R Shiny Table Not Rendering HTML

R shiny table not rendering

Without seeing the data that you use and the ui, we can only guess.
Using the example data from diceR I am able to print out a table using base shiny or DT.


# Custom distance function
manh <- function(x) {
stats::dist(x, method = "manhattan")
# Custom clustering algorithm
agnes <- function(d, k) {
return(as.integer(stats::cutree(cluster::agnes(d, diss = TRUE), k)))
assign("agnes", agnes, 1)

ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output){

data <- reactive({
dat <- hgsc[1:10, 1:50]
cc <- consensus_cluster(dat, reps = 6, algorithms = c("pam", "agnes"),
distance = c("euclidean", "manh"), progress = FALSE)
ce <- as.matrix(cc)

output$tableDT <- DT::renderDataTable({

output$table <- renderTable({

shinyApp(ui, server)

r shiny table not rendering html

This was fixed with sanitize.text.function = function(x) x;

it needs to be included like this:

output$example <- renderTable({
table <- someTable_Data_here
}, sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)

This is the gist here

also, a note,

I have noticed that you can call xtable inside the renderTable function, and it will properly render the table.

BUT you should note that options you pass to xtable have no effect! Instead you need to pass those options to the 'renderTable' function.

so if you want to call this:

output$example <- renderTable({
table <- someTable_Data_here
xtable(table, align=c("llr"))
}, sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)

what you need to do is:

output$example <- renderTable({
table <- someTable_Data_here
},align=c("llr"), sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)

The RStudio team and the RShiny guys are awesome. I'm sure a ton of the documentation is still being written, and I hope this helps someone in the mean time.

R shiny summary_table out does not render in html

Wow, it was hard. Here is the solution I've found.

options(qwraps2_markup = "markdown")
library(knitr) # for knit2html

ui <- fluidPage( tabsetPanel(
# mainPanel(tableOutput('summarytab'))

server <- function(input, output){

output$summarytab <- renderUI({

our_summary1 <-
list("Miles per gallon" =
list("min" = ~ min(mpg),
"max" = ~ max(mpg),
"mean (sd)" = ~ qwraps2::mean_sd(mpg)),
"Cylinder" =
list("min" = ~ min(cyl),
"max" = ~ max(cyl),
"mean (sd)" = ~ qwraps2::mean_sd(cyl))

stable <- summary_table(filter(mtcars),our_summary1)
HTML(knit2html(text=capture.output(stable), fragment.only=TRUE))
# do not forget 'capture.output'


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

The rendering is nice:

Sample Image

PS: Looks like there's another possible rendering. But I don't know how to do it, and whether it is possible with shiny.

Displaying htmlTable in Shiny

Since your output code is html code, try the following:


output$table <- renderUI( HTML (<your-html-table>) )



Output of Shiny app is not rendered in Quarto

You are not getting the output because you are trying to render the shiny app on a website. While the shiny app needs to run the code of the server part to compute the output and to print the output in the textOutput, but the website is static and can not run any code and will not respond to any kind of user input.

So when you are trying to render the shiny app on the website, you will only see the static part of your app (the HTML components and CSS styling) but not any interactive part of the shiny app.

Quoting from this answer on the Github discussion

The Quarto website is ultimately a static website - it won't be responding to user input or running any R code. You can embed a shiny app into a qmd that you render in the rstudio IDE and it'll work just fine because the shiny app is running in a session on your computer. Website hosting services like quarto-pub, netlify, and gh-pages will only be serving up the html pages of the site, not running the code necessary to operate the shiny app in response to user input.

One workaround is to put an iframe into your website that points that page of the website to your shiny app as hosted on a shiny server like shinyapps.io

Table will not render in Shiny

the last thing in your function is what is returned. you are returning setprogress(1) to renderdatatable()

 output$contents <- DT::renderDataTable({
withProgress(message = 'loading...', value = 0.1, {

options = list(
"pageLength" = 40))
extensions = 'Responsive'


Try this instead

 output$contents <- DT::renderDataTable({
withProgress(message = 'loading...', value = 0.1, {

datatab <- datatable(data_set(),
options = list(
"pageLength" = 40))
extensions = 'Responsive'


DT tables not shown in shiny

If you read RStudio's page on Using DT in Shiny, you may not have noticed

Note that in DT, DTOutput() is an alias of dataTableOutput(), and renderDT() is an alias of renderDataTable(). You are recommended to use DTOutput() and renderDT() to avoid possible collisions with functions of the same names in shiny (shiny::dataTableOutput() and shiny::renderDataTable()).

Collisions, that's your problem. To confirm, if you see this:

# [1] "package:DT" "package:shiny"
# [1] "package:DT" "package:shiny"

then the function name collision is likely to blame. Try replacing your dataTableOutput(...) with either DT::dataTableOutput(...) or DTOutput(...); and replace renderDataTable(...) with either DT::renderDataTable(...) or renderDT(...).

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