R: Cumulative Sum Over Rolling Date Range

R: cumulative sum over rolling date range

A solution using dplyr, tidyr, lubridate, and zoo.


dt2 <- dt %>%
mutate(date = dmy(date)) %>%
mutate(cumsum = cumsum(value)) %>%
complete(date = full_seq(date, period = 1), fill = list(value = 0)) %>%
mutate(cum_rolling10 = rollapplyr(value, width = 10, FUN = sum, partial = TRUE)) %>%
# A tibble: 15 x 4
date value cumsum cum_rolling10
<date> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 2000-01-01 9 9 9
2 2000-01-02 1 10 10
3 2000-01-05 9 19 19
4 2000-01-06 3 22 22
5 2000-01-07 4 26 26
6 2000-01-08 3 29 29
7 2000-01-13 10 39 29
8 2000-01-14 9 48 38
9 2000-01-18 2 50 21
10 2000-01-19 9 59 30
11 2000-01-21 8 67 38
12 2000-01-25 5 72 24
13 2000-01-26 1 73 25
14 2000-01-30 6 79 20
15 2000-01-31 6 85 18


dt <- structure(list(date = c("1/01/2000", "2/01/2000", "5/01/2000", 
"6/01/2000", "7/01/2000", "8/01/2000", "13/01/2000", "14/01/2000",
"18/01/2000", "19/01/2000", "21/01/2000", "25/01/2000", "26/01/2000",
"30/01/2000", "31/01/2000"), value = c(9L, 1L, 9L, 3L, 4L, 3L,
10L, 9L, 2L, 9L, 8L, 5L, 1L, 6L, 6L)), .Names = c("date", "value"
), row.names = c(NA, -15L), class = "data.frame")

Cumulative Sum in R based on Date and other conditions using data.table

Here's one implementation, just data.table and base R:

dat[, z := sapply(Date, function(z) sum(between(z - Date, 0.1, 30)))]
# Code Team Date Day Date...30d Games.played.over.the.last.30.days z
# <char> <char> <Date> <int> <Date> <int> <int>
# 1: TORATA Atalanta 2020-09-26 2 2020-08-27 NA 0
# 2: LAZATA Atalanta 2020-09-30 1 2020-08-31 1 1
# 3: ATACAG Atalanta 2020-10-04 3 2020-09-04 2 2
# 4: NAPATA Atalanta 2020-10-17 4 2020-09-17 3 3
# 5: ATASAM Atalanta 2020-10-24 5 2020-09-24 4 4
# 6: CROATA Atalanta 2020-10-31 6 2020-10-01 3 3
# 7: ATAINT Atalanta 2020-11-08 7 2020-10-09 3 3

In this case, for each Date value, we count how many of the dates are within 30 days of it.

If you need the NA in place of a 0, then you can add on dat[z < 1, z := NA] or similar.


dat <- structure(list(Code = c("TORATA", "LAZATA", "ATACAG", "NAPATA", "ATASAM", "CROATA", "ATAINT"), Team = c("Atalanta", "Atalanta", "Atalanta", "Atalanta", "Atalanta", "Atalanta", "Atalanta"), Date = structure(c(18531, 18535, 18539, 18552, 18559, 18566, 18574), class = "Date"), Day = c(2L, 1L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L), Date...30d = structure(c(18501, 18505, 18509, 18522, 18529, 18536, 18544), class = "Date"), Games.played.over.the.last.30.days = c(NA, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 3L, 3L)), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -7L))

R - Rolling sum based on dates, with a condition per group

This should work:


# Creating a new 'row column'
data$row_n <- 1:nrow(data)

# Identifying which lines overlap and then filtering data
data <- sqldf("select a.*,
coalesce(group_concat(b.rowid), '') as overlaps
from data a
left join data b on a.id = b.id and
not a.rowid = b.rowid and
((a.start_date_event between
b.start_date_event and b.end_interval) or
(b.start_date_event between a.start_date_event
and a.end_interval))
group by a.rowid
order by a.rowid") %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(row_n = as.character(row_n),
previous_row = dplyr::lag(row_n, n = 1, default = NA),
previous_value = dplyr::lag(sum_days, n = 1, default = NA),
sum2 = case_when(mapply(grepl,previous_row, overlaps) == TRUE &
previous_value > 15 ~ as.integer(0),
TRUE ~ sum_days),
previous_value = dplyr::lag(sum2, n = 1, default = NA),
sum2 = case_when(mapply(grepl,previous_row, overlaps) == TRUE &
previous_value > 15 ~ as.integer(0),
TRUE ~ sum_days)) %>%
dplyr::select(-c(previous_value, previous_row, row_n))

