How to Create a Range of Dates in R

How to create a range of dates in R

Does this help?

seq(as.Date("2014/09/04"), by = "day", length.out = 5)
# [1] "2014-09-04" "2014-09-05" "2014-09-06" "2014-09-07" "2014-09-08"

edit: adding in something about timezones

this works for my current timezone

seq(c(ISOdate(2014,4,9)), by = "DSTday", length.out = 5) 
#[1] "2014-04-09 08:00:00 EDT" "2014-04-10 08:00:00 EDT" "2014-04-11 08:00:00 EDT" "2014-04-12 08:00:00 EDT"
#[5] "2014-04-13 08:00:00 EDT"


OlsonNames()  # I used this to find out what to write for the JST tz - it's "Japan"

x <- as.POSIXct("2014-09-04 23:59:59", tz="Japan")
format(seq(x, by="day", length.out=5), "%Y-%m-%d %Z")

# [1] "2014-09-04 JST" "2014-09-05 JST" "2014-09-06 JST" "2014-09-07 JST" "2014-09-08 JST"

For loop to get a range of dates R

You can use any of apply command to generate a sequence of date values and add it as a new column in the original dataframe.

test_IIVAC$dates <- lapply(df$a, function(x) seq(x-14, x, by = 'day'))

Date range without year in R

You can extract the month and date out of the date column and use case_when to assign Season based on those two dates.


df %>%
mutate(day = day(Date),
month = month(Date),
Season = case_when(#15 December to 15 March as Winter
month == 12 & day >= 15 |
month %in% 1:2 | month == 3 & day <= 15 ~ "Winter",
#Add conditions for other season

Create a Vector of All Days Between Two Dates

You're looking for seq

> seq(as.Date("2011-12-30"), as.Date("2012-01-04"), by="days")
[1] "2011-12-30" "2011-12-31" "2012-01-01" "2012-01-02" "2012-01-03"
[6] "2012-01-04"

Or, you can use :

> as.Date(as.Date("2011-12-30"):as.Date("2012-01-04"), origin="1970-01-01")
[1] "2011-12-30" "2011-12-31" "2012-01-01" "2012-01-02" "2012-01-03"
[6] "2012-01-04"

Note that with : "Non-numeric arguments are coerced internally". Thus, we convert back to class Date, using as.Date method for class 'numeric' and provide origin.

Here's a function to meet your specific request

itemizeDates <- function(startDate="12-30-11", endDate="1-4-12", 
format="%m-%d-%y") {
out <- seq(as.Date(startDate, format=format),
as.Date(endDate, format=format), by="days")
format(out, format)

> itemizeDates(startDate="12-30-11", endDate="1-4-12")
[1] "12-30-11" "12-31-11" "01-01-12" "01-02-12" "01-03-12" "01-04-12"

Create single year variables corresponding to a range of dates in R

One method is to pivot to 'long' format, extract the year part after converting to Date class, then get the seq (:) from the first to last grouped by 'ID' and reshape back to 'wide', then join with the original data by 'ID'

df1 %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -ID) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
summarise(year = str_c('y', year(mdy(value)[1]):year(mdy(value)[2])),
n = 1, .groups = 'drop') %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = year, values_from = n, values_fill = 0) %>%
left_join(df1, .)


#   ID Start_Date  End_Date y2004 y2005 y2006 y2007 y2008 y2009 y2010 y2011
#1 A 3/5/2004 6/25/2009 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
#2 B 8/22/2005 11/2/2006 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
#3 C 4/8/2008 6/9/2011 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

How can I create range of date given the start date and end date

Here is one way to expand the date ranges using tidyverse functions.


df %>%
mutate(across(ends_with('Date'), as.Date, '%m-%d'),
#You don't need the above if columns are already of type date/POSIXct
Date_Range = purrr::map2(Start_Date, End_Date, seq, by = '1 day')) %>%
tidyr::unnest(Date_Range) %>%
mutate(Date_Range = format(Date_Range, '%m-%d')) %>%
select(-Start_Date, -End_Date)

# ID Date_Range
# <int> <chr>
#1 1 08-29
#2 1 08-30
#3 1 08-31
#4 1 09-01


df <- structure(list(ID = 1L, Start_Date = "08-29", End_Date = "09-01"), 
class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L))

How to get exclusive date ranges?

