Programmatically Insert Text, Headers and Lists with R Markdown

Programmatically insert text, headers and lists with R markdown

You need to construct your wanted markdown in R and use that together with the argument results = 'asis' in your chunk options. Hence, something like the following will do what you want:

```{r, results='asis'}
headers <- list("We","are","your","friends")
for (i in headers){
cat("#", i, "\n")

The for-loop here will create the output

# We 
# are
# your
# friends

which is used directly as input in the .md document.

Programmatically insert header and plot in same code chunk with R markdown using results='asis'

You need to add some new lines after the plots and before the headers, using cat('\n'):

```{r echo = FALSE, results ='asis'}
for(Species in levels(iris$Species)){
cat('\n#', Species, '\n')
p <- ggplot(iris[iris$Species == Species,], aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width)) +

Programatically inserting headers and text from a data.frame

Try this instead:

varnames <- c("A", "B", "C")
vardesc <- c("A is this.", "B is this.", "C is this.")
df <- data.frame(varnames, vardesc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

for(i in 1:nrow(df)) {
cat("##", df$varnames[i], "\n")
cat("Description:", "\n")
cat(df$vardesc[i], "\n")

Output is:

## A 
A is this.

## B
B is this.

## C
C is this.

Programmatically add tags to yaml header during knitting R markdown file

To generate a valid YAML array, you could use the alternative syntax [ ], e.g.,

tags: ["`r paste(head(letters), collapse = '", "')`"]

which generates:

tags: ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

Note the hack collapse = '", "': since there already exists a pair of double quotes outside the R expression, you should only generate the part a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f from the R expression.

-- solution copied from Yihui's explanation at blogdown#647

Create RMarkdown headers and code chunks in purrr


If you render your code as well as the results of running your code in a result='asis' chunk I think you can manage what you're after. You can do this by taking advantage of knitr's knit() function as follows:

title: "Untitled"
date: "10/9/2021"
output: html_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

full_var <- function(var) {

# Define the code to be run
my_code <- "print('test')"

# Print the code itself, surrounded by chunk formatting
cat("### `", var, "` {-} \n")
cat("```{r}", "\n")
cat(my_code, "\n")
cat("``` \n")

# Use knitr to render the results of running the code.
# NB, the use of Sys.time() here is to create unique chunk headers,
# which is required by knitr. You may want to reconsider this approach.
text = sprintf("```{r %s}\n%s\n```\n", Sys.time(), my_code),
quiet = TRUE

vars <- c("1", "2", "3")

```{r results = "asis"}
purrr::walk(vars, full_var)

This produces output like the following:
Code output

Details: How knitr works

When knitr renders an R Markdown file it does so in the following stages:

  1. knitr generates a plain markdown file from your original .Rmd. This is when things like the yaml header and chunk options get used, and is crucially when your R code gets run
  2. pandoc converts the markdown file into the final output. Exactly what happens here depends on what output format you're using.

How knitr works

Using results='asis'

The chunk option results = 'asis' simply changes what the intermediate markdown script will look like in the rendering process. For example,

cat("print('# Header')")

will be rendered to markdown as the following: (note that the indentation here means this is code according to markdown syntax):

    ## # print('# Header')

Whereas, if results = 'asis' is used you will get the markdown

print('# Header')

The crucial thing to realise is that, although "print('# Header')" is valid R code, it only appears at stage 2 in the process, which is after all R code has been run.

The take-home message

Unfortunately, you can't expect results='asis' to output R code and then run it, as knitr has already finished running your R code by this point.

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