How to Insert an Image into the Navbar on a Shiny Navbarpage()

How can I insert an image into the navbar on a shiny navbarPage()

I can now answer this question, at least for shiny 0.10.0. The general idea is to set the title= to a div() that contains both the image and the text for the the title.

This however, creates a new problem in that the icon= argument no longer works, and you cannot set a title for the window. To get around this I followed Andy Singleton's advice here.The advice is to create a fluidPage() above the navbarPage() that can be used to hold the window title and icon. By making this page 0 pixels in height, it is hidden on the app. Here is the key bits of code.


list(tags$head(HTML('<link rel="icon", href="MyIcon.png",
type="image/png" />'))),
div(style="padding: 1px 0px; width: '100%'",
title="", windowTitle="My Window Title"
title=div(img(src="myLogo.gif"), "My Title in the Navbar"),

Insert Figure in shiny navbarPage

Would this work?
Sample Image

navbarPage(title = div("", img(src = "simulation.jpg", id = "simulation", height = "50px",width = "100px",style = "position: relative; margin:-15px 0px; display:right-align;")),
theme = shinytheme("flatly"),
tabPanel("Simulation",collapsible = TRUE,
"Number of bins:",
min = 1,
max = 50,
value = 30)

"Number of bins:",
min = 1,
max = 20,
value = 30)


Sample Image

Placing an image on right end of navigation bar in navbarPage() layout in R Shiny

The linked solution is probably not gonna work for placing the logo on the right. I would suggest using some JavaScript code to append the logo to the navbar.


  1. Create the JS file (I named my file code.js)

When the app is finished loading, it's gonna append the logo to the navbar. (Image is aligned to the right)

$( document ).ready(function() {
$( ".navbar .container-fluid" ).append( '<img src="logo.png" align="right">' );

  1. Place the logo (in my case logo.png) and the JS file inside the www folder.

  2. Include the js file in tags$head

You need to use tagList with navbarPage because otherwise a clickable "ghost" tab would appear on the navbar.

ui <- tagList(
tags$head(tags$script(type="text/javascript", src = "code.js")),
navbarPage(title = "Right aligned logo",


Inserting image on the far-right side navbarPage shiny

I got a workaround by changing the navbarPage piece of code to:

navbarPage(title = div("Report",
img(src = "myimage.png",
height = "10px",
style = "position: relative;
top: -3px;
right: -1000px;")),
theme = shinytheme("cerulean")

It is still not the best since the image does not attach to the navbar and also creates an unnecessary empty space between the title and the tabsets.

Static image (png) in R Shiny navbarPage

By defaults, Shiny uses www as root for internet resources. So, if you have an image stored in working_path/www/img/img.png, the right path will be img/img.png.

If you want to specify other paths, use addResourcePath()

e.g. If you want to show an image under my_path/img/img.png you want first add the path

addResourcePath("new_root", "my_path")

Then refer it in Shiny as

img(src = "new_root/img/img.png")

Logo instead of application title Shiny

This is an old question but I was looking for a solution and the other ones I found caused issues when I tried to publish my application using and this was due to the fact that I was using both fluidPage and navbarPage as suggested in other answers.

Here is my solution which I recieved from the support team at

#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOGAN SERVICES DASHBOARD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ui <- shiny::navbarPage(#the line of code places the logo on the left hand side before the tabs start. See image below.
title = div(img(src='LoganTogether-LOGO.jpg',
style="margin-top: -14px;
height = 60)),
#theme = "journal",
windowTitle="Logan Together: Service Map",

#MAIN TAB~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
tabPanel("Interactive map", # then you go on to code the rest of your UI as normal

Sample Image

Adding background image to Shiny NavBarPage

If you want to add an image (or customize anything really in a shiny layout) there are two ways to do it. The first is just to write your own html via the tags object, which contains all the functions you need to reproduce a page

The other, (and frankly easier way), is to just make a small modification to the existing functions. On the ui side, shiny tags are just lists, and you can access, add, or replace whatever additional tags you like inside of them.

To start, you need to save the resulting shiny object

so, instead of:


navbarPage(title = 'test')

we do it this way:


FullPage <- navbarPage(title = 'test')

once you have that FullPage object, you can modify whatever you want. Each level is either a list of shiny tag objects, or a shiny tag object itself.

a shiny tag object has three slots,

  • name (if the tag is for an img, this would be 'img')
  • attribs
    (this could be a class for css, or src for img, or any new
    attributes you may create)
  • children (any tags nested inside this

so, in order to add an image in the top left, where the title currently is in a navbar page, I would do the following:


FullPage <- navbarPage('test')
FullPage[[3]][[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]] <-
tags$img(src = 'logo.png', width = 60, height = 60)

what's being done here?

Well, the navbarPage generates a list with 3 shiny objects,

the first 2 contain (I believe) the head, the third contains the body of the page.

That itself is a list of shiny objects, The first one contains the title section. In turn, the first child of the first child is the title tags, so we replace that with a tags$img object. We could have replaced that with anything.

Such as tags$a(href = 'http://mynewlinklocation', tags$img(src = 'logo.png')) for a clickable image.

With any other custom modifications to your page, I recommend playing around with the object in the console.

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