Extract Standard Errors from Lm Object

Extract standard errors from lm object

The output of from the summary function is just an R list. So you can use all the standard list operations. For example:

#some data (taken from Roland's example)
x = c(1,2,3,4)
y = c(2.1,3.9,6.3,7.8)

#fitting a linear model
fit = lm(y~x)
m = summary(fit)

The m object or list has a number of attributes. You can access them using the bracket or named approach:


A handy function to know about is, str. This function provides a summary of the objects attributes, i.e.


Obtain standard errors of regression coefficients for an mlm object returned by `lm()`

If you put your data in long format it's very easy to get a bunch of regression results using lmList from the nlme or lme4 packages. The output is a list of regression results and the summary can give you a matrix of coefficients, just like you wanted.


m <- lmList( y ~ x | group, data = dat)

Those coefficients are in a simple 3 dimensional array so the standard errors are at [,2,2].

Extract all standard errors of coefficients from list of logistic regressions

Using an example from ?glm

## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial :
counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
treatment <- gl(3,3)
glm.D93 <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family=poisson())

## copy twice to a list to illustrate
lmod <- list(mod1 = glm.D93, mod2 = glm.D93)

Then we could compute them as summary() would, or extract them after calling summary(). The former is far more efficient as you only compute what you want. The latter doesn't rely on knowing how the standard errors are derived.

Compute the standard errors directly

The standard errors can be computed from the variance-covariance matrix of the model. The diagonal of this matrix contains the variances of the coefficients, and the standard errors are simply the square root of these variances. The vcov() extractor function gets the variance-covariance matrix for us and we square root the diagonals with sqrt(diag()):

> lapply(lmod, function(x) sqrt(diag(vcov(x))))
(Intercept) outcome2 outcome3 treatment2 treatment3
0.1708987 0.2021708 0.1927423 0.2000000 0.2000000

(Intercept) outcome2 outcome3 treatment2 treatment3
0.1708987 0.2021708 0.1927423 0.2000000 0.2000000

Extract them from a call to summary()

Or we can let summary() compute the standard errors (and a lot more), then use lapply() or sapply() to apply an anonymous function that extracts coef(summary(x)) and takes the second column (in which the standard errors are stored).

lapply(lmod, function(x) coef(summary(x))[,2])

Which gives

> lapply(lmod, function(x) coef(summary(x))[,2])
(Intercept) outcome2 outcome3 treatment2 treatment3
0.1708987 0.2021708 0.1927423 0.2000000 0.2000000

(Intercept) outcome2 outcome3 treatment2 treatment3
0.1708987 0.2021708 0.1927423 0.2000000 0.2000000

whereas sapply() would give:

> sapply(lmod, function(x) coef(summary(x))[,2])
mod1 mod2
(Intercept) 0.1708987 0.1708987
outcome2 0.2021708 0.2021708
outcome3 0.1927423 0.1927423
treatment2 0.2000000 0.2000000
treatment3 0.2000000 0.2000000

Depending on what you wanted to do , you could extract both the coefficients and the standard errors with a single call:

> lapply(lmod, function(x) coef(summary(x))[,1:2])
Estimate Std. Error
(Intercept) 3.044522e+00 0.1708987
outcome2 -4.542553e-01 0.2021708
outcome3 -2.929871e-01 0.1927423
treatment2 1.337909e-15 0.2000000
treatment3 1.421085e-15 0.2000000

Estimate Std. Error
(Intercept) 3.044522e+00 0.1708987
outcome2 -4.542553e-01 0.2021708
outcome3 -2.929871e-01 0.1927423
treatment2 1.337909e-15 0.2000000
treatment3 1.421085e-15 0.2000000

But you might prefer them separately?

How do I extract estimates and standard errors as a measure of linear increment from an lm model in R?

Basically, your lm model is of the formula y = Intercept + x*coefficient.
So, you can calculate the estimate based on the output of the summary(lm(...

So, if you take the following example:

vector1 = rnorm(100, mean = 4)
vector2 = rnorm(100, mean = 1)
dat = data.frame(vector1,vector2)
model_dat = lm(vector2 ~ vector1, data = dat)
Model = summary(model_dat)

And now, you can calculate the estimate:

dat$estimate = dat$vector1 * Model$coefficients[2,1] + Model$coefficients[1,1]

And then for the standard error, you can use predict.lm with the function se.fit = TRUE:

dat$SE = predict.lm(model_dat, se.fit = TRUE, level = 0.95)$se.fit

So, you get the following dataset:

> head(dat)
vector1 vector2 estimate SE
1 3.439524 0.28959344 0.9266060 0.11942447
2 3.769823 1.25688371 0.9092747 0.10294104
3 5.558708 0.75330812 0.8154090 0.18452625
4 4.070508 0.65245740 0.8934973 0.09709476
5 4.129288 0.04838143 0.8904130 0.09716038
6 5.715065 0.95497228 0.8072047 0.19893259

You can compare the result of this by first, checking the plotting obtained using stat_smooth:

ggplot(dat, aes(x = vector1, y = vector2)) + geom_point() + stat_smooth(method = "lm", se = TRUE)

And you get this plot:
Sample Image

And if now, you use estimate and SE columns from your dat:

ggplot(dat, aes(x = vector1, y = vector2)) + geom_point() + 
geom_line(aes(x = vector1, y = estimate), color = "red")+
geom_line(aes(x = vector1, y = estimate+SE)) +
geom_line(aes(x = vector1, y = estimate-SE))

You get almost the same plot:
Sample Image

Hope that it answers your question

ldply extract standard deviation from coefficients (models)

The issue is with ldply(models, coef(summary(models)), inside the ldply, you are looping through models and the function needs to work on each element of the list. You need to write a function that does summary first, followed by coef, see


linmod <- function(df) {
lm(rbi ~ year, data = mutate(df, year = year - min(year)))

models <- dlply(baseball, .(id), linmod)
mod_coef<-ldply(models, coef)
results <- ldply(models,function(i)coef(summary(i)))

> head(results)
id Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
1 aaronha01 118.923913043 9.44994928 12.58460860 3.013683e-11
2 aaronha01 -1.732213439 0.73567755 -2.35458242 2.835224e-02
3 abernte02 0.554009613 0.44022430 1.25847122 2.274573e-01
4 abernte02 -0.002403238 0.03829954 -0.06274848 9.507953e-01
5 adairje01 18.831034483 11.77420551 1.59934651 1.337547e-01
6 adairje01 0.879310345 1.61731151 0.54368645 5.958584e-01

# to get standard error
> head(results[,"Std. Error"])
[1] 9.44994928 0.73567755 0.44022430 0.03829954 11.77420551 1.61731151

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