R Save Table as Image

Save table in viewer as jpg or png in R


tab_model(dat, file = "plot.html")
#save as image
webshot("plot.html", "plot.png")

How to save a table as an image but also preserve its quality? R

The save_kable function has a ... argument which passes variables to webshot::webshot.

From the webshot README, you can generate higher quality screenshots with the zoom option, e.g.,


kable(iris[1:10,]) %>%
kable_styling() %>%
save_kable(file = "table_1.png")

kable(iris[1:10,]) %>%
kable_styling() %>%
save_kable(file = "table_2.png",
zoom = 1.5)

R data.frame to table image for presentation

The most direct option is to probably use grid.table from the "gridExtra" package. Assuming your data.frame is called "mydf", it's as easy as doing:


which should yield something that looks like:

Sample Image

How to save a table I created with (DT), datatable into a high quality image?

You can use the saveWidget function to save the datatable in a html file, then use the webshot package to take a snapshot.

dtable <- datatable(iris[1:8,])
html <- "dtable.html"
saveWidget(dtable, html)
webshot(html, "dtableSnapshot.png") # you can also export to pdf

Sample Image

Export table created in formattable in R

Since I answered your last question I have a bit more background. For some reason, the table you made doesn't seem to want to export with the method mentioned above.

However, you can export the table and save it as an image using the following code. First, the table gets saved as an htmlwidget. You can open the output .html file that gets output and see the table if you wanted to. webshot will then take a picture of the table and save it as an image.


test1 %>%
group_by(Name) %>%
summarise("Weekly_trend" = spk_chr(Total)) %>%
formattable() %>%
as.datatable(options = list(pageLength = 30)) %>%
spk_add_deps() -> w

htmlwidgets::saveWidget(w, "table.html", selfcontained = TRUE)

webshot::webshot(url = "table.html", file = "table.png",
vwidth = 1000, vheight = 275)

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