Venn Diagram with Item Labels

Venn Diagram with Item labels

Using the RAM package:

foo <- c('a','b','c','d')
baa <- c('a','e','f','g')
group.venn(list(foo=foo, baa=baa), label=TRUE,
fill = c("orange", "blue"),
cat.pos = c(0, 0),

Sample Image

3 way Venn diagram with internal labels in R


AA <- c("hi","foo", "bar","yep","woo","hoo")
BB <- c("baa","yep", "woo","yes")
CC <- c("yes","foo","hi","woo", "huh")

x <- list(AA=AA , BB=BB , CC=CC)

v0 <- venn.diagram( x, filename=NULL,
fill = c("red", "blue", "green"),
alpha = 0.50,
col = "transparent")


overlaps <- calculate.overlap(x)

# extract indexes of overlaps from list names
indx <- as.numeric(substr(names(overlaps),2,2))

# labels start at position 7 in the list for Venn's with 3 circles
for (i in 1:length(overlaps)){
v0[[6 + indx[i] ]]$label <- paste(overlaps[[i]], collapse = "\n")


Sample Image

optimized VennDiagram with internal labels r

Here is my approach which is by far no solution rather a hack.

# Print a venn and save it to an object
a <- venn(list(letters[1:5], letters[3:8]))
# save the intersections
b <- attr(a, "intersections")

# find the coordinates
s <- seq(0,500,100); abline(h=s); text(s, y=s, x=0)
s <- seq(0,500,50); abline(v=s); text(s, y=0, x=s)

Sample Image

# the hack, destroy the venn to avoid the plotting of the internal numbers 
rownames(a) <- letters[1:nrow(a)]
>Error in data[n, 1] : subscript out of bounds

# include the internal labels
text(200,300,paste(b$`01`,collapse = "\n"))
text(200,200,paste(b$`11`,collapse = "\n"))
text(200,100,paste(b$`10`,collapse = "\n"))

Sample Image

It's annoying with multiple venns. Otherwise you can save the venn as an .svg and edit it with inkscape or similar softwares or ask the developer by email.

If your plots looking alwas the same you can check the source code for the venn function (In RStudio by hitting F2) and copy paste the positions for 4 and 5 circle venns and replace the labels function lab("1000", data) with your desired labels.

For 4 circles:

      text(35, 250, lab("1000", data))
text(140, 315, lab("0100", data))
text(260, 315, lab("0010", data))
text(365, 250, lab("0001", data))
text(90, 280, lab("1100", data), cex = small)
text(95, 110, lab("1010", data))
text(200, 50, lab("1001", data), cex = small)
text(200, 290, lab("0110", data))
text(300, 110, lab("0101", data))
text(310, 280, lab("0011", data), cex = small)
text(130, 230, lab("1110", data))
text(245, 75, lab("1101", data), cex = small)
text(155, 75, lab("1011", data), cex = small)
text(270, 230, lab("0111", data))
text(200, 150, lab("1111", data))


Nowadays I would switch to a ggplot solution


Sample Image

Venn Diagram in R to show character labels

The graph cannot be label by default. This is solution with some hack.
(modified from Venn Diagram with Item labels)


# Generate plot
v <- venn.diagram(x,
fill = c("orange", "blue", "red", "green"),

# Calculate overlap site
overlaps <- calculate.overlap(x)
overlaps <- overlaps[str_sort(names(overlaps), numeric = TRUE)] # sort base on numeric value

# Apply name to global variable
# Index of venn diagram start at calculate.overlaps + 8. You have to find the index value by yourself for (3,5,6,7,.. venn)
walk2(seq(overlaps) +8, seq(overlaps),
function(x,y) {v[[x]]$label <<- paste0(overlaps[[y]], collapse = "\n")})

# Draw plot

Sample Image

Venn diagram - not enough space for labels

With the ext.percent option you can specify the proportion that a partial area has to be smaller than to trigger external text placement.

v3 <- venn.diagram(list(A=1:2309, B=29:2550), filename=NULL, fill=c("red", "green"),
cex.prop=NULL, cex=1.5, cat.cex= 1.5, alpha = c(0.5, 0.5),
cat.fontface = 4, lty = 2, ext.percent=.2)
png("Overlap.png", width=5, height=4, units='in', res=150)

Sample Image

cat.fontface option controls fontface for each category name (1 = plain, 2 = bold, 3 = italic, 4 = bold italic).

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