Rolling sums across date range on data table by group in R

Another option:


dt[, date := as.Date(date)][
, num_event_5yr_fu := sapply(date,
function(x) sum(event[between(date, x + 1, x + years(5))])), by = id
][, num_subevents := sapply(date,
function(x) length(event[between(date, x + 1, x + years(5))])), by = id
][event == 0, `:=` (num_event_5yr_fu = NA, num_subevents = NA)]


       id       date idx count event num_event_5yr_fu num_subevents
1: 52749 2007-01-30 1 14 1 4 8
2: 52749 2007-03-15 2 14 0 NA NA
3: 52749 2007-11-27 3 14 1 3 6
4: 52749 2007-11-29 4 14 0 NA NA
5: 52749 2008-10-09 5 14 1 2 4
6: 52749 2009-04-02 6 14 0 NA NA
7: 52749 2011-01-06 7 14 1 2 3
8: 52749 2011-07-26 8 14 1 1 2
9: 52749 2012-01-25 9 14 0 NA NA
10: 52749 2015-01-12 10 14 1 2 4
11: 52749 2016-09-13 11 14 1 1 3
12: 52749 2017-03-21 12 14 1 0 2
13: 52749 2017-08-29 13 14 0 NA NA
14: 52749 2017-10-10 14 14 0 NA NA
15: 46760 2008-01-01 1 15 1 3 6
16: 46760 2010-07-19 2 15 1 3 6
17: 46760 2011-01-14 3 15 0 NA NA
18: 46760 2011-08-02 4 15 1 3 5
19: 46760 2011-08-02 5 15 0 NA NA
20: 46760 2012-02-01 6 15 1 3 5
21: 46760 2012-02-01 7 15 0 NA NA
22: 46760 2015-04-28 8 15 1 3 7
23: 46760 2015-10-19 9 15 0 NA NA
24: 46760 2016-05-16 10 15 1 2 5
25: 46760 2016-12-22 11 15 1 1 4
26: 46760 2016-12-23 12 15 0 NA NA
27: 46760 2017-05-16 13 15 0 NA NA
28: 46760 2017-11-15 14 15 1 0 1
29: 46760 2018-02-22 15 15 0 NA NA

Cumulative sum of occurrences by date

Something like this?


df %>%
count(Date_time, Category, SubCat) %>%
mutate(x = cumsum(n)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Date_time, y=x, color=SubCat, group=SubCat))+

Sample Image

Rolling window function (uniqueN) in R by date range

First, iteratively building (growing) a frame (or data.table) can be a problem, so my first thought would be to wrap this in lapply instead of a while loop. This would generate a list of data.tables, after which we would do a single rbindlist. This alone should provide a significant speed improvement in your 2M datasets.

start_dates <- seq(as.Date(fast_strptime("2021-03-04", "%Y-%m-%d")), 
max(d$date) + 1, by = "3 days")
list_of_tables <- lapply(start_dates, function(start_date) {
x <- d[date >= start_date & date <= start_date + 2L, .(tw = sum(w)), by = .(id)]
setorder(x, -tw, id)
x[, wprop := {x = sum(tw); y = cumsum(tw) / x}]
x[, idprop := {x = uniqueN(id); y = 1:.N / x}]
x[, start_date := start_date + 3L]
x[, end_date := start_date + 5L]
# id tw wprop idprop start_date end_date
# <num> <num> <num> <num> <Date> <Date>
# 1: 1 5 0.5000000 0.50 2021-03-07 2021-03-12
# 2: 2 5 1.0000000 1.00 2021-03-07 2021-03-12
# 3: 4 5 0.3846154 0.25 2021-03-10 2021-03-15
# 4: 2 4 0.6923077 0.50 2021-03-10 2021-03-15
# 5: 1 2 0.8461538 0.75 2021-03-10 2021-03-15
# 6: 3 2 1.0000000 1.00 2021-03-10 2021-03-15

Another method would be to use data.table's range-joins, doing it a little more directly.

ranges <- data.table(start_date = seq(as.Date(fast_strptime("2021-03-04", "%Y-%m-%d")),
max(d$date)+1, by="3 days"))
ranges[, end_date := start_date + 2L]
# start_date end_date
# <Date> <Date>
# 1: 2021-03-04 2021-03-06
# 2: 2021-03-07 2021-03-09
# 3: 2021-03-10 2021-03-12

