Counting the Frequency of an Element in a Data Frame

Count frequency of values in pandas DataFrame column

You can use value_counts and to_dict:

print df['status'].value_counts()
N 14
S 4
C 2
Name: status, dtype: int64

counts = df['status'].value_counts().to_dict()
print counts
{'S': 4, 'C': 2, 'N': 14}

How to count the frequency of the elements in a dataframe's row?

Given your df:

>>> df

col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
0 pqr abc pqr NaN NaN

You can use stack() and value_counts():



  code  count
0 pqr 2
1 abc 1

Count the frequency that a value occurs in a dataframe column

Use value_counts() as @DSM commented.

In [37]:
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':list('abssbab')})


b 3
a 2
s 2
dtype: int64

Also groupby and count. Many ways to skin a cat here.

In [38]:


a 2
b 3
s 2

[3 rows x 1 columns]

See the online docs.

If you wanted to add frequency back to the original dataframe use transform to return an aligned index:

In [41]:
df['freq'] = df.groupby('a')['a'].transform('count')


a freq
0 a 2
1 b 3
2 s 2
3 s 2
4 b 3
5 a 2
6 b 3

[7 rows x 2 columns]

How to count frequency of values across the entire dataframe

You can use the stack function to stack all values in one column, and then use value_counts:


Splitting and counting the frequency of the elements of a Pandas column

Try with the something as follows

from collections import Counter  

def most_common_words(labels, quantity):
Split all words present in list and count how many times it
is repeated in the list.
labels (list): List of strings to split.
quantity (int): Amount of most common words to return.
counter (liste): List of words splitted with its number of ocurrences.
#words = [i.split(" ", 3)[0] for i in labels]
#counter = Counter(words).most_common(quantity)
words = [(re.split('(;|,|-| |\*|\n)', i)) for i in labels]
counter = Counter(x for xs in words for x in set(xs)).most_common(quantity)
df = pd.DataFrame(counter, columns=["Word", "Occurence number"])\
.sort_values(by="Occurence number", ascending=True)

df = df[df["Word"] != " "].reset_index(drop=True)

return df

df_most_common_words = most_common_words(data_copy["col"].tolist(), 20)

the output

            Word  Occurence number
19 Repetition 8946
18 Government 9159
17 SACMEQ: 11502
16 Gross 12993
15 PIAAC: 20874
14 PISA: 21087
13 TIMSS: 21300
12 Africa 21513
11 Enrolment 21939

In your case, you can do something as follows.

col_a = ['A', 'B', 'A-E', 'a', 'A;e', 'B;e', 'A;B', 'C A', 'As']
df = pd.DataFrame(col_a, columns=['col_a'])
0 A
1 B
2 A-E
3 a
4 A;e
5 B;e
6 A;B
7 C A
8 As

df['col_a'] = df['col_a'].str.replace('-',' ').str.replace(';',' ')
0 A
1 B
2 A E
3 a
4 A e
5 B e
6 A B
7 C A
8 As

df_most_common_words = most_common_words(df["col_a"].tolist(), 20)
Word Occurence number
0 E 1
1 a 1
2 C 1
3 As 1
4 e 2
5 B 3
6 A 5

Counting the frequency of an element in a data frame

You can turn your data.frame to a vector and then use table

df <- read.table(text = "   b    c    e    f    g    h    j 
1 Dxa2 Dxa2 Dxa2 Dxa2 Dxa2 Dxa2 Dxa2
2 Dxb2 Dxb2 Dxb2 Dxb2 Dxc2 Dxc2 Dxc2
3 Dxd2 Dxi2 tneg tpos Dxd2 Dxi2 tneg", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)

## Dxa2 Dxb2 Dxd2 Dxi2 tneg tpos Dxc2
## 7 4 2 2 2 1 3

You can turn the result to a data.frame too
## Var1 Freq
## 1 Dxa2 7
## 2 Dxb2 4
## 3 Dxd2 2
## 4 Dxi2 2
## 5 tneg 2
## 6 tpos 1
## 7 Dxc2 3

How to count frequency of elements from a columns of lists in pyspark dataframe?

The following command explodes the array, and provides the count of each element

import pyspark.sql.functions as F

df_ans = (df2
.withColumn("explode", F.explode("My_list"))

the result is

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