Dplyr - Summary Table for Multiple Variables

dplyr - summary table for multiple variables

Use dplyr in combination with tidyr to reshape the end result.


df <- tbl_df(mtcars)

df.sum <- df %>%
select(mpg, cyl, vs, am, gear, carb) %>% # select variables to summarise
summarise_each(funs(min = min,
q25 = quantile(., 0.25),
median = median,
q75 = quantile(., 0.75),
max = max,
mean = mean,
sd = sd))

# the result is a wide data frame
> dim(df.sum)
[1] 1 42

# reshape it using tidyr functions

df.stats.tidy <- df.sum %>% gather(stat, val) %>%
separate(stat, into = c("var", "stat"), sep = "_") %>%
spread(stat, val) %>%
select(var, min, q25, median, q75, max, mean, sd) # reorder columns

> print(df.stats.tidy)

var min q25 median q75 max mean sd
1 am 0.0 0.000 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.40625 0.4989909
2 carb 1.0 2.000 2.0 4.0 8.0 2.81250 1.6152000
3 cyl 4.0 4.000 6.0 8.0 8.0 6.18750 1.7859216
4 gear 3.0 3.000 4.0 4.0 5.0 3.68750 0.7378041
5 mpg 10.4 15.425 19.2 22.8 33.9 20.09062 6.0269481
6 vs 0.0 0.000 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.43750 0.5040161

Summary statistics for multiple variables with statistics as rows and variables as columns?

Here is a way using purrr to iterate over a list of functions. This is effectively what you were doing with bind_rows(), but in less code.


funs <- lst(min, median, mean, max, sd)

~ summarize(starwars, across(where(is.numeric), .x, na.rm = TRUE)),
.id = "statistic")

# # A tibble: 5 x 4
# statistic height mass birth_year
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 min 66 15 8
# 2 median 180 79 52
# 3 mean 174. 97.3 87.6
# 4 max 264 1358 896
# 5 sd 34.8 169. 155.

Dplyr: Production of a Summary Descriptive Statistics Table (Standard error and Coefficient of Variation) for Multiple Variables

The summarise() function now lets you summarize multiple variables directly, using across(). It looks like you want all the numeric variables, but you could also specify them directly (c(Low.Freq, High.Freq, Peak.Freq, Delta.Freq, Delta.Time, Peak.Time, Center.Freq, Start.Freq, End.Freq)). You also needed ~ for the functions that refer to the variable with ..


Summary_Statistics <- New_Acoustic_Parameters %>%
summarise(across(where(is.numeric), .fns =
list(Median = median,
Mean = mean,
n = sum,
SD = sd,
SE = ~sd(.)/sqrt(n()),
Min = min,
Max = max,
q25 = ~quantile(., 0.25),
q75 = ~quantile(., 0.75),
CV = cv
))) %>%
pivot_longer(everything(), names_sep = "_", names_to = c( "variable", ".value"))
# A tibble: 9 × 11
variable Median Mean n SD SE Min Max q25 q75 CV
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ID 75.5 75.5 11325 43.4 3.55 1 150 38.2 113. 57.5
2 Low.Freq 30645 47718421. 7157763188 160229651. 13082696. 0 936779338 392. 5065917. 336.
3 High.Freq 6020. 33588147. 5038222034 126884782. 10360099. 0 825466852 78.5 941394. 378.
4 Peak.Freq 45487 74707306. 11206095904 202504621. 16534433. 0 999242982 436. 32466176. 271.
5 Delta.Freq 20268. 31612255. 4741838252 113350682. 9255044. 0 754038591 93.2 2282342. 359.
6 Delta.Time 16852. 64582719. 9687407814 208416077. 17017101. 0 946706344 70.5 4181862. 323.
7 Peak.Time 35342 64781815. 9717272204 190695860. 15570252. 1 964147297 790. 6424504. 294.
8 Start.Freq 39416. 54517987. 8177697991 173895386. 14198499. 0 940000382 77.2 2694535 319.
9 End.Freq 71317 41475068. 6221260243 132873661. 10849089. 1 856943893 430. 7667247. 320.

R - create summary table of means and counts by group for multiple columns

We may group by 'group' and summarise across the numeric columns to get the mean and the count of non-NA (sum(!is.na)

df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
list(mean = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), count = ~ sum(!is.na(.x)))))

Multiple variable summary with dplyr

After the initial summarize, you have one entry for each article per year. You then wish to know what the contribution of each article was to each year's total, so you need to group_by again using just the year, and finally mutate to get the proportion for each article.


sample_data %>%
group_by(article, date) %>%
summarise(weight = sum(value), .groups = "keep") %>%
group_by(date) %>%
mutate(prop = weight / sum(weight))
#> # A tibble: 29 x 4
#> # Groups: date [7]
#> article date weight prop
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A 2015 55572 0.661
#> 2 A 2016 33948 0.876
#> 3 A 2017 11716 0.632
#> 4 A 2019 8668 0.491
#> 5 A 2020 5386 0.799
#> 6 A 2021 2577 0.628
#> 7 B 2015 16119 0.192
#> 8 B 2018 1414 0.622
#> 9 B 2019 8137 0.461
#> 10 B 2020 1174 0.174
#> # ... with 19 more rows

Created on 2022-02-19 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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