From here,

tmp <- d[ranges, on = .(date >= start_date, date <= end_date)
][, .(tw = sum(w)), by = .(date, id)
setorder(tmp, -tw, id)
tmp[, c("wprop", "idprop") := .(cumsum(tw)/sum(tw), seq_len(.N)/uniqueN(id)), by = .(date)
][, c("start_date", "end_date") := .(date + 3L, date + 5L)
][, date := NULL]
# id tw wprop idprop start_date end_date
# <num> <num> <num> <num> <Date> <Date>
# 1: 1 5 0.5000000 0.50 2021-03-07 2021-03-09
# 2: 2 5 1.0000000 1.00 2021-03-07 2021-03-09
# 3: 4 5 0.3846154 0.25 2021-03-10 2021-03-12
# 4: 2 4 0.6923077 0.50 2021-03-10 2021-03-12
# 5: 1 2 0.8461538 0.75 2021-03-10 2021-03-12
# 6: 3 2 1.0000000 1.00 2021-03-10 2021-03-12


  • Because the LHS of the join is ranges, there might be ranges with zero data, resulting in NA in the other fields. This is a natural side-effect of the join and this sample data; I don't know if it'll be an issue, but the [!is.na(id),] is meant to do that. I think an inner-join would feel more natural, but data.table::[-join semantics only support left joins.
  • I combined the assignment (of wprop and idprop) into a single [-line, no real reason, it can be separate calcs.
  • The range join is destructive to the column names of join keys for the table on the LHS of the join (which is the inner frame, ranges), so what we would like to reference as start_date/end_date are then known as date/date.1 immediately post-join. Fortunately we lose no data and don't strictly need date.1 this time, so it's a graceful recovery. (I could have renamed date to start_date instead of a new assignment, it might be more efficient for 2M rows, so feel free to see if it helps you.)

FYI: with this data, benchmarking suggests that the range-join method runs in less than half the time compared to the list-of-frames method above. I doubt that that ratio will remain when the data size increases significantly. Please come back after trying both methods with your 2M row data and report run-times. Thanks!

Is there a function to solve a rolling cumulative sum?

Use rollapply with a width of list(-seq(2, 12)) which means use offsets -2, -3, ..., -12 and the third argument says to sum the points at those offsets. partial = TRUE means if those offsets don't exist since we are too close to the start of the series then just use whatever is available. fill = NA says if there are no points at all at those offsets since we are too close to the start fill them in with NA.


DT <- data.table(DF)
DT[, roll := rollapply(RET.USD, list(-seq(2, 12)), sum, partial = TRUE, fill = NA), by = Id]


 > DT
Id RET.USD month year roll
1: 13082U -30.15 1 2001 NA
2: 13082U 29.46 2 2001 NA
3: 13082U -9.23 3 2001 -30.15
4: 13082U -30.68 4 2001 -0.69
5: 13082U 15.96 5 2001 -9.92
6: 13082U -3.64 6 2001 -40.60
7: 13082U -39.86 7 2001 -24.64
8: 13082U 13.55 8 2001 -28.28
9: 13082U 0.26 9 2001 -68.14
10: 13082U -1.10 10 2001 -54.59
11: 13082U 19.28 11 2001 -54.33
12: 13082U -0.56 12 2001 -55.43
13: 13082U -3.31 1 2002 -36.15
14: 13082U 0.48 2 2002 -6.56
15: 13082U 0.86 3 2002 -39.33


DF <- structure(list(Id = c("13082U", "13082U", "13082U", "13082U", 
"13082U", "13082U", "13082U", "13082U", "13082U", "13082U", "13082U",
"13082U", "13082U", "13082U", "13082U"), RET.USD = c(-30.15,
29.46, -9.23, -30.68, 15.96, -3.64, -39.86, 13.55, 0.26, -1.1,
19.28, -0.56, -3.31, 0.48, 0.86), month = c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L,
6L, 7L, 8L, 9L, 10L, 11L, 12L, 1L, 2L, 3L), year = c(2001L, 2001L,
2001L, 2001L, 2001L, 2001L, 2001L, 2001L, 2001L, 2001L, 2001L,
2001L, 2002L, 2002L, 2002L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,

R - Cumsum of product over rolling windows (quarters)

Here is an option:

