How to Learn How to Write C Code to Speed Up Slow R Functions

Where can I learn how to write C code to speed up slow R functions?

Well there is the good old Use the source, Luke! --- R itself has plenty of (very efficient) C code one can study, and CRAN has hundreds of packages, some from authors you trust. That provides real, tested examples to study and adapt.

But as Josh suspected, I lean more towards C++ and hence Rcpp. It also has plenty of examples.

Edit: There were two books I found helpful:

  • The first one is Venables and Ripley's "S Programming" even though it is getting long in the tooth (and there have been rumours of a 2nd edition for years). At the time there was simply nothing else.
  • The second in Chambers' "Software for Data Analysis" which is much more recent and has a much nicer R-centric feel -- and two chapters on extending R. Both C and C++ get mentioned. Plus, John shreds me for what I did with digest so that alone is worth the price of admission.

That said, John is growing fond of Rcpp (and contributing) as he finds the match between R objects and C++ objects (via Rcpp) to be very natural -- and ReferenceClasses help there.

Edit 2: With Hadley's refocussed question, I very strongly urge you to consider C++. There is so much boilerplate nonsense you have to do with C---very tedious and very avoidable. Have a look at the Rcpp-introduction vignette. Another simple example is this blog post where I show that instead of worrying about 10% differences (in one of the Radford Neal examples) we can get eightyfold increases with C++ (on what is of course a contrived example).

Edit 3: There is complexity in that you may run into C++ errors that are, to put it mildly, hard to grok. But to just use Rcpp rather than to extend it, you should hardly ever need it. And while this cost is undeniable, it is far eclipsed by the benefit of simpler code, less boilerplate, no PROTECT/UNPROTECT, no memory management etc pp. Doug Bates just yesterday stated that he finds C++ and Rcpp to be much more like writing R than writing C++. YMMV and all that.

Can I speedup my R code with Rcpp?

The answer by 李哲源 correctly identifies what should be done in your case. As for your original question the answer is two-fold: Yes, you can move the loop to C++ with Rcpp. No, you won't gain performance:

#include <Rcpp.h>

// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericMatrix fillMatrix(Rcpp::NumericMatrix X,
Rcpp::NumericVector y,
Rcpp::NumericVector a,
Rcpp::Function f) {
Rcpp::NumericMatrix result = Rcpp::no_init(X.cols(), a.length());
for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); ++i) {
result(Rcpp::_, i) = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(f(X, y, a[i]));
return result;

/*** R
f <- function(X,y,a){
p = ncol(X)
res = (crossprod(X) + a*diag(1,p))%*%crossprod(X,y)

X <- matrix(rnorm(500*50),500,50)
y <- rnorm(500)
a <- seq(0,1,0.01)

system.time(fillMatrix(X, y, a, f))
# user system elapsed
# 0.052 0.077 0.075
system.time({result <- matrix(NA,ncol(X),length(a))

for(i in 1:length(a)){
result[,i] <- f(X,y,a[i])
# user system elapsed
# 0.060 0.037 0.049

So the Rcpp solution is actually slower than the R solution in this case. Why? Because the real work is done within the function f. This is the same for both solutions, but the Rcpp solution has the additional overhead of calling back to R from C++. Note that for loops in R are not necessarily slow. BTW, here some benchmark data:

          expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
fillMatrixR() 41.22305 41.86880 46.16806 45.20537 49.11250 65.03886 100
fillMatrixC() 44.57131 44.90617 49.76092 50.99102 52.89444 66.82156 100

increase efficiency and speed of R function

OK, here's the Rcpp solution, and as expected, it beats the R solution by a lot:

CharacterVector fcpp(CharacterVector a,CharacterVector b,int size){
int aSkipped = 0;
int bSkipped = 0;
int asize = a.size();
Rcpp::CharacterVector d(size);
for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
if(i-aSkipped<asize && a[i-aSkipped][0] == 'D') {
d[i] = \"D\";
} else if (b[i-bSkipped][0] == 'D') {
d[i] = \"I\";
} else if (a[i-aSkipped][0] == 'I') {
d[i] = \"I\";
} else if (b[i-bSkipped][0] == 'I') {
d[i] = \"D\";
} else {
d[i] = a[i-aSkipped];
return d;


Warning: that function does no parameter checking at all, so if you feed it bad data you can easily get a seg fault.