You could do:

dates <- seq(as.Date("1990-01-01"), as.Date("2022-01-01"), by = "month")
dates <- paste(head(dates, -1), tail(dates-1, - 1), sep = ":")

resulting in:

#> [1] "1990-01-01:1990-01-31" "1990-02-01:1990-02-28" "1990-03-01:1990-03-31"
#> [4] "1990-04-01:1990-04-30" "1990-05-01:1990-05-31" "1990-06-01:1990-06-30"
#> [7] "1990-07-01:1990-07-31" "1990-08-01:1990-08-31" "1990-09-01:1990-09-30"
#> [10] "1990-10-01:1990-10-31" "1990-11-01:1990-11-30" "1990-12-01:1990-12-31"
#> [13] "1991-01-01:1991-01-31" "1991-02-01:1991-02-28" "1991-03-01:1991-03-31"
#> [16] "1991-04-01:1991-04-30" "1991-05-01:1991-05-31" "1991-06-01:1991-06-30"
#> [19] "1991-07-01:1991-07-31" "1991-08-01:1991-08-31" "1991-09-01:1991-09-30"
#> [22] "1991-10-01:1991-10-31" "1991-11-01:1991-11-30" "1991-12-01:1991-12-31"
#> [25] "1992-01-01:1992-01-31" "1992-02-01:1992-02-29" "1992-03-01:1992-03-31"
#> [28] "1992-04-01:1992-04-30" "1992-05-01:1992-05-31" "1992-06-01:1992-06-30"
#> [31] "1992-07-01:1992-07-31" "1992-08-01:1992-08-31" "1992-09-01:1992-09-30"
#> [34] "1992-10-01:1992-10-31" "1992-11-01:1992-11-30" "1992-12-01:1992-12-31"
#> [37] "1993-01-01:1993-01-31" "1993-02-01:1993-02-28" "1993-03-01:1993-03-31"
#> [40] "1993-04-01:1993-04-30" "1993-05-01:1993-05-31" "1993-06-01:1993-06-30"
#> [43] "1993-07-01:1993-07-31" "1993-08-01:1993-08-31" "1993-09-01:1993-09-30"
#> [46] "1993-10-01:1993-10-31" "1993-11-01:1993-11-30" "1993-12-01:1993-12-31"
#> [49] "1994-01-01:1994-01-31" "1994-02-01:1994-02-28" "1994-03-01:1994-03-31"
#> [52] "1994-04-01:1994-04-30" "1994-05-01:1994-05-31" "1994-06-01:1994-06-30"
#> [55] "1994-07-01:1994-07-31" "1994-08-01:1994-08-31" "1994-09-01:1994-09-30"
#> [58] "1994-10-01:1994-10-31" "1994-11-01:1994-11-30" "1994-12-01:1994-12-31"
#> [61] "1995-01-01:1995-01-31" "1995-02-01:1995-02-28" "1995-03-01:1995-03-31"
#> [64] "1995-04-01:1995-04-30" "1995-05-01:1995-05-31" "1995-06-01:1995-06-30"
#> [67] "1995-07-01:1995-07-31" "1995-08-01:1995-08-31" "1995-09-01:1995-09-30"
#> [70] "1995-10-01:1995-10-31" "1995-11-01:1995-11-30" "1995-12-01:1995-12-31"
#> [73] "1996-01-01:1996-01-31" "1996-02-01:1996-02-29" "1996-03-01:1996-03-31"
#> [76] "1996-04-01:1996-04-30" "1996-05-01:1996-05-31" "1996-06-01:1996-06-30"
#> [79] "1996-07-01:1996-07-31" "1996-08-01:1996-08-31" "1996-09-01:1996-09-30"
#> [82] "1996-10-01:1996-10-31" "1996-11-01:1996-11-30" "1996-12-01:1996-12-31"
#> [85] "1997-01-01:1997-01-31" "1997-02-01:1997-02-28" "1997-03-01:1997-03-31"
#> [88] "1997-04-01:1997-04-30" "1997-05-01:1997-05-31" "1997-06-01:1997-06-30"
#> [91] "1997-07-01:1997-07-31" "1997-08-01:1997-08-31" "1997-09-01:1997-09-30"
