R: Multiple Linear Regression Model and Prediction Model

Calculating predictions for multiple linear regression

Instead of redefining the factors, just use the factor level in quotation marks in predict.

predict(m2, list(age=40, sex="male", bmi=30, children=2, smoker="yes", 
region="northwest"), int="p", level=0.98)
# fit lwr upr
# 1 -1.978994 -9.368242 5.410254


dat <- structure(list(charges = c(1.37095844714667, -0.564698171396089, 
0.363128411337339, 0.63286260496104, 0.404268323140999, -0.106124516091484,
1.51152199743894, -0.0946590384130976, 2.01842371387704, -0.062714099052421
), age = c(20L, 58L, 44L, 53L, 22L, 51L, 20L, 75L, 59L, 41L),
sex = structure(c(2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("female",
"male"), class = "factor"), bmi = c(25.3024309248682, 24.6058854935878,
25.7881406228236, 25.6707038267505, 24.0508191903124, 25.036135738485,
27.115755613237, 25.1674409043556, 24.1201634714689, 25.9469131749433
), children = c(4L, 1L, 5L, 1L, 1L, 4L, 0L, 0L, 3L, 4L),
smoker = c("no", "yes", "yes", "no", "no", "yes", "yes",
"yes", "yes", "no"), region = structure(c(1L, 2L, 2L, 3L,
1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 2L), .Label = c("northeast", "northwest",
"southeast"), class = "factor")), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame")

R: multiple linear regression model and prediction model

I am putting everything from the comments into this answer.

1) You can use predict rather than predict.lm as predict will know your input is of class lm and do the right thing automatically.

2 The newdataset should be a data.frame with the same variables as your original predictors - in this case alt and sdist.

3) If you are bringing in you data using read.table by default it will create a data.frame. This assumes that the new data has columns named alt and sdist Then you can do:

NewPredictions<- predict(model1, newdata=NewDatSet)

4) After you have done this if you want to check the predictions - you can do the following


This will give you the intercept and the coefficients for alt and sdist
This should give you the alt and sdist values for the first row, you can change the 1 in the bracket to be any row you want. Then use the information from summary(model1) to calculate what the predicted value should be using any method that you trust.

Finally use
to get what predict() gave you for the first row (or change the 1 to any other row)

Hopefully that should all work out.

r function: multiple linear regression prediction estimate and interval (user-defined function)

I found the problem, it was at t value t.alpha.demi<- qt(0.975, df=n-2) which explains why it didn't have the difference with single linear regression but did with multiple.

I changed it to t.alpha.demi<- qt(0.975, df=n-length(beta))

It was a mistake on my end. Regards,
Cyril S

Multiple linear model prediction in dplyr

We could use nest_by and create the model columns in mutate, then ungroup to remove the rowwise attributes created by nest_by, loop over the 'model' and 'data' columns with pmap, extract the columns as in the order of selection, i.e. ..1 -> data, ..2 -> model1 and ..3-> model3. Create the new "Pred" columns in the 'data' (..1), remove the model columns in select and unest the 'data'

gapminder %>%
nest_by(continent) %>%
mutate(model1 = list(lm(lifeExp ~ pop, data = data)),
model2 = list(lm(lifeExp ~ pop + gdpPercap, data = data ))) %>%
ungroup %>%
mutate(data = pmap(select(., data, model1, model2),
~ ..1 %>%
mutate(Pred1 = predict(..2, ..1), Pred2 = predict(..3, ..1)))) %>%
select(-model1, -model2) %>%
# A tibble: 1,704 x 8
# continent country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap Pred1 Pred2
# <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 Africa Algeria 1952 43.1 9279525 2449. 48.8 49.2
# 2 Africa Algeria 1957 45.7 10270856 3014. 48.9 50.0
# 3 Africa Algeria 1962 48.3 11000948 2551. 48.9 49.4
# 4 Africa Algeria 1967 51.4 12760499 3247. 49.1 50.5
# 5 Africa Algeria 1972 54.5 14760787 4183. 49.2 52.0
# 6 Africa Algeria 1977 58.0 17152804 4910. 49.4 53.2
# 7 Africa Algeria 1982 61.4 20033753 5745. 49.6 54.6
# 8 Africa Algeria 1987 65.8 23254956 5681. 49.8 54.7
# 9 Africa Algeria 1992 67.7 26298373 5023. 50.0 54.0
#10 Africa Algeria 1997 69.2 29072015 4797. 50.2 53.9
# … with 1,694 more rows

Or without using the pmap, we can create new columns with across and mutate, then unnest

gapminder %>%
nest_by(continent) %>%
mutate(model1 = list(lm(lifeExp ~ pop, data = data)),
model2 = list(lm(lifeExp ~ pop + gdpPercap, data = data )),
across(starts_with('model'), ~ list(Predict = predict(., data)),
.names = "{.col}_Predict")) %>%
select(-model1, -model2) %>%
ungroup %>%
unnest(c(data, model1_Predict, model2_Predict))


# A tibble: 1,704 x 8
# continent country year lifeExp pop gdpPercap model1_Predict model2_Predict
# <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 Africa Algeria 1952 43.1 9279525 2449. 48.8 49.2
# 2 Africa Algeria 1957 45.7 10270856 3014. 48.9 50.0
# 3 Africa Algeria 1962 48.3 11000948 2551. 48.9 49.4
# 4 Africa Algeria 1967 51.4 12760499 3247. 49.1 50.5
# 5 Africa Algeria 1972 54.5 14760787 4183. 49.2 52.0
# 6 Africa Algeria 1977 58.0 17152804 4910. 49.4 53.2
# 7 Africa Algeria 1982 61.4 20033753 5745. 49.6 54.6
# 8 Africa Algeria 1987 65.8 23254956 5681. 49.8 54.7
# 9 Africa Algeria 1992 67.7 26298373 5023. 50.0 54.0
#10 Africa Algeria 1997 69.2 29072015 4797. 50.2 53.9
# … with 1,694 more rows

Creating a linear regression model for each group in a column

You have some mistakes in the syntax of your functions. Functions are usually written as function(x), and then you substitute the x with the data you want to use it with.

For example, in the linear_model function you defined, if you were to use it alone you would write:


However, because you are using it inside the lapply function it is a bit more tricky to see. Lapply is just making a loop and applying the linear_model function to each of the data frames you obtain from split(table2,table2$LOCATION).

The same thing happens with my_predict.

Anyway, this should work for you:

linear_model <- function(x) lm(Education ~ TIME, x)

m <- lapply(split(table2,table2$LOCATION),linear_model)

new_df <- data.frame(TIME=c(2019))

my_predict <- function(x) predict(x,new_df)



There are probably more efficient ways of looping the prediction, but here is my approach:

pred_data <- list()

for (i in 3:6){
linear_model <- function(x) lm(x[,i] ~ TIME, x)
m <- lapply(split(tableLinR,tableLinR$LOCATION),linear_model)
new_df <- data.frame(TIME=c(2020, 2021), row.names = c("2020", "2021"))
my_predict <- function(x) predict(x,new_df)
pred_data[[colnames(tableLinR)[i]]] <- sapply(m,my_predict)

pred_data <- melt(pred_data)
pred_data <- as.data.frame(pivot_wider(pred_data, names_from = L1, values_from = value))

First you create an empty list where you will be saving the outputs of your loop. In for (i in 3:4) you put the interval of columns you want a prediction from. The result pred_data is a list that you can transform into a data frame in different ways. With melt and pivot_wider you obtain a format similar to your original data.

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