If you are going to be calling this a lot, Rcpp is definitely the way to go:

> with(ab(10),microbenchmark(f(a,b),f3(a,b),f2(a,b),my.function.v(a,b)))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
f(a, b) 103.993 107.5155 108.6815 109.7455 178.801 100
f3(a, b) 7.354 8.1305 8.5575 9.1220 18.014 100
f2(a, b) 87.081 90.4150 92.2730 94.2585 146.502 100
my.function.v(a, b) 84.389 86.5140 87.6090 88.8340 109.106 100
> with(ab(100),microbenchmark(f(a,b),f3(a,b),f2(a,b),my.function.v(a,b)))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
f(a, b) 992.082 1018.9850 1032.0180 1071.0690 2784.710 100
f3(a, b) 12.873 14.3605 14.7370 15.5095 35.582 100
f2(a, b) 119.396 125.4405 129.3015 134.9915 1909.930 100
my.function.v(a, b) 769.618 786.7865 802.2920 824.0820 905.737 100
> with(ab(1000),microbenchmark(f(a,b),f3(a,b),f2(a,b),my.function.v(a,b)))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
f(a, b) 9816.295 10065.065 10233.1350 10392.696 12383.373 100
f3(a, b) 66.057 67.869 83.9075 87.231 1167.086 100
f2(a, b) 1637.972 1760.258 2667.6985 3138.229 47610.317 100
my.function.v(a, b) 9692.885 10272.425 10997.2595 11402.602 54315.922 100
> with(ab(10000),microbenchmark(f(a,b),f3(a,b),f2(a,b)))
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
f(a, b) 101644.922 103311.678 105185.5955 108342.4960 144620.777 100
f3(a, b) 607.702 610.039 669.8515 678.1845 785.415 100
f2(a, b) 221305.641 247952.345 254478.1580 341195.5510 656408.378 100

Speed up simple R code (vectorize?)

You could keep a count of ranges that start and end at any specific index and then apply a cumulative sum over the difference of these.

  1. Aggregate the number of ranges that start at each index
  2. Aggregate the number of ranges that end at one position before each index (if ends are inclusive)
  3. Calculate the net change: count of starts - count of ends
  4. Loop over indexes and sum up the net changes cumulatively. This will give the number ranges that started earlier than this index and not ended yet at this index.

The "covered" number is equal to this cumulative sum at each index.

I tried this approach using sparse vectors to cut down on memory usage. Although it may be faster with normal vectors, not sure.
With sparseVector it was 5.7x faster than the loop approach for the given example.



starts <- sample(10^6,replace = T)
ends <- starts+sample(100:1000,length(starts),replace=T)

v.cov <- NULL
fun1 <- function() {
coverage <- integer(max(ends))
for(i in seq(length(starts))) {
coverage[starts[i]:ends[i]] <- coverage[starts[i]:ends[i]] + 1
v.cov <<- coverage
# Testing "for loop" approach
# user system elapsed
# 21.84 0.00 21.83

v.sum <- NULL
fun2 <- function() {
# 1. Aggregate the number of ranges that start at each index
t.starts <- table(starts)
i.starts <- strtoi(names(t.starts))
x.starts <- as.vector(t.starts)
sv.starts <- sparseVector(x=x.starts, i=i.starts, length=max(ends)+1) # to match length of sv.ends below
# 2. Aggregate the number of ranges that end at one position before each index
t.ends <- table(ends)
i.ends <- strtoi(names(t.ends))+1 # because "ends" are inclusive
x.ends <- as.vector(t.ends)
sv.ends <- sparseVector(x=x.ends, i=i.ends, length=max(ends)+1)

sv.diff <- sv.starts - sv.ends
v.sum <<- cumsum(sv.diff)[1:max(ends)] # drop last element
# Testing "cumulative sum" approach
# user system elapsed
# 3.828 0.000 3.823

identical(v.cov, v.sum)

Also, there is probably a better way to extract x's and i's for sparseVector constructor than using table and strtoi(names(x))that may boost speed further.


Avoid strtoi using a 1-column sparseMatrix instead

v.sum.mat <- NULL
fun3 <- function() {
v.ones <- rep(1, length(starts))
m.starts <- sparseMatrix(i=starts, j=v.ones, x=v.ones, dims=c(max(ends)+1,1))
m.ends <- sparseMatrix(i=ends+1, j=v.ones, x=v.ones, dims=c(max(ends)+1,1))
m.diff <- m.starts - m.ends
v.sum.mat <<- cumsum(m.diff[,1])[1:max(ends)]
# Testing "cumulative sum" approach using matrix
# user system elapsed
# 0.456 0.028 0.486

identical(v.cov, v.sum.mat)

EDIT 2 - super fast, super short

Based on comment by @alexis_laz, thank you!

fun4 <- function() {
cumsum(tabulate(starts, max(ends) + 1L) - tabulate(ends + 1L, max(ends) + 1L))[1:max(ends)]
system.time( <- fun4())
# user system elapsed
# 0.040 0.000 0.041


Rcpp function to be SLOWER than same R function

Others have answered in comments already. So I'll just emphasize the point: Calling back to R functions is expensive as we need to be extra cautious about error handling. Just having the loop in C++ and call R functions is not rewriting your code in C++. Try rewriting psi and pFGM as C++ functions and report back here what happens.

You might argue that you lose some flexibility and you're not able anymore to use any R function. For situations like this, I'd advise to use some sort of hybrid solution where you have implemented the most common cases in C++ and fallback to an R solution otherwise.

As for the other question, a SEXP is an R object. This is part of the R API. It can be anything. When you create a Function from it (as is done implicitly for you when create a function that takes a Function argument), you are guaranteed that this is indeed an R function. The overhead is very small, but the gain in terms of expressiveness of your code is huge.

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