#> [94] "1997-10-01:1997-10-31" "1997-11-01:1997-11-30" "1997-12-01:1997-12-31"
#> [97] "1998-01-01:1998-01-31" "1998-02-01:1998-02-28" "1998-03-01:1998-03-31"
#> [100] "1998-04-01:1998-04-30" "1998-05-01:1998-05-31" "1998-06-01:1998-06-30"
#> [103] "1998-07-01:1998-07-31" "1998-08-01:1998-08-31" "1998-09-01:1998-09-30"
#> [106] "1998-10-01:1998-10-31" "1998-11-01:1998-11-30" "1998-12-01:1998-12-31"
#> [109] "1999-01-01:1999-01-31" "1999-02-01:1999-02-28" "1999-03-01:1999-03-31"
#> [112] "1999-04-01:1999-04-30" "1999-05-01:1999-05-31" "1999-06-01:1999-06-30"
#> [115] "1999-07-01:1999-07-31" "1999-08-01:1999-08-31" "1999-09-01:1999-09-30"
#> [118] "1999-10-01:1999-10-31" "1999-11-01:1999-11-30" "1999-12-01:1999-12-31"
#> [121] "2000-01-01:2000-01-31" "2000-02-01:2000-02-29" "2000-03-01:2000-03-31"
#> [124] "2000-04-01:2000-04-30" "2000-05-01:2000-05-31" "2000-06-01:2000-06-30"
#> [127] "2000-07-01:2000-07-31" "2000-08-01:2000-08-31" "2000-09-01:2000-09-30"
#> [130] "2000-10-01:2000-10-31" "2000-11-01:2000-11-30" "2000-12-01:2000-12-31"
#> [133] "2001-01-01:2001-01-31" "2001-02-01:2001-02-28" "2001-03-01:2001-03-31"
#> [136] "2001-04-01:2001-04-30" "2001-05-01:2001-05-31" "2001-06-01:2001-06-30"
#> [139] "2001-07-01:2001-07-31" "2001-08-01:2001-08-31" "2001-09-01:2001-09-30"
#> [142] "2001-10-01:2001-10-31" "2001-11-01:2001-11-30" "2001-12-01:2001-12-31"
#> [145] "2002-01-01:2002-01-31" "2002-02-01:2002-02-28" "2002-03-01:2002-03-31"
#> [148] "2002-04-01:2002-04-30" "2002-05-01:2002-05-31" "2002-06-01:2002-06-30"
#> [151] "2002-07-01:2002-07-31" "2002-08-01:2002-08-31" "2002-09-01:2002-09-30"
#> [154] "2002-10-01:2002-10-31" "2002-11-01:2002-11-30" "2002-12-01:2002-12-31"
#> [157] "2003-01-01:2003-01-31" "2003-02-01:2003-02-28" "2003-03-01:2003-03-31"
#> [160] "2003-04-01:2003-04-30" "2003-05-01:2003-05-31" "2003-06-01:2003-06-30"
#> [163] "2003-07-01:2003-07-31" "2003-08-01:2003-08-31" "2003-09-01:2003-09-30"
#> [166] "2003-10-01:2003-10-31" "2003-11-01:2003-11-30" "2003-12-01:2003-12-31"
#> [169] "2004-01-01:2004-01-31" "2004-02-01:2004-02-29" "2004-03-01:2004-03-31"
#> [172] "2004-04-01:2004-04-30" "2004-05-01:2004-05-31" "2004-06-01:2004-06-30"
#> [175] "2004-07-01:2004-07-31" "2004-08-01:2004-08-31" "2004-09-01:2004-09-30"
#> [178] "2004-10-01:2004-10-31" "2004-11-01:2004-11-30" "2004-12-01:2004-12-31"
#> [181] "2005-01-01:2005-01-31" "2005-02-01:2005-02-28" "2005-03-01:2005-03-31"
#> [184] "2005-04-01:2005-04-30" "2005-05-01:2005-05-31" "2005-06-01:2005-06-30"
#> [187] "2005-07-01:2005-07-31" "2005-08-01:2005-08-31" "2005-09-01:2005-09-30"
