Run a Custom Function on a Data Frame in R, by Group

Run a custom function on a data frame in R, by group

Using dplyr

df %>%
group_by(tm) %>%
# tm val
#1 1 1.665882
#2 2 1.504545
#3 3 1.838000

If we change the function slightly to include multiple arguments, this could also work with summarise

 calc1 <- function(d1, t1, h1, p1){
(1.27*sum(d1) + 1.62*sum(t1) + 2.10*sum(h1) )/sum(p1) }
df %>%
group_by(tm) %>%
summarise(val=calc1(d, t, h, p))
# tm val
#1 1 1.665882
#2 2 1.504545
#3 3 1.838000

R: How to run a custom function after group_by using group_map?

As @André Oliveira mentions in the comments, it is recommended to use mutate for adding a column. However, it is possible to do so with group_modify after making some small changes to your function.

newState <- function(dt, groupvars){

dt["new"]= dt[1,"state"]*3


dt %>%
group_by(paitent_ID) %>%
arrange(year, month) %>%
group_modify(newState) %>%

# # A tibble: 100 x 5
# paitent_ID year month state new
# <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl>
# 1 1 2006 5 3 9
# 2 2 2012 12 3 9
# 3 3 2013 11 8 24
# 4 3 2014 10 1 24
# 5 3 2019 5 6 24
# 6 4 2006 7 5 15
# 7 4 2006 7 2 15
# 8 5 2003 8 8 24
# 9 7 2015 12 2 6
# 10 7 2017 8 10 6

And a more conventional approach

dt %>% 
group_by(paitent_ID) %>%
arrange(year, month) %>%
mutate(new = state[1]*3)

R : group by with custom functions

As guided by eddi's point above, the basic problem is thinking that your custom function is being called inside a loop and that 'dt$column' will mysteriously give you the 'current value at the current row'. Instead it gives you the entire column (a vector). The function is passed the entire data table, not row-wise bits of data.

So, replacing the value in the return statement with something that represents a single value works. Example:

customfunc <- function(dt){
q = unname(quantile(dt$column,0.25))
n = nrow(dt[dt$column <= q])

> df <- data.frame(Z=c("abc","abc","def","abc"), column=c(1,2,3,4), someOtherColumn=c(5,6,7,8))
> df
Z column someOtherColumn
1 abc 1 5
2 abc 2 6
3 def 3 7
4 abc 4 8
> newdf <- setDT(df)[, customfunc(.SD), by=Z, .SDcols=c("column", "someOtherColumn")]
> newdf
Z V1
1: abc 0.3333333
2: def 1.0000000

Now the data is aggregated correctly.

R group by one column and apply custom function to another column

With dplyr, you can do:

fun <- function(x) {
(x/n()) * 100

x %>%
group_by(x) %>%
mutate(Data = fun(Data))

x Data
<fct> <dbl>
1 A 20
2 A 40
3 A 60
4 A 80
5 A 100
6 B 20
7 B 40
8 B 60
9 B 80
10 B 100

Apply custom function to multiple groups in R

You almost had it. You just need to apply your function for each group. The purrr library makes this pretty easy.



Main function:

Takes group name and full data set as arguments, then filters by that group. Then makes calculations and returns them as a dataframe.

width <- function(Group.Name, data){
# limit to rows for that group
df<-data %>% filter(Group == Group.Name)

i.mins <- which(diff(sign(diff(c(Inf, df$Value, Inf)))) == 2) <- which.max(df$Value)

i <- sort(c(i.mins,

ix <- i[which(i == + c(-1, 1)]

# put results in dataframe
df <- data.frame("Group" = Group.Name, "Value_1" = ix[1], "Value_2" = ix[2])

# format Group Col
df$Group <- as.character(df$Group)

Looping through groups with purrr

# unique group names we need to loop through for calcs
Group.Names <- unique(data$Group)

# take each name and use the width function
# then put results together in one datframe
Group.Names %>% map_df(~ width(Group.Name = .x, data = data))


   Group Value_1 Value_2
1 Group1 16 22
2 Group2 4 12
3 Group3 2 15

Note: the .x notation just tells map to put the Group.Names object as the first argument in our width function

custom function after grouping data.fame

I guess this is the dplyr equivalent to @jlhoward's data.table solution:

df %>%
group_by(l) %>%
mutate(e = v[d == "b"] - v[d == "a"])

Edit after comment by OP:

If you want to use a custom function, here's a possible way:

myfunc <- function(x) {
with(x, v[d == "b"] - v[d == "a"])

test %>%
group_by(l) %>%
do(data.frame(. , e = myfunc(.))) %>%
arrange(d, l) # <- just to get it back in the original order

Edit after comment by @hadley:

As hadley commented below, it would be better in this case to define the function as

f <- function(v, d) v[d == "b"] - v[d == "a"]

and then use the custom function f inside a mutate:

df %>%
group_by(l) %>%
mutate(e = f(v, d))

Thanks @hadley for the comment.