DT[, do := 
.SD[.SD, on=.(date<=date), by=.EACHI, {
nqtr <- floor(pmax(0, i.date - x.date) / 90)
sum(value * 0.9^nqtr)


          date value country desired_output      do
1: 2017-01-01 2 US 2.000 2.000
2: 2017-01-05 2 UK 8.000 8.000
3: 2017-01-05 4 US 8.000 8.000
4: 2017-04-01 5 IT 12.800 12.800
5: 2017-04-03 3 US 115.800 115.800
6: 2017-04-03 100 US 115.800 115.800
7: 2017-04-11 20 UK 135.200 135.200
8: 2017-04-15 6 US 141.200 141.200
9: 2017-07-02 30 US 170.520 160.220
10: 2017-10-12 4 UK 151.912 151.372
11: 2017-10-12 6 IT 151.912 151.372

The difference is in how we define a quarter. I used 90d. If 3m is really important, I will update the post. For example on 2017-07-02, rows 2 - 6 are 1 qtr ago when using 90days whereas in your OP, only rows 2 - 4 are in a qtr ago when using 3m.


DT <- fread('date,value,country,desired_output
"2017-01-01", 2, "US", 2
"2017-01-05", 2, "UK", 8
"2017-01-05", 4, "US", 8
"2017-04-01", 5, "IT", 12.8
"2017-04-03", 3, "US", 115.8
"2017-04-03", 100, "US", 115.8
"2017-04-11", 20, "UK", 135.2
"2017-04-15", 6, "US", 141.2
"2017-07-02", 30, "US", 170.52
"2017-10-12", 4, "UK", 151.912
"2017-10-12", 6, "IT", 151.912')
DT[, date := as.IDate(date, format="%Y-%m-%d")]

Handling 3m and country requirement:

DT[, do := 
.SD[.SD, on=.(country, date<=date), by=.EACHI, {
vec <- rev(seq(i.date, min(x.date)-93L, by="-1 quarter"))
itvl <- findInterval(x.date, vec, rightmost.closed=TRUE)
nqtr <- length(vec) - itvl - 1L
sum(value * 0.9^nqtr)


          date value country desired_output      do
1: 2017-01-01 2 US 2.000 2.000
2: 2017-01-05 2 UK 8.000 8.000
3: 2017-01-05 4 US 8.000 8.000
4: 2017-04-01 5 IT 12.800 13.000
5: 2017-04-03 3 US 115.800 115.800
6: 2017-04-03 100 US 115.800 115.800
7: 2017-04-11 20 UK 135.200 135.200
8: 2017-04-15 6 US 141.200 141.200
9: 2017-07-02 30 US 170.520 170.520
10: 2017-10-12 4 UK 151.912 151.912
11: 2017-10-12 6 IT 151.912 151.912

Conditional rolling sum of events with 'ragged' dates

A base R approach,

df1$date <- as.Date(df1$date,"%m/%d/%Y")

vector <- vector()

for( j in unique(df1$country)) {
df2 <- df1[df1$country==j,]
for(i in 1:nrow(df2)) {

k <- nrow(df2[df2$date<= df2$date[i] & df2$date>=df2$date[i]-10 ,])

vector <- c(vector, k)


df1$roll_sum <- vector


         date country   event roll_sum
1 2019-08-01 Algeria Protest 1
2 2019-08-02 Algeria Protest 2
3 2019-08-03 Algeria Protest 3
4 2019-08-06 Algeria Protest 4
5 2019-08-15 Algeria Protest 2
6 2019-08-16 Algeria Protest 3
7 2019-08-30 Algeria Protest 1
8 2019-09-01 Algeria Protest 2
9 2019-09-02 Algeria Protest 3
10 2019-09-03 Algeria Protest 4
11 2019-09-04 Algeria Protest 5
12 2019-06-01 Benin Protest 1
13 2019-06-26 Benin Protest 1
14 2019-07-01 Benin Protest 2
15 2019-07-02 Benin Protest 3
16 2019-07-09 Benin Protest 3
17 2019-07-10 Benin Protest 4
18 2019-08-01 Benin Protest 1
19 2019-08-02 Benin Protest 2
20 2019-08-15 Benin Protest 1
21 2019-08-28 Benin Protest 1
22 2019-09-01 Benin Protest 2

cumsum() up to and including current date in dplyr

We can group_by 'date' and then get the last 'to_date'

df1 %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(to_date = last(to_date))

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