#> [190] "2005-10-01:2005-10-31" "2005-11-01:2005-11-30" "2005-12-01:2005-12-31"
#> [193] "2006-01-01:2006-01-31" "2006-02-01:2006-02-28" "2006-03-01:2006-03-31"
#> [196] "2006-04-01:2006-04-30" "2006-05-01:2006-05-31" "2006-06-01:2006-06-30"
#> [199] "2006-07-01:2006-07-31" "2006-08-01:2006-08-31" "2006-09-01:2006-09-30"
#> [202] "2006-10-01:2006-10-31" "2006-11-01:2006-11-30" "2006-12-01:2006-12-31"
#> [205] "2007-01-01:2007-01-31" "2007-02-01:2007-02-28" "2007-03-01:2007-03-31"
#> [208] "2007-04-01:2007-04-30" "2007-05-01:2007-05-31" "2007-06-01:2007-06-30"
#> [211] "2007-07-01:2007-07-31" "2007-08-01:2007-08-31" "2007-09-01:2007-09-30"
#> [214] "2007-10-01:2007-10-31" "2007-11-01:2007-11-30" "2007-12-01:2007-12-31"
#> [217] "2008-01-01:2008-01-31" "2008-02-01:2008-02-29" "2008-03-01:2008-03-31"
#> [220] "2008-04-01:2008-04-30" "2008-05-01:2008-05-31" "2008-06-01:2008-06-30"
#> [223] "2008-07-01:2008-07-31" "2008-08-01:2008-08-31" "2008-09-01:2008-09-30"
#> [226] "2008-10-01:2008-10-31" "2008-11-01:2008-11-30" "2008-12-01:2008-12-31"
#> [229] "2009-01-01:2009-01-31" "2009-02-01:2009-02-28" "2009-03-01:2009-03-31"
#> [232] "2009-04-01:2009-04-30" "2009-05-01:2009-05-31" "2009-06-01:2009-06-30"
#> [235] "2009-07-01:2009-07-31" "2009-08-01:2009-08-31" "2009-09-01:2009-09-30"
#> [238] "2009-10-01:2009-10-31" "2009-11-01:2009-11-30" "2009-12-01:2009-12-31"
#> [241] "2010-01-01:2010-01-31" "2010-02-01:2010-02-28" "2010-03-01:2010-03-31"
#> [244] "2010-04-01:2010-04-30" "2010-05-01:2010-05-31" "2010-06-01:2010-06-30"
#> [247] "2010-07-01:2010-07-31" "2010-08-01:2010-08-31" "2010-09-01:2010-09-30"
#> [250] "2010-10-01:2010-10-31" "2010-11-01:2010-11-30" "2010-12-01:2010-12-31"
#> [253] "2011-01-01:2011-01-31" "2011-02-01:2011-02-28" "2011-03-01:2011-03-31"
#> [256] "2011-04-01:2011-04-30" "2011-05-01:2011-05-31" "2011-06-01:2011-06-30"
#> [259] "2011-07-01:2011-07-31" "2011-08-01:2011-08-31" "2011-09-01:2011-09-30"
#> [262] "2011-10-01:2011-10-31" "2011-11-01:2011-11-30" "2011-12-01:2011-12-31"
#> [265] "2012-01-01:2012-01-31" "2012-02-01:2012-02-29" "2012-03-01:2012-03-31"
#> [268] "2012-04-01:2012-04-30" "2012-05-01:2012-05-31" "2012-06-01:2012-06-30"
#> [271] "2012-07-01:2012-07-31" "2012-08-01:2012-08-31" "2012-09-01:2012-09-30"
#> [274] "2012-10-01:2012-10-31" "2012-11-01:2012-11-30" "2012-12-01:2012-12-31"
#> [277] "2013-01-01:2013-01-31" "2013-02-01:2013-02-28" "2013-03-01:2013-03-31"
#> [280] "2013-04-01:2013-04-30" "2013-05-01:2013-05-31" "2013-06-01:2013-06-30"
#> [283] "2013-07-01:2013-07-31" "2013-08-01:2013-08-31" "2013-09-01:2013-09-30"
#> [286] "2013-10-01:2013-10-31" "2013-11-01:2013-11-30" "2013-12-01:2013-12-31"