R apply() custom function to every row in data frame

Another approach is modifying your existing function such that it is vectorised.

    t.test2 <- function(m1,m2,s1,s2,n1,n2,m0=0,equal.variance=FALSE)
se <- sqrt( (s1^2/n1) + (s2^2/n2) )
# welch-satterthwaite df
df <- ( (s1^2/n1 + s2^2/n2)^2 )/( (s1^2/n1)^2/(n1-1) + (s2^2/n2)^2/(n2-1) )
} else
# pooled standard deviation, scaled by the sample sizes
se <- sqrt( (1/n1 + 1/n2) * ((n1-1)*s1^2 + (n2-1)*s2^2)/(n1+n2-2) )
df <- n1+n2-2
t <- (m1-m2-m0)/se
dat <- vapply(seq_len(length(m1)),
function(x){c(m1[x]-m2[x], se[x], t[x], 2*pt(-abs(t[x]),df[x]))},
numeric(4)) #one tailed m2 > m1. Replace with "2*pt(-abs(t),df))" for two tailed.
dat <- t(dat)
dat <-
names(dat) <- c("Difference of means", "Std Error", "t", "p-value")

This approach allows you to pass in vectors for your various inputs and it will provide a data frame of equal length to your inputs. It uses the vapply function to return a vector of length 4 for each value provided.

Under this approach, you can simply go

t.test2(MPAmeans$reference_mean, MPAmeans$MPA_mean, MPAmeans$sd_reference, MPAmeans$sd_MPA, MPAmeans$n_reference, MPAmeans$n_MPA)

(or whatever you end up calling your variables)

apply a custom function on grouped dataframe n rows at a time

You could use slider::slide to create subgroups :


N <- 10

Collage <- function(country,strain,subgroupnumber,data) {
cat(paste(nrow(data) , ' files to read \n'))
cat(paste(data$png_file,collapse=' ; '),'\n')

res <- df %>% group_by(country,strain) %>%
group <- .y
subgroups <- slider::slide(.x,.f=~.x,.step = N ,.after = N-1)
# Remove empty elements
subgroups <- subgroups[lengths(subgroups) != 0]

# Run wished function on each subgroup
subgroups %>% iwalk(~{


Processing: UK - Covid_123 / 1
10 files to read
A_UK_1_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_1_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.14.3_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.14.3_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.2_lp21_zn78__1.png ; A_UK_2.2_xno9_zn78__1.png ; A_UK_2.3_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.3_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.4_lp21_yun7__1.png ; A_UK_2.8.1_lp21_pmn1__1.png

Processing: UK - Covid_123 / 2
9 files to read
A_UK_2.8.1_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.8.2_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.8.2_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.1_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.1_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.14.1_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.14.1_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.14.2_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.14.2_xno9_pmn1__1.png

Processing: UK - Covid_125 / 1
10 files to read
A_UK_2.14.3_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.14.3_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.2_lp21_zn78__1.png ; A_UK_2.2_xno9_zn78__1.png ; A_UK_2.3_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.3_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.4_lp21_yun7__1.png ; A_UK_2.8.1_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.8.1_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.8.2_lp21_pmn1__1.png

Processing: UK - Covid_125 / 2
5 files to read
A_UK_2.8.2_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.14.1_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.14.1_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.14.2_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.14.2_xno9_pmn1__1.png

Processing: UK - Covid_127 / 1
10 files to read
A_UK_2.2_lp21_zn78__1.png ; A_UK_2.2_xno9_zn78__1.png ; A_UK_2.3_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.3_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.4_lp21_yun7__1.png ; A_UK_2.9.1_lp21_yun7__1.png ; B_UK_2.12.1_lp21_yun7__1.png ; B_UK_2.12.2_lp21_yun7__1.png ; B_UK_2.7.1_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; B_UK_2.7.1_xno9_pmn1__1.png

Processing: UK - Covid_127 / 2
7 files to read
B_UK_2.7.4_lp21_yun7__1.png ; B_UK_2.9.2_lp21_yun7__1.png ; A_UK_2.4_lp21_yun7__1.png ; A_UK_2.5.4_lp21_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.5.4_xno9_pmn1__1.png ; A_UK_2.6.4_lp21_yun7__1.png ; B_UK_2.5.3_lp21_yun7__1.png

Processing: UK - Covid_128 / 1
1 files to read

Grouped application of function that return a data.frame (without a for loop)

One option is to use dplyr::group_split() and purrr::map_dfr().

How this works: group_split() will divide your data.frame df into a list of data.frames based on the grouping variables you supply (e.g., g). Next, map_dfr() can be used to apply a function to each element of that list. Because your custom function ff() returns a data.frame without your grouping variable g, you'll want to add that information back to ff() output - this can be accomplished with mutate() as in the example below:


# set seed so that example is reproducible

# your example data and function
df <- data.frame(start=1:10,end=21:30,g=sample(LETTERS[1:2],10,replace=TRUE))

ff <- function(start,end,... ) {
out <- data.frame(T1=c(start,rev(start)),T2=c(end,rev(end)))

# use group_split & map_dfr
df %>%
# divide df into a list of data.frames based on supplied grouping variables
group_split(g) %>%
# for each element in the list, apply this function
map_dfr(function(df.x) {
# get the data.frame your function returns
ff(start, end) %>%
# add your grouping variables back-in (stripped by ff)
mutate(g = g[1]))

# a short-hand version of the above can be written as:
df %>%
group_split(g) %>%
map_dfr(~ff(.x$start, .x$end) %>% mutate(g = .x$g[1]))

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