Dplyr - Filter by Group Size

dplyr - filter by group size

Here's another dplyr approach you can try

semi_join(dat, count(dat, cat) %>% filter(n == 5), by = "cat")


Here's another approach based on OP's original approach with a little modification:

n <- 1e5
x <- rnorm(n)
# Category size ranging each from 1 to 5
cat <- rep(seq_len(n/3), sample(1:5, n/3, replace = TRUE))[1:n]

dat <- data.frame(x = x, cat = cat)

# second data set for the dt approch
dat2 <- data.frame(x = x, cat = cat)

sol_floo0 <- function(dat){
dat <- group_by(dat, cat)
all_ind <- rep(seq_len(n_groups(dat)), group_size(dat))
take_only <- which(group_size(dat) == 5L)
dat[all_ind %in% take_only, ]

sol_floo0_v2 <- function(dat){
g <- group_by(dat, cat) %>% group_size()
ind <- rep(g == 5, g)
dat[ind, ]

microbenchmark::microbenchmark(times = 10,
#Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# sol_floo0(dat) 43.72903 44.89957 45.71121 45.10773 46.59019 48.64595 10 b
# sol_floo0_v2(dat2) 29.83724 30.56719 32.92777 31.97169 34.10451 38.31037 10 a
all.equal(sol_floo0(dat), sol_floo0_v2(dat2))
#[1] TRUE

dplyr: How to filter groups by subgroup criteria

You could add group_by and filter to the codes

#OP's code
d1 <- dadmom %>%
gather(key, value, named:incm) %>%
separate(key, c("variable", "type"), -2) %>%
spread(variable, value, convert = TRUE)

d1 %>%
group_by(famid) %>%
filter(all(sum(type=='m' & inc > 15000)==sum(type=='m')))

# famid type inc name
# 1 2 d 22000 Art
# 2 2 m 18000 Amy
# 3 3 d 25000 Paul
# 4 3 m 50000 Pat

NOTE: The above will also work when there are multiple 'm's per famid (a bit more general)

For normal cases of single 'm/f' pair per famid

 d1 %>%
group_by(famid) %>%
filter(any(inc >15000 & type=='m'))
# famid type inc name
#1 2 d 22000 Art
#2 2 m 18000 Amy
#3 3 d 25000 Paul
#4 3 m 50000 Pat

Also, if you wish to use data.table, melt from the devel version i.e. v1.9.5 can take multiple value columns. It can be installed from here

melt(setDT(dadmom), measure.vars=list(c(2,4), c(3,5)),
variable.name='type', value.name=c('name', 'inc'))[,
type:=c('d', 'm')[type]][, .SD[any(type=='m' & inc >15000)] ,famid]
# famid type name inc
#1: 2 d Art 22000
#2: 2 m Amy 18000
#3: 3 d Paul 25000
#4: 3 m Pat 50000

Filter by subgroup criteria (specify the occurrence of a value per group) using dplyr

We could group_by group and calculate occurrence of item == 1 in each group and filter where there are >= n occurrences.

n <- 1

df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
filter(sum(item == 1) >= n)

Or using the same logic with base R ave

df[with(df, ave(item == 1, group, FUN = sum) >= n), ]

and for completion one with data.table

setDT(df)[, if(sum(item == 1) >= n) .SD, by = group]

conditional filtering based on grouped data in R using dplyr

Here's another method that selects directly using math rather than %in%

data %>% filter(col * sign((group < 3) - 0.5) > 0)
#> # A tibble: 76 x 3
#> group year col
#> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 2 1985 2.20
#> 2 3 1986 -0.205
#> 3 4 1991 -2.10
#> 4 3 1994 -0.113
#> 5 2 1997 1.90
#> 6 1 2000 1.37
#> 7 3 2002 -0.805
#> 8 4 2003 -0.535
#> 9 1 2004 0.792
#> 10 3 2006 -1.28
#> # ... with 66 more rows

Filter either or with dplyr

One dplyr option could be:

dat1 %>%
group_by(team) %>%
filter(if(any(name == "LT")) name == "LT" else name == "CH")

time team name
<dbl> <fct> <fct>
1 1 A LT
2 2 A LT
3 1 B CH
4 2 B CH

group data by year and filter for all year

In order for others to answer or help, it will be very helpful if you can provide a sample data. Based on your descriptions, I can only guess how your data looks like. You can try this:

# simulate a data set
tb <- tibble(year = sample(2006:2018, 50, replace = TRUE),
trade = runif(50, 50000, 1000000)) %>%
mutate(log_trade = log(trade))

# compute the quantile
tb2 <- tb %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarise(q25 = quantile(log_trade, 0.25))

# join back and filter
tb %>% left_join(tb2, by = "year") %>%
filter(log_trade > q25)

Group by, take count and filter out entries corresponding to count greater than 1

We can use filter after grouping by 'date', 'number' and check whether the number of rows (n()) is equal to 1 and keep those rows with the filter command.

data %>%
group_by(date, number) %>%
filter(n() ==1)
# date number value
# <chr> <int> <int>
#1 2016-05-07 3 9
#2 2016-05-08 4 10
#3 2016-05-09 5 11

Just to provide some alternatives using data.table

setDT(data)[, if(.N == 1) .SD , .(date, number)]

Or with base R

data[with(data, ave(number, number, date, FUN = length) ==1),]

group by and filter data management using dplyr


d %>% 
group_by(c) %>%
filter(any(b == 1))

Which gives:

#Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
#Groups: c
# a b c
#1 1 1 1
#2 2 2 1
#3 3 2 1
#4 4 1 2
#5 5 2 2
#6 6 2 2

R dplyr: how to remove smaller groups?

You can use n() to get the number of rows per group, and filter on it, take a look at ?n(), the last example about the usage of n() is filtering based on the size of groups:

df %>% group_by(group) %>% filter(n() >= 3)

# Source: local data frame [6 x 3]
# Groups: group [2]

# ID group value
# <int> <int> <int>
# 1 3 2 0
# 2 4 2 5
# 3 5 2 3
# 4 8 4 3
# 5 9 4 7
# 6 10 4 5

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