#> [289] "2014-01-01:2014-01-31" "2014-02-01:2014-02-28" "2014-03-01:2014-03-31"
#> [292] "2014-04-01:2014-04-30" "2014-05-01:2014-05-31" "2014-06-01:2014-06-30"
#> [295] "2014-07-01:2014-07-31" "2014-08-01:2014-08-31" "2014-09-01:2014-09-30"
#> [298] "2014-10-01:2014-10-31" "2014-11-01:2014-11-30" "2014-12-01:2014-12-31"
#> [301] "2015-01-01:2015-01-31" "2015-02-01:2015-02-28" "2015-03-01:2015-03-31"
#> [304] "2015-04-01:2015-04-30" "2015-05-01:2015-05-31" "2015-06-01:2015-06-30"
#> [307] "2015-07-01:2015-07-31" "2015-08-01:2015-08-31" "2015-09-01:2015-09-30"
#> [310] "2015-10-01:2015-10-31" "2015-11-01:2015-11-30" "2015-12-01:2015-12-31"
#> [313] "2016-01-01:2016-01-31" "2016-02-01:2016-02-29" "2016-03-01:2016-03-31"
#> [316] "2016-04-01:2016-04-30" "2016-05-01:2016-05-31" "2016-06-01:2016-06-30"
#> [319] "2016-07-01:2016-07-31" "2016-08-01:2016-08-31" "2016-09-01:2016-09-30"
#> [322] "2016-10-01:2016-10-31" "2016-11-01:2016-11-30" "2016-12-01:2016-12-31"
#> [325] "2017-01-01:2017-01-31" "2017-02-01:2017-02-28" "2017-03-01:2017-03-31"
#> [328] "2017-04-01:2017-04-30" "2017-05-01:2017-05-31" "2017-06-01:2017-06-30"
#> [331] "2017-07-01:2017-07-31" "2017-08-01:2017-08-31" "2017-09-01:2017-09-30"
#> [334] "2017-10-01:2017-10-31" "2017-11-01:2017-11-30" "2017-12-01:2017-12-31"
#> [337] "2018-01-01:2018-01-31" "2018-02-01:2018-02-28" "2018-03-01:2018-03-31"
#> [340] "2018-04-01:2018-04-30" "2018-05-01:2018-05-31" "2018-06-01:2018-06-30"
#> [343] "2018-07-01:2018-07-31" "2018-08-01:2018-08-31" "2018-09-01:2018-09-30"
#> [346] "2018-10-01:2018-10-31" "2018-11-01:2018-11-30" "2018-12-01:2018-12-31"
#> [349] "2019-01-01:2019-01-31" "2019-02-01:2019-02-28" "2019-03-01:2019-03-31"
#> [352] "2019-04-01:2019-04-30" "2019-05-01:2019-05-31" "2019-06-01:2019-06-30"
#> [355] "2019-07-01:2019-07-31" "2019-08-01:2019-08-31" "2019-09-01:2019-09-30"
#> [358] "2019-10-01:2019-10-31" "2019-11-01:2019-11-30" "2019-12-01:2019-12-31"
#> [361] "2020-01-01:2020-01-31" "2020-02-01:2020-02-29" "2020-03-01:2020-03-31"
#> [364] "2020-04-01:2020-04-30" "2020-05-01:2020-05-31" "2020-06-01:2020-06-30"
#> [367] "2020-07-01:2020-07-31" "2020-08-01:2020-08-31" "2020-09-01:2020-09-30"
#> [370] "2020-10-01:2020-10-31" "2020-11-01:2020-11-30" "2020-12-01:2020-12-31"
#> [373] "2021-01-01:2021-01-31" "2021-02-01:2021-02-28" "2021-03-01:2021-03-31"
#> [376] "2021-04-01:2021-04-30" "2021-05-01:2021-05-31" "2021-06-01:2021-06-30"
#> [379] "2021-07-01:2021-07-31" "2021-08-01:2021-08-31" "2021-09-01:2021-09-30"
#> [382] "2021-10-01:2021-10-31" "2021-11-01:2021-11-30" "2021-12-01:2021-12-31"

