gpar.coltext=gpar(fontsize=10, fontface='bold'),
gpar.rowtext=gpar(fontsize=10, fontface='bold')

How to adjust the Font Size of tableGrob

You can do this via themes:

mytheme <- gridExtra::ttheme_default(
core = list(fg_params=list(cex = 2.0)),
colhead = list(fg_params=list(cex = 1.0)),
rowhead = list(fg_params=list(cex = 1.0)))

myt <- gridExtra::tableGrob(mtcars[1:5, 1:5], theme = mytheme)


There are a number of other examples in browseVignettes("gridExtra") -- look at the tableGrob examples. A great deal of control is possible.

How to write huge rows of data using r tableGrob

it works just fine if you have enough time


pdf("y.pdf", height=22, width=0.05)
grid.table(sample(letters, size = 1001, TRUE), theme=ttheme_minimal(2, padding = unit(c(0,0),"mm")))

enter image description here

Saving dataframe to pdf adjust width

I figured out I could add the scale parameter to ggsave. I wrote a simple function to get the optimal scale:

optimal.scale <- function(w,h, wanted.w, wanted.h) max(c(w/wanted.w, h/wanted.h))

I added 0.1 to the scale to add a margin to the plot such that the text is not directly on the edge of the paper. Then I passed the resulting scale to ggsave

  tg = gridExtra::tableGrob(table
h = grid::convertHeight(sum(tg$heights), "mm", TRUE)
w = grid::convertWidth(sum(tg$widths), "mm", TRUE)
scale = optimal.scale(w,h, 279, 210) + 0.1 #A4 = 279 x 210 in landscape
ggplot2::ggsave("test.pdf", tg, width = 279, height = 210, units = 'mm' , scale = scale)

Now my table fits on the A4:

Sample Image

Forcing tableGrob() to fit in .tiff file

Assuming that save_plot comes from the cowplot package (there is more than one package with a function called save_plot), you can specify the height and aspect ratio like this:

save_plot("table isnt cut off.tiff", g, dpi = 300, base_height = 5.5, base_asp = 0.4)

Sample Image

Data.frame header on every PDF page (R - grid & gridExtra)

The trick is to create a new data frame on each page from subsets of the original. The difficulties arise in adjusting the row height to accommodate the new header row, and in preserving numbering of rows across pages.

Anyway, here is the updated function to accomplish that:


set_multipage_pdf <- function(df, paper_size = 'a4', margin = 1.30, landscape = FALSE,
page_cex = 1, table_cex = 1)
sizes <- list(a4 = c(larger_size = 29.70, smaller_size = 21.00),
a3 = c(larger_size = 42.00, smaller_size = 29.70),
letter = c(larger_size = 27.94, smaller_size = 21.59),
executive = c(larger_size = 18.41, smaller_size = 26.67))

if (landscape) {
paper_height <- sizes[[paper_size]]['smaller_size'] * page_cex
paper_width <- sizes[[paper_size]]['larger_size'] * page_cex
} else {
paper_height <- sizes[[paper_size]]['larger_size'] * page_cex
paper_width <- sizes[[paper_size]]['smaller_size'] * page_cex

tg <- df %>% tableGrob(rows = seq_len(nrow(df)),
theme = ttheme_default(base_size = 5 * table_cex))

fullheight <- convertHeight(sum(tg$heights), "cm", valueOnly = TRUE)
page_margin <- unit(margin, "cm")
margin_cm <- convertHeight(page_margin, "cm", valueOnly = TRUE)
freeheight <- paper_height - margin_cm
npages <- ceiling(fullheight / freeheight)
nrows <- nrow(tg)
heights <- convertHeight(tg$heights, "cm", valueOnly = TRUE) * (nrows + npages)/nrows
rows <- cut(cumsum(heights), include.lowest = FALSE,
breaks = c(0, cumsum(rep(freeheight, npages))))
groups <- split(seq_len(nrows), rows)

gl <- lapply(groups, function(id)
df[id,] %>%
tableGrob(rows = id, theme = ttheme_default(base_size = 5 * table_cex))

for(page in seq_len(npages)){
if(page > 1) grid.newpage()


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