Define All Functions in One .R File, Call Them from Another .R File. How, If Possible

Define all functions in one .R file, call them from another .R file. How, if possible?

You can call source("abc.R") followed by source("xyz.R") (assuming that both these files are in your current working directory.

If abc.R is:

fooABC <- function(x) {
k <- x+1

and xyz.R is:

fooXYZ <- function(x) {
k <- fooABC(x)+1

then this will work:

> source("abc.R")
> source("xyz.R")
> fooXYZ(3)
[1] 5

Even if there are cyclical dependencies, this will work.

E.g. If abc.R is this:

fooABC <- function(x) {
k <- barXYZ(x)+1

barABC <- function(x){
k <- x+30

and xyz.R is this:

fooXYZ <- function(x) {
k <- fooABC(x)+1

barXYZ <- function(x){
k <- barABC(x)+20


> source("abc.R")
> source("xyz.R")
> fooXYZ(3)
[1] 55

call an R Script from an other script

To call an RScript from another script, you need to source it at the beginning:

# H is now available
G = function(x) {
return(-exp(-1i * x) * Conj(H(x+pi)) )

If you want to clean up your functions, you can also build a package containing all your functions.

A little bit more of work, but definitely worth the effort!

Can't call function. Is there a setting that controls this?

you probably need to source it with source("kelvin_to_celsius.r")

# > kelvin_to_celsius(150)
# Error in kelvin_to_celsius(150) :
# could not find function "kelvin_to_celsius"
# > source("kelvin_to_celsius.r")
# > kelvin_to_celsius(150)
# [1] -123.15

How Do I Write R Package Documentation When I Have More than One Function to Perform a Composite Task?

EDIT: i've changed the code so that the output is a vector instead of a list.

You can combine your functions into a single function. Here's an example:

sums <- function(x, methods = c("sum", "squaredsum", "cubedsum")){

output <- c()

if("sum" %in% methods){
output <- c(output, ss = ss(x))

if("squaredsum" %in% methods){
output <- c(output, sss = sss(x))

if("cubedsum" %in% methods){
output <- c(output, ssq = ssq(x))


by default, all three of your functions are called and the results are returned in a list.

You can specify just one or more of the functions, in that case it will only return the outputs of the called functions.

In your documentation, you can now treat each of the possible methods as variable that can be set.'


there's a mistake in your cube function. a cube is not taken by i***2. It's i**3. The correct function is:

ssq <- function(x){
`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
foreach::foreach(i = x*x*x, .combine = "+") %dopar% {i**3}

Finding if my function inside an rscript file is been called by either an rmarkdown or an rscript

In my case the following solves the issue

Getting the file path that also includes filename and extension:

file_type <- try(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path, silent = T) 

Getting the file extension.

file_type <- tools::file_ext(file_type)

Then iff file_type = 'R' the functionalities are turned on and for any other cases they are off.

if(file_type == 'R'){

In this specific case I only care that the extension is a '.R' and don't want to risk using the functionalities with anything else.
For example if you are running the function in the console then file_type = '' and the functionalities will be off.

How to import only functions from .R file without executing the whole file

First of all, let me say that this really isn't a good idea. R is a functional programming language so functions are just like regular objects. There's not a strong separation between calling a function and assigning a function. These are all pretty much the same thing

a <- function(a) a+1
# [1] 7

assign("a", function(i) i+1)
# [1] 7

`<-`(a, function(i) i+1)
# [1] 7

There's no difference between defining a function and calling an assignment function. You never know what the code inside a function will do unless you run it; therefore it's not easy to tell which code creates "functions" and which does not. As @mdsumner pointed out, you would be better off manual separating the code you used to define functions and the code you use to run them.

That said, if you wanted to extract all the variable assignments where you use <- from a code file, you could do

cmds <- parse("fakeload.R")
assign.funs <- sapply(cmds, function(x) {
if(x[[1]]=="<-") {
if(x[[3]][[1]]=="function") {

This will evaluate all the function assignments of the "standard" form.

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