Created on 2022-03-19 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

How to find the range of dates for each group in a dataframe

I would suggest an approach using first() and last() functions from dplyr package:

data <- data.frame(group = rep(letters[1:3], c(4,5,4)),
Date = as.Date(c("2010-08-09", "2010-09-11", "2010-09-12", "2010-09-18",
data %>% group_by(group) %>% mutate(FirsDate=first(Date),LastDate=last(Date))


# A tibble: 13 x 4
# Groups: group [3]
group Date FirsDate LastDate
<fct> <date> <date> <date>
1 a 2010-08-09 2010-08-09 2010-09-18
2 a 2010-09-11 2010-08-09 2010-09-18
3 a 2010-09-12 2010-08-09 2010-09-18
4 a 2010-09-18 2010-08-09 2010-09-18
5 b 2014-03-15 2014-03-15 2014-03-25
6 b 2014-03-16 2014-03-15 2014-03-25
7 b 2014-03-20 2014-03-15 2014-03-25
8 b 2014-03-21 2014-03-15 2014-03-25
9 b 2014-03-25 2014-03-15 2014-03-25
10 c 2016-05-02 2016-05-02 2016-09-21
11 c 2016-08-02 2016-05-02 2016-09-21
12 c 2016-08-03 2016-05-02 2016-09-21
13 c 2016-09-21 2016-05-02 2016-09-21

If you just want the variables by each group you can use summarise():

data %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(FirsDate=first(Date),LastDate=last(Date))


# A tibble: 3 x 3
group FirsDate LastDate
<fct> <date> <date>
1 a 2010-08-09 2010-09-18
2 b 2014-03-15 2014-03-25
3 c 2016-05-02 2016-09-21


data2 %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(FirsDate=min(Date),LastDate=max(Date))


# A tibble: 3 x 3
group FirsDate LastDate
<fct> <date> <date>
1 a 2010-08-09 2010-09-18
2 b 2014-03-15 2014-03-25
3 c 2016-05-02 2016-09-21

How to filter by multiple range of dates in R?

Using floor_date it is quite straighforward:

df %>%
group_by(floor = floor_date(date, '30 days')) %>%
slice_head(n = 3) %>%
ungroup() %>%

# A tibble: 6 x 3
id q date
<chr> <int> <date>
1 a 1 2021-01-01
2 a 1 2021-01-01
3 a 1 2021-01-21
4 a 1 2021-02-12
5 a 1 2021-02-12
6 a 1 2021-02-12


df <- read.table(header = T, text = "id  q   date
a 1 01/01/2021
a 1 01/01/2021
a 1 21/01/2021
a 1 21/01/2021
a 1 12/02/2021
a 1 12/02/2021
a 1 12/02/2021
a 1 12/02/2021")

df$date<-as.Date(df$date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")

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